Introduction Introduction to A GUIDE TO THE TWELVE TISSUE REMEDIES OF BIOCHEMISTRY by E.P.Anshutz, M.D......
FURROWED TONGUE Homeopathy treatment of Furrowed Tongue, with indicated homeopathic remedies from the Diseases of the Skin by Frederick Myers Dearborn. ......
Tongue Tongue chapter from Dr. Oscar Eugene Boericke’s clinical homeopathic repertory, based on the Materia Medica by William Boericke, published in 1927.......
Tongue Detail description of the tissue salt Tongue biochemic remedy by E.P. Anshutz in his book A Guide to Twelve Tissue Remedies of Biochemistry, published in 1909..........
Robert Ellis Dudgeon 1820 – 1904 Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh in 1839, Robert Ellis Dudgeon studied in Paris and Vienna before graduating as a doctor. Robert Ellis Dudgeon then became the editor of the British Journal of Homeopathy and he held this post for forty years.
Robert Ellis Dudgeon practiced at the London Homeopathic Hospital and specialised in Optics.
Robert Ellis Dudgeon wrote Pathogenetic Cyclopaedia 1839, Cure of Pannus by Innoculation, London and Edinburgh Journal of Medical Science 1844, Hahnemann’s Organon, 1849, Lectures on the Theory & Practice of Homeopathy, 1853, Homeopathic Treatment and Prevention of Asiatic Cholera 1847, Hahnemann’s Therapeutic Hints 1847, On Subaqueous Vision, Philosophical Magazine, 1871, The Influence of Homeopathy on General Medical Practice Since the Death of Hahnemann 1874, Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica, 2 vols 1878-81, The Human Eye Its Optical Construction, 1878, Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura, 1880, The Sphygmograph, 1882, Materia Medica: Physiological and Applied 1884, Hahnemann the Founder of Scientific Therapeutics 1882, Hahnemann’s Organon 1893 5th Edition, Prolongation of Life 1900, Hahnemann’s Lesser Writing.