Right there I start my elimination and go right down the line to the particulars.

Dr. JACKSON: Regarding sinus conditions, we find in the majority of cases in the West, they are allergic; in other words, they are of a hayfever type. There are many of them, the majority of them perhaps, even complicated with asthmatic complications. Continuing with the absorption of the substance which is the aggravating factor, without a desensitization, hinders the action of the homoeopathic remedy very severely.

Desensitization in many of those cases is a very difficult problem because it isnt a single allergy; it is a multiple allergy and usually covers many, many fields.

DR. DIXON: I feel like rising to my feet again on this sinus affection. I have had lots of experience in it and Dr. Carr, I think, put his finger on the way of clearing them up, curing the patient of the sinus infections that are repeating over years — it is a pretty poor advertisement for the science of homoeopathy, I think. It should be cured. Oftentimes the background is tubercular. As I tell my new patients, a builder has to have a foundation. If you take a little time with the deep-acting remedies, the predisposing causes of aggravation, aggravated infections, you will clear up the cases and they dont repeat.

Tuberculinum is wonderfully good. Medorrhinum will come in so often you will be surprised, and Thuja is another one in the acute symptoms.

Dr. Stevens didnt mention one of my pets which might not be the one for the Connecticut Valley, but certainly is for Akron, Ohio, Spigelia.

Dr. MOORE: In those cold ones it is a good idea to keep Psorinum in mind. Sometimes that does very good work, and case management means quite a little. Take the youngsters off the candy, when they are eating a lot of candy. If you have them take cold bathing in the morning, starting in the summer and carrying it through to the winter. That will take care of the colds.

Dr. Stevens case of headache relieved by lying — that is also case management. Have them stop their lying.

Dr. STEVENS: Dr. Moore has a way of manufacturing interesting things, I think. I dont remember having said anything about headache was better lying.

DR. MOORE: Worse lying.

DR. STEVENS: I said worse stooping.

Dr. Dixon spoke of Spigelia. That is one of my favorite remedies for one-sided facial neuralgia. That may be often due to some sinus infection.

Grace Stevens