A FEW SINUS CASE. Conditions of aggravation and amelioration and other modalities serve to sharpen the focus on the final remedy of choice. No set potency is advised. The potency range is subservient to the most similar remedy It should be deep enough to produce reaction depending on the ability of the patient to react. Sinus cases, new or old, present a challenge which homoeopathy can meet with confidence and not infrequently solve.

In our New England climate involvement of the accessory nasal sinuses is not uncommon after acute upper respiratory infections. Here, too, not infrequently, we meet the so-called long standing sinus case which owes its chronicity to local treatments, punctures, and other routine drainage efforts.

In acute sinus conditions, not alone obstruction but also impatience intolerance of pain and agonizing pressure symptoms are common. In the chronic cases incapacitation, disillusionment, and even despair are the fruits of trial and error methods.

The homoeopathic approach in either the acute or chronic situations offers a high percentage of relief and cure. As in other diagnoses, no single drug is the remedy for the clinical label, nor any list of remedies good in sinus cases in any way limiting to the careful observer.

The complete totality in each individual case. i.e all that indicates natures reaction to invasive causes, in the starting point for the homoeopaths counter offensive. The list of symptoms and altered states may not be lengthy but it must mirror the outward and visible signs of the inner reaction of the vital force to these infections. A few cases illustrate.

1. M.H. April 8, 1941. One year duration following severe cold. Sinus opened four times she states, with little relief. The lady is irritable with the attacks, chilly, and sensitive to drafts. The headache is worse in damp weather. Menses clotted. Scanty and late. Perspiration of axillae and hands clammy. Averse to fats. Pulsatilla 1 M

May 1. 1941 Relieved Sac, lac.

June 5, 1942 Some return of pain for which cold relieves somewhat Pulsatilla 10 m. No recurrence.

II. H.M. 45 Years Jan. 2. 1943. Acute attack pounding pain over right eye several days, worse jar, worse morning, better closing his eyes. Chilly restless, impatient. Pain is worse on motion, but he travels from room to room which helps so long as he keeps moving. Perspiration without relief.

Rhus tox. 10M, relieved pain in twenty-four hours and there has been no return.

III. E.B. 23. Dec. 30, 1941. Sinus trouble for years. Present attack over right eye preceded by a cold.

He is chilly, takes cold easily, and is sensitive to drafts. Formerly had sweating feet relieved by foot powders. Pulsatilla 200 X.

IV. M.S. 47 Feb. 7, 1941 Duration fifteen years. Many doctors and hospital clinics consulted. COndition worse now for three weeks.

Always left-sided over head; obstruction of nose; dryness. pressure of head. Worse change of weather; worse open air. Some better cold. Aversion to smoking. Craves sour things. Pulsatilla 200x.

March 2. 1941 is improved. Has dull pain in chest. (This is found to be an old symptom.) Sac, lac.

April 21, 1942. No pain. Haemorrhoids with itching for several days. Sac.lac.

June 1. 1948. No complaints and ready to boost homoeopathy.

V.I.T., 38. June 1938 Sinus trouble seven years. Pressing pain, worse stooping. Has had right antrum opened. Postnasal catarrh. Sensitive to drafts, worse wet weather; subject to colds. Fearful on waking. Sees faces on closing his eyes. Worse lying on left side. Asthma in ragweed season Sulphur 1 M.

Has had no return of sinus or asthma in four years.

Vi. M.S. 1930. Acute sinus frontal duration three days. Pulsating pain. Loss of smell and taste. Trembling tongue, discoloration brownish Obstruction of nose; discharge but little but thick and yellow. Worse noise, worse light, worse jar Irritable, averse to consolation. Pain worse 1 p.m. Silica 1M.

Rapid relief. No return in twelve years.

VII. T.L. 30 May 21, 1938 Sinus. left antrum, two years. Punctures and drainage. Worse wet weather, worse draft. Craves salt, averse to fats. Obstruction better open air. Warm blooded Eczema of right leg. Sulphur CM.

June 30, 1938. Better until night of the hurricane Fear on waking. Sensitive to noise Discharge thick. viscid. Pain in forehead over eyes. Pain in forehead worse moving head or eyes Silica 1M.

There has been no need for further treatment.


1. Good results follow the choice of a remedy which has produced in its provings similar alternations in the mental states or environmental reactions.

2. Conditions of aggravation and amelioration and other modalities serve to sharpen the focus on the final remedy of choice.

3. No set potency is advised. The potency range is subservient to the most similar remedy It should be deep enough to produce reaction depending on the ability of the patient to react.

4. Sinus cases, new or old, present a challenge which homoeopathy can meet with confidence and not infrequently solve.

Ray W. Spalding