Ropy: HYDRAS., NIT. AC., SABIN. Asar., Bov., Caust., Croc., Kali bi., phyt., Sabin. Acon., Aesc., Am.m., Aran., Bor., Chel., Cocc.c., Graph., Kali br., Mez., Nat.c., Stann., Trill.

glairy: SABIN.

stringy: Calad.

long: Hydras., Kali bi.

Scalds: Nat.m.

Scanty: Sulph. Calad., Cur., Graph., Mag.c., Murx., Puls., Sars.

Sensitive, parts: Zinc.

Serous: see Watery.

Sexual excesses: see Masturbation.

excitement: Canth. Orig., Plat., Puls.

old maids: Orig.

Shooting upward, with bursting pain in head: Rhus.

Sitting, while: Ant.t.

walking or: smarting: Mag.c.

long, after: gushing: Lyc.

Sleeplessness precedes: Senec.

Smarting: CHAM. Ant.c., Carb.v., Con., Hep., Lach., Merc., Nat.m., Sulph. Alum., Cur., Ferr., Phos.ac., Phos., Sil., Tarent., Zinc.

noon, after, sitting or walking: Mag.c.

blisters, causes: phos.

corrodes, on first appearance only: Ferr.

salt-like: Sulph.

scratch until it bleeds, must: Sulph.

vulva and thighs, of: Sulph.

Soreness: Carb.v.

Stains: See Linen.

Squatting: gushing: Cocc.

Standing: Ars., Kreos. Aesc., Carb.an., Lac c.

emitting flatus or, drops out: ARS.

Starch, like: BOR.

boiled: NAT.M. Sabin. Ferr.i.

Sterility, causes: Kreos., Nat.c.

Stiffens: see Linen.

Stinging in os: CALC.

Stitches: Knife thrust in, as of a: Croc.

mons veneris: Jac.

pudenda to right thigh: Croc.

uterus: SEP.

Sticky: Merc. Aesc.

adhesive: Merc.

glutinous: Bor.

Stomach: indigestion: Nux m.

weak sense: Carb.v.

Stool, during: Calc.p.

every: Mag.m.

difficult: GRAPH.

bloody: Merc., Vib.

thick: Vib.

White: Vib.

after: especially: Zinc.

Stringy: see Ropy.

Suddenly comes and goes: Carb.v.

Suppressed: Am.m.

Sweat: fetid in axillae and feet, soles burn: Lyc.

Syphilitic: Merc. Jac.

acrid: Merc.c.

bubo, with suppurating: NIT.AC.

chancre, after: NIT.AC.

ophthalmia neonatorum, causes: Merc.c.

periostitis, with: Kali bi.

Tenacious: see Ropy.

Thick: ARS., HYDRAS., Aur., Bov., CArb.v., Iod., Kali bi., Mag.m., Nat.c., Phyt., Pod., Puls., Sep. Aesc., Alu,., Ambr., Anan., Ars.i., Aur.s., Bar.c., Bor., Bufo, Calc.s., Calc., Cast., Coc.c., Coll., Cur., Cur. Kali s., LAch., Mag.s., Mez., Murx., Myr.cer., Nat.a., Nat.m., Sabin., Sarr., Staph., Sulph., Syph., Zinc.

evening: morning and, especially: Zinc.

back, bruised pain in thighs and small of: Mag. s.

bloody: Murx.

congestion, passive, pelvis and liver: Pod.

menses, after. Nit.ac.

three days before and: Zinc.

before: Zinc.

between: Coll.

copious menses, like: Mag.s.

ovaritis, in chronic: Iod.

pasty white: Bor.

splenitis, in chronic: Cean.

stiffens: see Linen.

stool, during: Vib.

tenacious: Kali bi.

urination agg: CALC.

urticaria, during: Chlol.

uterus tumefied: Rob.

watery or: Acal.

white: Bor.

yellow, < urinating: CALC.

Thin: PULS. Ant.c., Ant.t., Asaf., Carb.an., Carb.v., Ferr., Graph., Kreos., Lyc., Nit.ac., Ol.an., Phos.ac., Phos., Sep., Sil. Alu,., Ambr., Am.c., Anan., ARg., ARs., Ars.i., Bufo, Carb.s. Cast., Cham., china.a., Cocc., Ferr.ars., Ferr.i., Ferr.p., Helon., Iod., Kali il., Kali n., Kali s., Lac c., Lil., Lob., Mag c., Mag.m., Merc., Merc. c., Mez., Murx., Nat.m., Nat.p., Nicc., Sabin., Sarr., Sec., Stann., Sulph., Sul.ac. Syph., Vib.

noon, after: till 12 p.m.: Lil.

whitish: Naj..

acrid: ant.c. Kali i., Lil., Puls.

bites: Puls.

excoriates: Lil.

brown, stains linen: Lil.

excoriates: Lil.

fetid: Sec.

menses, after: Vib.

pruritis, with: Tarent.

scanty with pinching around navel: Mag.c.

urination, after: Nicc.

white: Kali n.

whitish: Naj.

women, scrofulous: Iod.

Threads, in: Hydras.

Transparent: SEP. Alum., Bor., Caust., Nat.m., Pod., Sul.ac. Agn., Am.c., Am.m. Aur., Bov., Calc., Calc.p., Mez., Nit.ac., Pall., Petr. Plat., Stann., Stram., Ust.

Congestion of liver: Pod.

constipation with: Nat.m.

glassy: Nat.m.

jelly-like: Pall.

menses: < before and after: Pall.

mucus: Nat.m.

as if everything would fall out of abdomen: Alum. water, clear as: SEP.

Urethra: burning: Calc., Cann.s., Canth., Sulph.

discharge of mucus: Cann.s., Dulc., Merc., Thuj.

pain at meatus after urination: Sars.

urethritis: Apis.

Urination: after: Nicc.

brown: Am.m.

leucorrhoea ceases: Nat.c.

thin: Nicc.

before: mild, with frequent desire: Kreos.

morning agg.: Mag.m.

copious, frequent: Nat.c.

desire frequent: CALC., SIL. Cocc., Coff.

frequent: Nat.c.

especially at night: GRAPH.

urging: SEP.

milky leucorrhoea, urination painful: Cop.

yellow: CALC.

Uterus: atony: Alet., Caul., Cimic., Helon., Trill., Ust. Cancer: SIL.

cervical: Calc., Hydras., Nat.m., Sep. Alum., Cimic.

glandular portion: Phyt.

congestion: Caul.

constriction, spasmodic: China.

mucus hangs in long strings: Hydras.

prolapsus: Alet.

would occur: Bell., Lil., Nat.c., Nit.ac., Sep.

women, in scrawny: Sec. spasms, uterine, to things, after: Mag.m.

ulceration of os: Lept.

uterine leucorrhoea: Aur., Iris, Iod. Eup.pur.

with dysuria: Cham. weight in: Cimic.

Vagina: menses, after, follows constricting pains: Kreos. relaxation of walls: AGN. Ham.

tender, flow bloody: Ham.

vaginitis, in: Coc.c.

Viscid: HYDRAS., KALI BI. Bov. Aesc., Ant.t., Phos., Sabin., Stann.

Vulvitis, in, after parturition: Nat.s.

Walking agg.: BOV. Aesc. Aur., Carb ac., Graph., Lac c., Nat.m., Phos., Sars., Sep., Sulph., Tub. Alum., Anan., Calc., Kreos., Mag.m., Stront.

Watery (see Thin): Ant.c., Bufo, Cham., Graph., Kreos., Lac.c., Mag.m., Murx., Nat.p., Nit.ac., Syph. Ferr., Mag.c., Nicc., Sarr., Sep., Sil., Sulph.

acrid: NIT. AC.

biting: Kali i.

blackish: Rhus.

bloody: Calc.

debility, in: STANN.

greenish: SEP.

mattery: Kali s.

menses, after: Mag.c. Tab.

offensive: Rhus.

profuse: Helon.

serum, like: Cocc.

serous: Tab.

ulcerated os: Mur.ac.

uterine: Am.c.

Weakness (debility, languor, lassitude, prostration, weariness): CALC., GRAPH., KREOS., NAT.M. STANN. Caust., Ham., Helon., Iod., Petr., Phos.ac. Calc.p., Caul., Con., Hydras., Lyss., Trill., Zinc.

noon, after: 4 p.m.: Calad.

chest, seems to proceed from: STANN.

drains as bad as haemorrhages: Ham.

haemorrhage, after: Tarent.

Legs, in: Arg.n, Kreos.

walk, after a short, back gives out: Aesc.

White: Am.m., Aur., Bov., Calc., Carb.v., Con., Ferr., Graph., Kali chl., Kreos, Merc., Puls., Zinc. Alum., A,br., Am.c.

Anan., Ant.t., Arg., Ars., Bar.c., Berb., Bufo, Calc.p., Canth., Carb.s., Chel., Ferr. ars., Ferr.p., Gels., Kali i., Kali n., Lac c., Lil., Lyss., MAg.c., Merc.c., Mez., Nat.m., Ol.an., Pall., Petr., Phos., Plat., Pod., Sabin., Sarr., Sars., Sep., Sil., Stann., Stram., Sulph., Sul.ac., Syph., Ust., Vib., Zinc.

day, < during: milky leucorrhoea: Sep.

morning, especially on rising: GRAPH.

backache, lower part: Gels.

cataract, milky leucorrhoea: Euphr. exercise, during: Sars.

hysteria, in: Gels.

maids, old; Gels.

milky: Calad., Kali i.

< during day: Sep.

cataract, in: Euphr.

not thick: SEP.

vaginismus, in: Ign.

mucus: STANN. Bell., Ol.an.

in mania Puerperalis: Nux.

menses, two weeks after: Bor.

no other remedy indicated: Bor.

odor of green corn: KREOS.

scanty on walking or exercising: Sars.

sitting, after: Sumb.

stool, during: Vip.

students, of: Gels.

uterus tumefied at neck: Rob., Sil.

walking: Sars.

weakness: Lyss.

yellowish: Vib.

excoriates, thin: Graph.

after menses: Vib.

Women: old, atrophied, cancer cachexia: Helon.

Yellow: ARS., CHAM., HYDRAS., SEP., Alum,., Arg.n., Asar., Bufo, Calc.s., Carb.v., Graph., Iod., Kali bi., Kali n., Kali s., Kalm., Kreos., Lac d., Lyc., Merc., Merc.i., Myr.cer., Nat.c., Nux, Phos.ac., Puls., Zinc. Acon., Aesc., Alumn., Anan., Apis, Arg., Ars.i., Aur., Aur.m., Aur.s., Bov., Calc., Carb.an., Chel., Cinnb., Coll., Con., Cub., Eupi., Fl.ac., Gran., Kali ars., Kali c., Kali f., Kali p., Lac. c., Lach., LAc.ac., Lil., Merc. c., Merc.i.r., Murx., Nat.a., Nat.m., Nat.p., Nit.ac., Ol.j., Onos., Pall., Phos., Prun., Sabin., sil., Stann., Sulph., Sul.ac., Syph., Ust.

night: agg: Syph.

abdomen, after moving about in, as at appearance of menses: Inul.

brownish: Kreos.

Children: Merc.i.

nervous, with inherited syphilis: Syph.

climaxis, at: Sabin.

constant: most during menses: Puls.

corroding: Sabin.

dark, sticky, thick: Aesc.

excoriating: free, light: Alum.

before menses, < motion: Sep.

girls, young especially: Merc.i.

greenish: SULPH.

corroding: Sabin.

in uterine affections: Murx.

light, especially a.m.: Aur.m.

menses: after: dysmenorrhoea: TARENT.

mostly, with itching: Phos.ac.

before: Nat.m.

in dysmenorrhoea: Tarent.

most profuse after and: Sep.

between: Coll. Trill.

during, most: Puls.

motion agg.: Sep.

mucus: STANN. Nux.

ovaritis, in chronic: Iod.

phlegmasia alba dolens, in: Nat.s.

prolapsus, in: Aur. m.

splenitis, in chronic: Cean.

spots linen: Agn.

stains linen: Carb.ac.

sticky: Aesc.

thick: Aesc.

urination: before: Kreos.

desire frequent: Kreos.

urticaria, in: Chlor.

uterus, bruised sense in neck: Rob.

vagina, causes smarting in: Thuj.

watery: SEP.

whiter, turns, gets thicker and ceases: Pall.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.