daytime only: Alum., Lac.c c.

noon, after: evening and, agg.: Lil.

abdomen, weak sense in: phos.

abscess of breast: phyt.

acrid: Alum., Dig. Am.c., Apis., Ars., Sil.

back weak, walking or sitting: Graph.

bloody, colic: Coff.

colic: Coff.

writhes about navel: Nat.c.

excoriates: Lil. Sil.

heels, runs down to: Alum.

if on feet: Syph.

intermission, almost without: Mag.m.

irritating: Lil.

lumpy: fetid mucus: SEP.

menses, before and after: Nux.

between; clear mucus: Plat.

like the: Caust., Kreos. Alum., Mag.s.

milky, causes itching: SABIN.

mucus: bland: Caul.

colic: Coff.

excoriates: Merc.c.

purulent: Merc.i.

rheumatic pains: Still.

pain, spasmodic: Erig.

painless: Plat.

phlegmasia alba dolens: Nat.s.

prolapsus: plat. Agar., Aur.m., Con.

pudenda burning, sore: Sulph.

serum-like discharges from anus and vagina: LOB.

soaks through napkin: Syph.

splenitis, chronic: Cean.

sensitiveness, persistent: Ham.

stainless: Eupi.

tenacious: Phyt. Sil.

thick: tenacious: phyt.

yellow, every four or five days: Sec.

thin, biting, smarting: Graph.

urination, after: SEP.

washing, cold, amel.: Alum.

weakness: Lyc. Calad.

yellow: excoriates: Sil.

bright, when menses should appear: Lil.

yellowish: green: Sep.

pain in lower abdomen: Med.

stringy: Trill.

tenacious: Acon.

Corrosive: see Acrid.

on first appearing, not afterward: Ferr.

Cough: Nat.m.

after: Con.

alternates with: Iod.

Cream-like: PULS. Calc.p., Sec. alum., Bufo, Calc., Kali f., Nat., Sep., Staph., Trill.

noon, after: Calc.p.

menses, before: Trill.

painless, pudenda swollen: PULS.

weakness, from: Sec.

Dark: Kreos. Aesc., Agar., Croc., Nux m., SEc., Thlasp.

Debility: See Weak.

Dreams: lascivious, nightly: Petr.

Eggs: see Albuminous.

Epigastrium: burning: Calc.p.

dull, heavy sense: Gels.

weak sense: Hydras.

Epilepsy: Caust., Lach.

Eructations: SEP.

Eruptions: Brown spots: SEP.

eczema capitis: Sil.

moth spots, forehead: Caul.

tetter-like: Nat.m.

on temples: Alum.

Excoriates: see Acrid.

Exercise (see also Motion, Walking, etc.): Mag.m., Mag.s.

Expectoration, after: Con.

Face: acne, pus yellow: Calc.p.

complexion: dirty: Calc.p.

earthy, yellow: Nat.m.

pale: Lyc., Sep.

yellow: Nat.m., Sep. Caul., Caust., Ferr.

yellowish or brown spots: Sept. Caul., Nat.m.

Fainting: Cyc., Lach., Nux m. Bar.c., Sulph.

Fetid: See Odor.

Flesh color: Alum., Nit.ac. Bar.c., Bufo. Canth., China, Cocc., Kali., Kreos., Lyc., Sabin., Sep.

Fluids, loss of: or defective nutrition: Alet.

Gelatinous: Sep.

Girls: see Children.

Glairy: SABIN.

Glassy, transparent: Nat.m.

Gonorrhoeal: NIT.AC. puls. Aur.m., Cann.s., Cop., Plat., Sep., Thuj.

discharge like, during pregnancy: Bor.

Gray: Arg.

Greenish: CARB.V., MERC. NAT.M., NIT.AC., SEP., Asaf., Carb.ac., Kali c., Murx., Nat.s. Anan., Apis, Arg.n., Bov., Cop., Cub.,. Kali chl., Kali p., Kali s., Lach., Merc. i., Nat.c., Puls., Sec., Thuj.

menses, after: Nit.ac.

spots linen: Bov.

stains linen: Bov., Kali chl., Lach., Thuj.

tumefied uterus: Rob.

ulcerated cervix: Carb.ac.

as: Murx.

walking, especially after: Nat.m.

watery: SEp.

yellowish: Bov. Sep.

Gushing: CALC. GRAPH., LYC., SEP., SIL. Cocc., Gels, Eupi., Sabin., Thuj.

day: night and: Gels.

night or: GRAPH.

bending, on: Cocc.

constipation: Gels.

rising, on: Lyc.

siting, after long, clots fall to floor on rising: Lyc.

squatting, on: Cocc.

stains yellow: Thuj.

Haemorrhoids: oozing water fluid: Calc.p.

Hair falls: Lyc., Nat.m., Phos. Alum., Graph., Sulph.

pubes, from: Nat.m.

Headache: NAT.M., SEP. Kali bi. plat. Agar.

dull, in occiput: Aesc.

precedes leucorrhoea: Senec.

Heat: flushes: Lach., Sulph. Lyc.

genitals, of: CALC.

water, warm, flowing down: Bor.

Hoarseness, after: Nat.s. Con.

Honey color: Nat.p.

Hypochondrium: Pain in left: Cean.

Hysteria: PULS.

Itching: CALC. KREOS., SEP. Anac., Caust., Coll., Fl.ac., Hydras., Kali bi., Merc., Nat.m., Nit.ac., Sabin. Agar., Cub., Puls., Zinc.

climaxis: Murx.

vagina: SEP.

Jelly-like: Graph., Sabin. Cocc.c., Pall., Sec., Sep.

Linen: corrodes, eats holes in: Iod.

stains: brown: Lil.

green: Lach. Bov., Thuj.

yellow: Carb.an. Kreos., Nux.

stiffens: Alum., Kreos., LAch. Kali bi.

like starch: KREOS.

Liver complications: Hydras., Pod.

Lumpy: Ant.c., Bov., Merc. Ambr., Calc.s China, Psor., Sep.

black, small: China.

blood color: Ars.m.

clots, in: Cur.

after menses: China.

fetid: China.

flocks of us and mucus: Merc.

hazel nuts, as large as: Merc.

odor unbearable: Psor.

water, mixed with acrid: Ant.c.

Lying: PULS.

Masturbation, from: PULS. Canth., Plat. Orig.

Menses: Cocc., Iod., Mag.m. Alum., Ars., Bor., Carb.ac., Carb.v., China, Con., Graph., Merc., Phos., Puls., Zinc.

after: BOv., CALC., CALC.P. Alum., Ars.i., Bor., Carb.v., Cham., Graph., Hydras., Kreos., Lyc., Mag.c., Nat.p., Nicc., Nit.ac., Phos.ac., Phos., Plat., Puls., Ruta, Sil., Sulph. Aesc., Ars., Bufo, Calc.s., Carb.ac., Carb.s., Caust., Chel., China, China.a., Con., Cop., Cub., Ferr.i., Guare., Iod., Kali ars., Kali bi., Kali c., Kali n., Kali p., Kalm., Lil., Lyc., Merc., Nat.m., Nat.s., Pall., Sabin., Sul.ac., Tab., Thuj., Vib., Zinc.

days: some: Thlasp.

ten: Hydras.

intermits: Con.

daytime usually: Kali f.

long continued: Sabin.

weeks: one: Kalm.

two: Bor. Bar.c., Calc.p., Con., Mag.m., sulph. lasting three or four days: Mag.m.

before: BOV., CALC. Carb.v., Graph., Kreos., Nat.m., Phos.ac., phos., puls., Sep., Sulph., Alum., Aur.m., Bar.c., Berb., Bufo, Calc.p., Calc.s., Carb.s. Ced., China, Cocc., Cub., Ferr., Ferr.i., Ferr.p., Iod., Lach., Mag.m., Nat.c., Pall., Plat., Ruta. Sil., Thlasp., Vib., Zinc.

days: three: Lach.

six: Ced.

eight: Lach.

few KREOS.

immediately: Mag.m.

vicarious: Dig.

between: Bor., Calc., Sep. Cocc., Coll, Ipec., Kreos.

bloody discharge alternates with: Tarent.

hemicrania, in: Sep.

phthisis, in: Sep.

term to term: Calc.p., Thuj.

delayed: Hyper., Ziz.

feeble, follows: Ruta.

flows like: KREOS. Caust.

instead of: ARs., Ced., Chen.a., Cocc., Graph., Nux m., Phos., Zinc. Alum., Calc.p., China, Ferr.,, Lac.c., Sep., Sil.

irregular, scanty, follows: Sep.

like the: Alum., Caust., Kreos. MAg.s., Zinc.

menorrhagia, follows: Thuj.

scanty menses, with: Caust., Mez. Calc.p.

suppressed menses, with: Ziz.

worse as menses goes off: Calc.p.

Mind: anxiety: Calc.p.

depression: Murx.

excitement: Coff.

agg.: Calc.

fault finding: Calc.

girls: crossed in love: Calc.p.

fright, after, before menses are thoroughly established: PULS.

irritable: Acon., Calc.

sighing agg: Calad.

uterus prolapsed, happier with: Murx.

Mercury, after: NIT.AC.

Mild: KREOS., MERC. Alum., Brom., Caul., Kali m., Sulph., Thuj. Am.m., Bor., Kali f., Nux, Plat., Phos.ac., Ran.b., Ruta, Sep., Staph., Ziz.

chlorosis, in: Ferr.

constant: Lil.

copious: Lil.

milky: Ferr.

painless: PULs. Am.m. Nux.

stains greenish-yellow: Lil.

urination, before: Kreos.

Milky: CALC. Carb.v., Con., Ferr., Kreos., Lach., Phos., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Sul.ac. Am.c. Anan., Ang., Bor., Calc. P., Carb.s., Chel., Coff., Cop., Ferr.p., Graph., Kali chl., Kali i., Lyc., Nat.m., Phys., Puls., Sabin., Sarr., Sars., Sumb.

morning, early: Phos.

abdomen, labor-like pains in, after: Kreos,.

coccygodynia, after: KREOS.

corroding, in a child: Hyper.

cutting around navel precedes: SIL.

menses, after: Phos.

urination painful: Cop.

Walking: Phos.

watery: Ferr.

Moon, full, < before: Lyc.

Motion: downward agg.: Bor.

exercise, after: CALC. Mag.m.

day, during, especially 4 p.m.: Calad.

walking agg: Aesc., Bov., Carb.an., Mag.m., Nat.m., Sars. Alum., Calc., Kreos.

while: Stront.

soreness: SEP.

Mucus: SEP. Alum., Arg.n., Ars., Carb.v., Caul., Coff., Con., Graph., Hydras., Kali c., Kali i., Lach., Merc., NIT.AC., Ol.an., Petr., Phos.ac., Pod., Puls., Sabad., Sars., Sulph., Thuj., Zinc. Bar.c., Bov., Cocc.c., Diad., Hippoz., Lyss., Plb.

noon, after: 4 p.m.: Puls.

abdomen, griping in upper: Zinc.

acrid: Con. Mag.c., Phos.

accumulates between labia and thigh: CALC.

aged women: Phos.

bloody: Bar.c., Carb.v., Kreos. Aloe, Cant., Con., Sep., Zinc.

thick, purulent: Cop.

at times slightly tinged: Raph.

bluish-white: night, at: Ambr. (in nymphomania).

clear, sudden pain in sacrum at 4 p.m.: Puls.

coition, after: Nat.c.

colic precedes: Mag.c.

constipation: Pod.

fetid: Caps.

glassy: Nat.m.

gonorrhoea, in: Med.

green: NIT.AC.

jelly-like: Sabin. Pall., Sec., Sep.

long strings: Hydras.

lying down: PULS.

menses, after: Nit.ac.

purulent: Merc.

before: long pieces: Ferr.

fortnight: Sulph.

milk color, especially on lying down: PULS.

profuse, especially during menses: PHOS.

purulent: Cop., Syph.

sterility, causes: Nat.c.

strings, in long: Hydras.

thick: bloody, purulent: Cop.

transparent: Pod.

white: PULS.

thin as water: Merc.c.

transparent: STANN.

watery, whitish: phos.

white: Bell.

watery: Phos.

Purulent: SEP. Alum., China, Cocc., Ign., Merc. Anan., ARg., bufo, Calc., Calc.s., Cinnb., Cur., Kali f., Kali s., Kreos., Merc.i., Nit.ac., Sabin., Sec., Sil.

blood, like haemorrhage, between periods: Rob.

bloody: Kreos.

cancer, in uterine: Arg. Syph.

climaxis: Sabin.

ichorous: Kreos., Sabin.

menses, between: Rob.

offensive: Kreos.

phlegmasia alba dolens, in: Nat.s.

pungent: Kreos.

pus discolored: Hep.

ulceration of uterus: Bufo.

white or yellow: Hep.

Rectum: burning: Alum., Coll.

irritation: Erig.

itching: Carb.v.

bloody mucous discharge: Rat.

pain: Erig., Merc., Sep.

prolapsed: Pod. Ign., Sep., Sulph.

sense: Aesc.

soreness: Mur.ac. Alum.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.