
Numbness of the skin or of the muscles of certain parts of limbs.

Great restlessness of feet (RHUS T., ZINC., Vipera).

Paralysis of legs following suppression of eruption on arms.

Purpura on inner side of thigh.

Old itch eruption on inner side of thigh and in popliteal space.

Dry herpes especially in bends of knees.

Eruption about joints makes walking difficult, as if encased in armor.

Legs raw and scabby from scratching. Violent itching from warmth of bed even when there is no eruption.

Oozing blisters on legs, from small pustules increasing in size, with tearing pain.

Ulcers on legs, usually about tibiae and ankles or other joints; ulcers are indolent, slow to heal; on lower limbs with intolerable itching over whole body; on feet, vesicles between ulcers on feet.

Large swelling about ankles.

Herpetic or other itching eruptions especially in bends of joints, in bends of elbows and in popliteal spaces, on dorsum of foot.

Eruption on insteps soon becoming thick, dirty, scaly, suppurating; painful and itching at times, keeping him awake.

Ulcers on small joints (Borax, Lappa, Mez., Sep.).

Cracked toes, itching between toes (Nat.m.), with cracks.

Thickened dark brown and very disgusting callous covering entire soles of feet, especially on affected side (infantile paralysis). Callosities on soles of feet (Bar.c., ANT.C., Calc.c., Graph., Tuberc.).

Boils recurrent on nates, thighs, upper arms and body, fine stitches on touch.

Ulcers on the thighs especially, also on ankles and above them on lower part of calves, with itching, gnawing, tickling around the borders and a gnawing pain as from salt on the base of the ulcer itself; surrounding parts are of brown and bluish color, with varices near the ulcers with tearing pains during storms and rains, < at night; often accompanied with erysipelas after vexation or fright, or attended with cramps in the calves.

Varicose veins on lower limbs or on the arms, with tearing pains during storms, or with itching in the varices. Varices on lower limbs (FLUOR.AC., LYC., PULS., Scirrhinum).

Corns even without external pressure, burn and have lancinating pains.

Corns between second and third toes of left foot.

Tumefaction and suppuration of the humerus, the femur, the patella, and bones of fingers and toes.

Encysted tumors (wens) in the skin, the cellular tissue beneath it or in the bursae mucosae of the tendons of various forms and sizes; cold without sensibility.

Dropsy of feet or of one foot.

Caries; rachitis.

Rheumatic pains in joints after suppressed gonorrhoea (MED., Cob., THUJA).

Walks better in bare feet.


Nervous, restless, easily startled.

Subsultus tendinum.

Malaise, feels tired out (GELS., TUBERC.). Constantly tired and sleepy, very little labor exhausts him, exhausted after a ride.

Attacks or paralytic weakness and paralytic lassitude of on arm, one hand, one leg, without pain either coming and going quickly or coming and going gradually.

When sitting feels intolerably weary, but stronger while walking.

Weakness of all the joints of the body as if they would not hold together.

Very weak and miserable after suppressed eruption.

Weakness and paralysis with trembling; looks pale and exhausted and thinner; loss of strength with cough and oppression in chest.

Trembling and chilliness with pain in chest.

Debility; independent of any organic disease, loss of appetite; tendency to perspiration on exertion and at night; after acute disease or loss of fluids; after typhoid with despair of recovery; thinks he is very ill when he is not; appetite will not return; evil consequences of suppressed eruptions especially after large doses of Sulphur; after typhoid; diphtheria, pneumonia (Kali c. after parturition or abortion).

Constantly increasing debility in abdominal affections.

Sudden spells of fainting and sinking of strength with loss of consciousness.

Momentary attacks of loss of consciousness, with an inclination of head to one shoulder with or without jerks of some part of the body.

Slow spasmodic straining of the flexor muscles of the limbs; tonic shortening of flexor muscles, tetanus.

Involuntary turning and twisting of the head or the limbs, with full consciousness-chorea.

Sudden jerks of some muscles and limbs even while walking; of the tongue, the lips, muscles of the face, of the pharynx, the eyes, the jaws, the hands, the feet.

Frequent attacks of epilepsy, with religious melancholy. (Improved).

Epilepsies of various kinds.

A man, age 21, was obliged to run until nearly exhausted; although strong and well before, he now became weak, perspiring easily, and had severe pain in right side, < coughing, laughing, motion.

Mr. C., age 43, spare, dark, hypochondriacal, nervous for nine months; had to give up business; took much quinine and many other drugs without relief. Disagreeable sensation about head with great mental depression; thinks he will never recover, hopeless an despondent; cannot apply mind to business; confused, cannot reckon. Numbness of arms and legs, < left side, < going to bed, formication and crawling, with pricking and smarting on scalp and on extremities. Tongue coated white. After three months treatment remained stationary. It was then ascertained that he sweated very easily on least exertion and somewhat at night, with great loss of memory. Psor. 400 soon caused marked improvement and enabled him to return to business.

Psor. is THE remedy in infantile paralysis. (J.W. Enos).

Dr. G.W. McKenzie relates the following: The case which in my experience comes nearest the unbelievable is one of neuritis of the brachial plexus which was so fearful that it is better no to tell the whole story rather than run the risk of straining anyone;s belief in anothers veracity. Arsenic seemed to be the remedy indicated since it matched up precisely with twenty-three symptoms manifested by the patient. It did improve him every time it was taken, like morphia is supposed to act, even after a quarter grain of morphia had failed to bring the least bit of relief. After nine months of severe suffering Psor. was prescribed in the one thousandth potency and within twenty minutes the patient went to sleep to wake up eight hours later in the same position in bed that he assumed on retiring.


Sleepy by day, sleepless at night, from intolerable itching, dyspnoea, congestion to head, sleepless after midnight from congestion of head.

Child apparently well, but at night would twist and turn and fret from bedtime till morning and next day be as lively as ever.

Sick babies will not sleep at night but worry and fret and cry (Jalapa).

Sleepiness during day, often immediately after sitting down, especially after meals.

Always tired and sleepy.

Difficulty in falling asleep on going to bed; he often lies awake for hours; he passes the night in a mere slumber.

Sleeplessness from anxious heat, every night an anxiety which sometimes rises so high that he must an anxiety which sometimes rises so high that he must get up from his bed and walk about. Sleeplessness from intolerable itching.

After 3 a.m. no sleep or very light sleep.

As soon as he closes his eyes all manner of fantastic appearances and distorted faces appear. On going to sleep she is disquieted by strange anxious fancies, she has to get up and walk about.

Loud talking, screaming during sleep.

Somnambulism; he rises at night, while sleeping with closed eyes and attends to various duties, he performs even dangerous feats with ease, without knowing anything about them when awake.

Attacks of suffocation while sleeping (nightmare).

Dreams: anxious; vivid; continue after waking; of robbers (Nat. m.,, Sanic.); of danger; of travel; of business (Pyrog.); horrible (Med., Nux V.).

On waking cannot get rid of the one persistent idea.

Nightmare, he usually suddenly awakes at night from a frightful dream, but cannot move, nor call nor speak, and when he endeavors to move, he suffers intolerable pain, as if he were being torn to pieces.

Very vivid dreams, as if awake; or sad, frightful, anxious vexing, lascivious dreams.

In morning, lies in same position as when he fell asleep.

Early on waking dizzy, indolent, unrefreshed, as if he had not done sleeping and more tired than in the evening when he went to bed; it takes him several hours (and only after rising), before he can recover from his weariness.

After a very restless night he often has more strength in the morning than after a quiet sound sleep.

Various sorts of severe pains at night, or nocturnal thirst, dryness of the throat, of the mouth of frequent urination at night.


Patient is so hot that the hand under the covers feels as if in a steam bath and the sensation of heat causes on to draw it back, it is steam; as intense heat as Bell. but the Bell. heat is dry. Head and body hot, and hot air and steam under the covers. (Opium in violent congestion, in apoplectic conditions.).

Covered with boiling sweat in fevers.

Heat with steaming sweat.

Chilliness in evening on upper arms and thighs with thirst; DRINKING CAUSES COUGH (CIMEX, Dig.), then heat and cough, with oppression of chest; and trembling, with attack of pain in chest.

Margaret Burgess Webster