
Pericarditis of psoric origin, > lying quietly.

Pulse: weak, irregular, rapid; weak, feeble; irritable, indicating return of abscesses on neck.


Painful stiffness of neck, soreness and tearing on bending backward.

Glands of neck swollen on both sides, painful to touch as if bruised: pain extends to head.

Growth in middle of right neck (2 by 3 in), moderately hard and very little if at all movable, growing with increased rapidity for your years, appeared to be in right sternomastoid; heart symptoms with general weakness, dusky face, dazed look. Psor. 42M. cured in eight months after failure of Sulph. and Cistus can. (R. E.S. Hayes).

Lancinating, cutting painful stiffness in nape of neck; of small of back.

Herpetic eruption on side of neck extending to cheek.

Nape of neck excoriated by discharge from eczema capitis. Pain in cervical region > by pressure (Zinc.).

Tearing and stitches between scapulae. PRessive pain between shoulder blades.

Sensation of pressure upon the shoulders.

When breathing frequent stitches form back towards chest.

Backache when walking with stitches in sternum.

Weakness and pain in small of back, < from motion; constant pressing in small of back, < motion.

Excessive backache. Backache with constipation.

Severe backache as if bruised, cannot straighten out.

Backache after suppressed eruption.

In the small of the back, in the back and in the nape of the neck, drawing, tearing, tensive pain.

Lumbar ache, < standing or walking ( < standing, Zinc. ars.).

Pain in lumbar region on waking (Sep.).

Spina bifida.

Coldness in lumbar region (EUP. PER., LACH., Puls., Sulph.).

Pain in back relieved by pressure (KALI C., Nat.m., SEP.).

Sensation as if vertebrae absent (Mag.p.).


Lameness and soreness of right shoulder extending to hand; arms as if paralyzed and lame from shoulder to hands. Tearing in arms.

Numbness in upper arms (CACT., Bursa past., Rhus t.).

Small millet-like eruption on arms, exuding a yellow fluid, itches intensely in heat.

Eruption in bends of elbows, around wrists, on backs of hands.

Itching eruption on wrists and tearing in limbs. Trembling of hands (Tuberc.).

Swelling and tension of backs of hands and of fingers.

Pustules on hands, suppurating near finger ends.

Skin of hands rough, chaps easily (Cenchris), becomes thick and scaly, easily cracks; breaks out in little scaly eruptions, looks unwashed, always appears to have dirty hands.

Arms scabby from scratching.

Psoriasis (by dish washing. (In psoriasis palmaris Phos. leads all remedies. C. M. Boger).

Itching blister-like eruption between fingers; itching between fingers.

Copper-colored eruption or red blisters on backs of hands.

Herpes on palms of hands, itching.

Malignant boil, on hand a cone-shaped scab size of a quarter of a dollar on a base as large again, bluish red and strongly demarcated, where scab extends over ring there is another moist white ring which forms a new scab; much tension and burning.

Sweaty hands, especially at night; perspiration of palms on exertion (Calc.c.); cold perspiration of hands (Pyrog., Sanic.); hands moist with cold clammy sweat, the very touch of which was unpleasant.

Small warts, size of pins head on left hand; on lower arm and hands.

Wrings hands (Kali brom., Phos., Stram., Sulph., Ther.).

Panaris; whitlow; paronychia.

Nails brittle (Graph., Alum., Dios.,, Senecio, Sil., Sulph.).

Itch: in axilla; bends of elbows; arm; forearm; elbow and wrist; hands; finger joints.

Ulcers on small joints (Borax., Lappa, Mez., Sep.).

Stitching pain in fingers.

The joints of fingers swollen with pressive pains, painful when touching or bending or bending them.

Dying off of certain fingers or of hands.

Heat in hand and feet.

Crawling picking formication, as if asleep, in if asleep,in arms and finger tips.

Chilblains (PETROL.), even when it is not winter on fingers and toes, itching, burning and lancinating pains.

Sense of looseness in joints (Croc., Chel., Stram.).

Eczema of fingers and wrists, beginning and more marked as vesicles between the fingers, they rupture and become scaly, < from warmth, washing, and at night. Cured Psor. 200 and 9m. (Sloan).

Numbness of left upper extremity (CACT., Bursa past., Rhus t.).

Arthur D., age 21, has had for two months a papular eruptions hands, forearms, between fingers, in the popliteal and elbow flexures, with intolerable itching, bleeding and burning after scratching; great thirst for cold water in large quantities; itching < at night when warm in bed; sweats easily and profusely; very weak and emaciated; is anxious regarding his condition. Psor. CM. one dose cured.

E.M., age 8, a papular, vesicular eruption over entire body, but aggravated in the flexures of the joints, on hands and wrists and between fingers; in palms resembles eczema; the itching was intolerable, scratches until it bled, which relieved itching and he would sleep; < at night, on undressing and in bed; night seats without relief; face sallow, pale; tongue coated dirty white; great thirst for cold water; offensive odor from body; periostitis of right tibia, resulting in abscess. After removal of sequestrum, under Psor. fully recovered.

Freckles small and round; brown or brownish spots on face, hands and chest.

Liver spots, large brownish spots over whole limb, arms, neck, and chest.

Glandular swellings in bend of elbows.

Attacks of sudden heaviness of arms and legs.

Numbness of arm when supporting head with arm.

Increasing susceptibility to straining a joint, even by a very slight muscular effort, by slight muscular labor, or stretching the arms above the head for the purpose of reaching something,on lifting light things, on rolling something, etc. This, often slight, straining or extending the muscles sometimes induces the most violent effects, such as fainting, hysterics, complaints of all degrees, haemoptysis.

Almost constant yawning, stretching, straining of the limbs.

Bringing arms close to body < dyspnoea.

Sudden jerking of hands; constant tremor, beating with hands.


Pains in hip joints as if dislocated, < when walking, with weak arms.

Joints seem loose (Chel., Phos. ac.).

Weakness in all joints as if they would not hold together. Predisposition to straining or spraining the joints at a misstep or a wrong grasp, increases at times to dislocation, e.g., in the tarsus, shoulder joint, etc.

The snapping and crackling of the joints at any motion of the limb increases with a disagreeable sensation. Joints crack on moving, or they make a snapping noise.

Sciatic pains, tension down to knee when walking; ischias; sciatica.

Joints easily sprained.

Almost constant yawning, stretching and straining of limbs.

Knees give way, sudden bending of the knees.

Pain in knee caused by a fall a year ago; chronic gonaditis.

Joints painful on motion; joints stiff; ligaments seem too short: thickening and stiffening.

Thickening of the joints, they are hard, swollen and pain on bending.

Gout in lower extremities.

Arthritis, rheumatism, especially in chronic forms.

For many years gouty pains with dry cough, constrictive pressure and cutting tearing pain at sternum near fourth and fifth ribs; great despondency and ill humor.

Pains in legs, especially in tibia and soles after too much exercise in walking, with a peculiar restlessness in legs, he must frequently change position, passes off after rising.

For four or five weeks while walking feel as if left foot were pulled around inward, so that he looked to see if it were really so. Locomotor ataxia.

Hand and feet as if broken early in morning and after a little work.

Tearing in limbs; in left knee; in left axilla.

Drawing, tearing, tensive pains, partly in muscles and partly in joints.

In periosteum here and there, especially in periosteum of long bones, pressing drawing pains.

Sensation of scraping or tearing on bone, in joints, with a red, hot swelling, painfully sensitive to touch and to air, with under belly sensitive, peevish disposition.

Painful cramps in muscles come and and increase without appreciable cause.

Stitches in soles heels while standing. Stitching pains in fingers and toes.

Burning in soles of feet (Lach., Med., Sanic., Sulph.); heat in hands and feet; hot itching soles, soles itch (cimic., Med., Tarent.).

Feet cold at night in bed (CALC.C.), left foot colder than right.

Crawling, pricking sensation in the arms, in the finger tips, in the legs.

Crawling or whirling or an internally itching restlessness, especially in the lower limbs, in the evening in bed or early on waking, must be moved every minute.

Attacks of sudden heaviness of arms and legs.

While walking in the open air sudden attacks of faintness especially in the legs.

Children fall easily without any visible cause; also similar attacks of weakness with adults in the legs so that in walking one foot glides this way and the other that way.

Attacks of tremor in the legs without anxiety; continuous, constant trembling, in some cases beating with he hands, the arms, the legs.

Trembling of hands and feet.

Feet go to sleep. The going to sleep increases and follows on slight causes, as supporting head with arm, crossing legs while sitting (Rad. brom.). Numbness of left lower limbs (Bursa past., Med., Nat.m., Phos.).

Margaret Burgess Webster