DR. DAYTON T. PULFORD: I should like to thank Dr. Green for a very constructive paper.

Hypericum is probably one of the best remedies to make a good showing on a patient. I had an experience of my own about a month ago. In a moment of aggravation I stuck my fingers into an electric fan and Father gave me a dose of Hypericum; I felt it taking hold and in fifteen minutes time I was able to go ahead with my work.

DR. GRIMMER : Mr. Chairman, the action of Graphites seems almost specific on the eyelids. It has cured large tarsal tumors, as large as pea, and done it very promptly.

The doctor has given us an interesting paper to help us out in any of these acute surgical conditions, not only minor but even major, and no doubt a lot of our operations would be more successful if some of these homoeopathically surgical remedies were used.

DR. EDWARDS: There are two remedies I find very effective on the eyelid, Silica and Graphites and I have had a great many cases.

DR. HAYES: I was interested in the mention of Calendula; Calendula is a wonderful remedy. It would be a fine thing if the dentists would use it. There is another medicine along the same line which is very valuable and just as magical as Calendula and that is Collinsonia canadensis, used anywhere the skin is broken, where we cant use Arnica. It has a wonderful effect, just as marvelous as Calendula, and the patient never forgets it.

DR. COLEMAN: Dont forget Staphisagria on the eyelids. I have cured many cases, but it doesnt work always.

Julia M. Green