Hpathy Needs Your Help!


In many homes with little ones, parents and children are engaged in constant battles at meal times in which the children are usually victorious. As a result of this we find many undernourished children who have developed marked behavior disturbances, and many worried, anxious and worn mothers and nurses; as well as indignant fathers.


A long painful list of symptoms must fail to hold interest, for such a list can easily be obtained in any of our many works on materia medica as the need may arise for it. In such a group of symptoms there is a lack of continuity and spirit that relegates it to the category of dead inanimate things.


The eruption was now dry – no bleeding nor moisture and he received Sac. lac. On December 27, the rash was much better and the glands much smaller. He was again given Sac. lac. The next visit was March 3 and the eruption was quite better. There were paler areas of skin where the rash had been and there were only two glands palpable, and these much reduced.


Earlier observers had for some time been describing a condition of catarrh and various degrees of inflammation of the vermiform appendix under the title of typhlitis and perityphlitis, and a few had recognized the rupture of the appendix as a probable cause of the widespread peritonitis that had proved so unmanageable and so fatal.


The Sabadilla was permitted to act undisturbed, the potency being upon a sufficient plane of action. It has proven to be a remedy of deep and long action. A continued general and local improvement is opening a renewed productive activity to our newly acquired friend of homoeopathy.


Ruta is useful in the effects from overuse of the eyes; there is lachrymation; aching and burning pains; < in open air; and tension of the ocular muscles. The vision is disturbed, becomes dim when using the eyes, and there is a haziness of vision that corresponds to the general lack of coordination found to be distinguishing feature of the remedy.


No remedies are more effective than serpent poisons in helping cases of systemic bacterial poisoning. If, after a surgical operation, symptoms of commencing septicaemia are visible Lachesis or Crotalus should be given at once. In acute tuberculosis or acute exacerbations of other chronic diseases Crotalus and Elaps are to be preferred to Lachesis.


The tumor grew larger for the best part of the first year, then gradually smaller. Haemorrhages diminished rapidly and were gone in a few months, leaving a normal, regular menstruation. The tumor at the umbilicus ceased to bleed but would turn bluish and extremely sore during her periods.


In pursuing investigations on the border region of physics and physiology, I was amazed to find boundary lines vanishing and points of contact emerge between the realms of the Living and Non-Living. Metals are found to respond to stimuli; they are subject to fatigue, stimulated by certain drugs and “killed” by poisons.