Ruta is useful in the effects from overuse of the eyes; there is lachrymation; aching and burning pains; < in open air; and tension of the ocular muscles. The vision is disturbed, becomes dim when using the eyes, and there is a haziness of vision that corresponds to the general lack of coordination found to be distinguishing feature of the remedy.

Ruta graveolens is the common rue of the garden, and has been used as a remedy since ancient times. It is one of the remedies which cause of its antiquity has often been overlooked.

It is valuable in dislocations, sprains and fractures of bones, often following Arnica. Arnica is indicated in the primary stage of injury, especially of the sort parts, in concussions, loss of consciousness, and general shock state.

Ruta has a particularly affinity for bony structure, those parts scantily covered by soft tissue, with extensive injury of the periosteum. The bone pains are excruciating, of a pressing nature, < from rest and wet weather. There is great restlessness, and nurse and friends will increasingly urge some form of direct relief to the patient. The pain is quickly controlled by the remedy when indicated. In fracture of the skull the exudation at the point of injury and the constitutional disturbance unless Ruta is given.

There is general sensitiveness to cold and wet weather, as in Rhus. In many respects Ruta is complementary to Rhus. There is impatience, anxiety, and anger with tendency to contradict. The depression and despair is partly obscured by the excitable mental state of the patient under the shock stress.

Ruta is useful in the effects from overuse of the eyes; there is lachrymation; aching and burning pains; < in open air; and tension of the ocular muscles. The vision is disturbed, becomes dim when using the eyes, and there is a haziness of vision that corresponds to the general lack of coordination found to be distinguishing feature of the remedy.

The remedy under consideration is valuable in spinal irritation, that which comes from prolonged occupational or other jar. Weakness of legs with reduction of function. There is pain when walking, pressure or lying on back ameliorates. Rheumatic conditions, < by wet weather, from cold, and > from motion.



DR. MCLAREN: I can corroborate what Dr. Waffensmith says about the use of Ruta in eye cases. If a person comes in and says he has a pain from using his eyes, and there are no other symptoms, you need never give any other remedy but Ruta, and it very seldom lets you down.

We all use it for sprains and injuries, but this symptom of the eye is extremely valuable.

DR. GRIMMER: There is another symptom which is in relation to the conditions the doctor mentioned. He spoke of the marked effect of Ruta on the periosteum. Very often you will find people who have to stand on their feet who are crippled up and very sensitive and you inquire to see whether that is in the soft tissues or in the deeper ones. If it is in the soft tissues, Arnica, or in some cases Medorrhinum; if the pains are associated with burning and swelling and you have a sycotic history, then, of course, Medorrhinum, but if the pains are deep, as if in the bones of the feet, then Ruta becomes the best remedy.

DR. MOORE: I want to add just one comment of Dr. Margaret Tyler, on Ruta, “That wonderful wrist remedy!”.

J.W. Waffensmith
J.W. Waffensmith, M.D. 1881-1961
Education: Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surgery
Author, Distinctive Phases Of Kali Carb. and Homeopathy , the medical stabilizer