The Sabadilla was permitted to act undisturbed, the potency being upon a sufficient plane of action. It has proven to be a remedy of deep and long action. A continued general and local improvement is opening a renewed productive activity to our newly acquired friend of homoeopathy.

Dec. 16, 1933. Male, married, age 58 years. Began with chilliness along the spine. Has had a grippy cold for several days. Frontal headache. Thirst. Sore pain in abdomen. Diarrhoea; stools thin, look like mustard; offensive. Cramps in legs > heat. Temperature 101.6.

History of migraine when a child; of fall and injury to head; of weak stomach. Red moles. Natrum sulph. 30 (B. & T.).

Dec. 20, 1933. A favorable reaction to the remedy resulted in continued improvement of constitutional status and the intestinal disturbance.

Jan. 10, 1934. Inflammation of tonsils, left side, < cold water, > hot drinks, < lying. Posterior dropping of thick yellow mucus. Recurrent colds. Hoarseness. Sabadilla 10M. (Sk.).

Feb, 9, 1934. Weakness. Stinging pain in throat. Constant desire to swallow.

The patient is a prominent executive over some 5,000 persons, the work requiring a great amount of energy. His associates and family realized an impending crisis.

Link after link was being forged into a chain of recurrent conditions, leading toward the inevitable day when he will be compelled to relinquish the responsibility he strove during a lifetime to acquire.

He is thin and active, a quick thinker, and the facial aspect presents evidence of rigid self-discipline under intense pressure within. The waxy appearance of the skin, small and irregularly shaped red moles scattered over the trunk, and the lack of nutritive symmetry corresponding to the age, give mute evidence of the basic miasmatic duality.

The history of a fall and injury to the head is fully covered by Natrum sulph. The tendency to fall has an underlying lack of coordination that may not come fully to the surface until middle age. Frequently we see an overreaction, basically psoric, that during the years becomes definitely localized through the activation of the sycotic miasm. In this patient it was a hereditary habit form of miasmatic combination, corroborated by the incentives governing his conduct of early life. After all we live in practice the potential pattern brought out by the particular stimulation of our early training plus miasmatic direction. The reserve field is comprehensive and the course of life necessarily restricted. In fact, we never know, in giving a remedy, what may be prevented or released thereby.

Natrum sulph. cleared the acute abdominal condition, which may have been a result of a long series of suppressions upon the internal skin. There came into view the earlier manifestations of the upper respiratory tract. The full eruptive vengeance of the internal psora was directed to this restricted area, including sinus involvement. The elimination was profuse and prolonged. A constant desire to swallow persisted for an indefinite time, being one of the last symptoms to clear up.

The Sabadilla was permitted to act undisturbed, the potency being upon a sufficient plane of action. It has proven to be a remedy of deep and long action. A continued general and local improvement is opening a renewed productive activity to our newly acquired friend of homoeopathy.


J.W. Waffensmith
J.W. Waffensmith, M.D. 1881-1961
Education: Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surgery
Author, Distinctive Phases Of Kali Carb. and Homeopathy , the medical stabilizer