The cough is aggravated at 4 a.m., ameliorated by eructation. Clarke recommends this remedy as being one of the best for cases of lumbago.

Teucrium SCORADONIA is mentioned because it has cured a case with strong Ant. tart. symptoms on a tubercular base, where Ant. tart. was given without relief of the constant rattling cough or of the emaciation and general weakness present.

In Teucrium, the cervical glands of the neck are more pronounced than is generally found under Ant. tart. Teucrium scorod. has cured a case of advanced tuberculosis with a cavity of the left lung.

A case of chronic, periodical headache, very severe, occurring at the menstrual period of a young unmarried woman, who also suffered from very profuse flow and almost unbearable cramps all at the same time, yielded promptly and permanently to this remedy given in potencies of the 10 and 50M, each dose at long intervals apart.

This remedy needs a proving, as its empirical applications show great possibilities in curative energy. These can only be developed by a good proving.


Helix tosta is another lung remedy of undoubted power. Tubercular cases with haemorrhage may find this the needed remedy. Cough with blood spitting and continuous hoarseness. Cough at night preventing sleep. Dyspnoea aggravated ascending stairs. Two cases, mentioned by Clarke, were cured with the CM potency. One, a man, had frequent attacks of hemoptysis, continuous hoarseness, dry tickling cough aggravated at night preventing sleep, dyspnoea aggravated climbing stairs. He had all the usual remedies, Helix tosta, CM, three powders given. There was no more haemorrhage. A few weeks later a return was feared and a few more doses given. Four months later the patient was greatly improved in health and remained well.

Second case: A lady of tubercular diathesis, developed the disease after confinement. Several well indicated remedies failed to check its progress. At length haemorrhage set in. Helix was given, as in the other case, with prompt effect. Haemorrhage ceased, cough and expectoration gradually improved, and in eight months the patient was well, and remained so.

These cases, quoted from Clarke, indicate the value of this remedy and the need of a proving of it, that we may better apply another weapon in our fight against the great “white plague”.

The key, as we see the remedy now, is the haemorrhagic tendency it has cured, and remedies that are valuable for this phase of tuberculosis are especially desirable, because such cases are noted for the difficulty of curing them.



CHAIRMAN PULFORD: This very interesting paper is now open for discussion.

DR. C. R. MILLER: What strength Antimonium?.

DR. GRIMMER: Everything from 30 up. I generally prefer the ten- thousandth.

DR. ALFRED PULFORD: I want to thank Dr. Grimmer very cordially for this paper. When I saw the heading, it made me want to come all the more.

Once I tried to prescribe Teucrium scoradonia, but I didnt know anything about it and when I saw this heading, I realized that Dr. Grimmer has always had something good to tell us and teach us and I do thank him for this paper because I want to see it published just as soon as it can be.

DR. M. I. BOGER-SHATTUCK: Regarding Antimonium tartaricum, I had a perfectly remarkable experience this past winter. I was called to see a baby which had been undergoing regular treatment for pneumonia. When I got there, the baby was lying back perfectly white, looking almost like marble, with these rattles in the chest, the temperature 106 degrees, and they had told the parents everything possible had been done by regular medicine. I was called because they thought the child was going to die. I, too, thought the child was going to die and I happened to have some Antimonium tartaricum and I put three or four pellets in a quarter of a glass of water and told the mother to give it to the child every fifteen minutes until he seemed to breathe better and then once every hour or two hours.

When I went back the following morning, much to my surprise, the child was apparently all right, sitting up in bed laughing and playing as though nothing had been wrong and all the rattles were gone. I had seen the child at ten oclock the previous night.

The family was poor and they told me I didnt need to come again, that the baby was all right. Four weeks later I was called to the child again. Apparently the child was having a typical case of pneumonia. The child was thin, very florid and was coming down and had all the symptoms of pneumonia and I gave the child Ferrum phos. at first, and three days later I had to give the child Antimonium tartaricum again, which cured.

I believe that first potency of Antimonium tartaricum did nothing but palliate that pneumococcus because it was in one month and a day that the child came down with the second pneumonia.

DR. A. H. GRIMMER: I merely wish to answer some of Dr. Boger- Shattucks questions about Antimonium tartaricum. I think the child was an Antimonium tartaricum patient and the remedy ran out in about thirty days, as they sometimes do. The child needed another dose, and probably that child will go on and need Antimonium tartaricum in successive doses for some time. That is often the case. I think all who are good prescribers will confirm that observation.

Men of letters, anxious to distinguish themselves, have tried in vain to trip up the great poet, Shakespeare, in error; these men have all been extinguished. The same fate awaits every medical man who will attempt to distinguish himself by charging Dr. Samuel Hahnemann with uttering erroneous statements. Paragraph 138 of the Organon is not an error, and its correctness is self- evident. If the organism is affected by any sick making power, be it a drug or miasm, or any other dynamic influence, material or immaterial, that organism, holding in suspension, in virtue of its own constitution, some special tendency, will show this latent constitutional condition during the development of the sickmaking power now invading it, and symptoms he has complained of at times long ago will appear again and leave again without medication.- AD. LIPPE, M.D., 1887.


The future of homoeopathy as of humanity is dependent upon the unity of all of us who deem principles vital. Our individuality will be obliterated unless we effect strong team work for our ideals.

Those pioneers who organized the International Hahnemannian Association fully realized the need of cooperative effort in spreading the knowledge and practical application of the art and science of homoeopathy to suffering humanity.

In order to do the greatest number we need mutual understanding, personal contact and whole-hearted cooperation.

Our Homoeopathic Recorder affords us the best means of reaching the profession and of unfolding the truths handed down to us by Samuel Hahnemann and his faithful co-laborers, as well as our personal confirmation, verification and application to homoeopathy.

To accomplish this high mission requires money and money we must have if we are to maintain our individual and collective identity. Our aim is to have as soon as possible an endowment fund of sufficient size to make us self-sustaining.

Give until it hurts and then give more for “where our heart lies there will our treasure lie also.” – PLUMB BROWN.

A true physician will beware of forming a predilection for any particular remedies which chance may sometimes have led him to administer with success. This preference might cause him to reject others which would be still more homoeopathic, and consequently of great efficacy.

He must, likewise, be careful not to entertain a prejudice against those remedies from which he may have experienced some check, because he had made a bad selection, and he should never lose sight of this great truth, that of all known remedies there is but one that merits a preference before all others, viz.: that whose symptoms bear the closest resemblance to the totality of those which characterize the malady. No petty feeling should have any influence in so serious a matter. -HAHNEMANN.

A. H. Grimmer
Arthur Hill Grimmer 1874-1967 graduated from the Hering Medical College (in 1906) as a pupil of James Tyler Kent and he later became his secretary, working closely with him on his repertory. He practiced in Chicago for 50 years before moving to Florida. He was also President of the American Institute for Homoeopathy.
In his book The Collected Works of Arthur Hill Grimmer, Grimmer spoke out against the fluoridation of water and vaccinations. Grimmer wrote prodigeously, Gnaphalium, Homeopathic Prophylaxis and Homeopathic Medicine and Cancer: The Philosophy and Clinical Experiences of Dr. A.H. Grimmer, M.D.