Hpathy Needs Your Help!


RECKLESS AND FUTILE SURGERY. LAST winter we had a case come in. This woman was thirty-two years or age. When she was seventeen she had scarlet fever and she was sick six months, under the old school treatment. She recovered sufficiently and then about six months afterward, developed a case of inflammatory rheumatism.

LAST winter we had a case come in. This woman was thirty-two years or age. When she was seventeen she had scarlet fever and she was sick six months, under the old school treatment. She recovered sufficiently and then about six months afterward, developed a case of inflammatory rheumatism. She was relieved of that after three or four months, as she expressed it, and was able to get about.

At twenty she married and came to this country. She had two children and after the last child was born, she had and attack of multiple arthritis that was very severe. The doctor investigated her teeth and they were extracted. The rheumatism wasnt relieved and he extracted the tonsils as a focal infection. Then she began to have pus around the neck of the womb and he did a repair work at the cervix and curetted the uterus.

Then she had a condition of distress in the kidney and pus was coming from the kidney. He found by X-ray, the ureter was convoluted, and he suspended the kidney thinking that he would get better drainage. That didnt work because next she had an attack of fallopian tube trouble and a whole hysterectomy was performed.

The patient got better after some of these attacks, considerably better for a while, and then would sink right back into the same old arthritis condition.

This doctor was taking a course of work under homoeopathy and he brought his woman in see what we could do for her. She couldnt get up alone our of bed. She couldnt turn over in bed. She couldnt walk without help.

It was a case of suppression and I asked the man what he was going to operate on next. He said, “I dont know.”.

I said, “You are not going to operate at all.”.

He said, “Where is the mistake?”.

I said, “The mistake was made back in the fact that she wasnt cured of her scarlet fever, and you have been chasing focal infections ever since.”.

We got what woman so she could walk and turn over in bed herself, so she could get up and walk around and assist some in her work, and she went back to England assist some in her work, and she her to DR. Julian, at Liverpool, and he is taking care of her now.

That bears out this one fact: You can have surgical suppression as well as suppression of things from other causes, and the basis of nine-tenths of our troubles in acute diseases of that kind is suppression of one thing, chasing it in, making it go to more important organ every time. Every time you eliminate one thing without curing, you go back to a deeper-seated proposition.


DEAR SIR, The new “HOMOEOPATHIC WORLD” is grand. Or should I say the spirit which permeates it. I sincerely pray you will achieve your objective. It is, in fact, appalling to contemplate the alternative. Homoeopathy in England must rise and grow to its fullest stature. I knew it was in bad was, but did not realise how serious a decline it was in until I read the new “HOMOEOPATHIC WORLD”.

What can we, your lay readers, do to help? Demand creates supply, so we can at least spread the facts of homoeopathy to the best of our ability. Presumably, however, we have always done that. So what else can we do?.

May I add my voice to those of others crying for a homoeopathic doctor? Nottingham and Derby have none.

Yours sincerely,


H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.