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It appears then of no slight importance, so far as practical results are concerned, in certain cases and especially in those in which the antisycotic remedies are indicated, to administer an intercurrent dose of high potency of Thuja, just as we give in parallel circumstances a dose of Sulphur or Mercurius.

This case, as presented, gives several very incomplete symptoms, symptoms that are qualifying, and the fact that there are no modalities as reported makes it very difficult to find the remedy, as it is in the modalities and concomitants that the choice of the remedy lies. However, there is the characteristic psoric symptom showing that she is decidedly psoric, better lying down, constantly desiring to, and also the fact that the attacks come on in the morning. The soreness and the aggravation from touch in the region of the liver and the intolerance to clothing make somewhat for qualifying symptoms and also the fact that she is ameliorated in the open air.

This makes a very interesting case for comparative study and shows the necessity of getting more of the characteristic, modalities, and, if possible, the type of the the eczema she had exhibited. When a case shows so few of the important characteristic generals, modalities and concomitants, if one is to come anywhere near the marl, it means the Repertorizing of many particulars, many more rubrics than should be necessary to find the similimum. Among the following symptoms it is difficult to pick a typical picture of the patient and therefore difficult to see the similimum.

Ameliorated lying down.

Better in the open air.

Worse in the a.m.


Sensation of soreness, internal. Burning pain, internal.

Region of the liver.

Region of the right scapula.

Headache, preceded by blindness of the right eye accompanied by nausea but not vomiting.

Worse from touch.

Worse from tight clothing.

Sweet taste.

Frequent urination.



Bloody leucorrhoea.


Eczema suppressed.

Repertorizing these symptoms in Boenninghausens Therapeutic Pocket Book the following remedies come highest in the order given:.

Sepia Calcarea carb.

Lycopodium Nitric acid.

Sulphur Ammonium carb.


Chelidonium comes far down on the list.

The Chelidonium may have relieved the acute condition, it will not relieve the chronic state, which is very deep seated and has been suppressed repeatedly (by the homoeopathic remedy as easily as by the allopathic). All three of the miasms are represented in this chronic condition.

Sepia will not only rectify the acute disease, if she has another attack as she undoubtedly will, but it will remove at least part of the miasms, until some one or more may have accentuated itself in the symptoms.


It appears then of no slight importance, so far as practical results are concerned, in certain cases and especially in those in which the antisycotic remedies are indicated, to administer an intercurrent dose of high potency of Thuja, just as we give in parallel circumstances a dose of Sulphur or Mercurius. I can myself, from my own experience, strongly affirm the advantages of such a treatment, and even though the soundness of the above propositions should be on many grounds called in question, nevertheless, in this view, indisputable facts speak in its favor C.VON BOENNINGHAUSEN.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.