April 27th. Last evening had a very severe attack. At 8 p. m. I gave her one dose of Ovi gallinae pellicula CM (Swan). In 15 minutes, had a sharp pain in region of heart passing down directly into bowels; at the same time she had to hasten to a privy, and a large volume of fluid flowed from her bowels with a pleasant smooth oily sensation, and not like faeces; as it was dark, she could not ascertain if it was blood, which it seemed like. Slept splendidly and woke without any annoying feeling in heart, which she had not done before for a great while. She got very angry next morning at the fish market, was never more mad in her life; yet after all that strain, her heart was quiet and did not trouble her.

May 1st. This morning was awakened with a feeling exactly like a bee sting in heart or cardiac region; she never had it before.

May 5th. At 2 p. m., felt suddenly a single thump or blow in heart.

May 7th. All day long, felt great uneasiness and sense of dull weight in cardiac region. In evening I gave her one dose of Ovi gallinae pellicula CMM (Swan). In a few minutes had a sweetish taste, a taste of blood, in mouth; but at the same time, the great heart suffering began to diminish slowly. Finally, in about 15 minutes more, left nostril began to bleed freely, and did not cease till it had half filled a teacup; the blood was bright red. During childhood, frequently, bled at

nose, but always from both nostrils; very seldom since menses first appeared, and then only just before menses, and from both nostrils; and even this has not happened for several years.

May 8th, wrote “My heart and whole life and whole body are as light as a feather; I feel in great delight; perfectly well.”

May 12th. Menses appeared today at regular time. The first day had what seemed labor pains in uterus, pushing downwards; passed several times during day large masses of clots like pieces of liver; after this day, the flow was fluid and free for a whole week. Never passed clots before.

(7). Case by Dr. Boardman.

Miss Clara H., aged 22, a perfect blonde. Has had leucorrhoea since childhood, like albumen or white of egg. Menses regular, scanty, painless, nearly colorless.

May 12th. Menses appeared as usual. Gave her a dose of Ovi gallinae pellicula CMM (Swan) in evening. Next morning had such pains as “healthy” women generally have the first day, and the flow was bright red all that day for the first time in her life; it was not very free, and ceased on 16th. Has had better health ever since.

June 9th. Menses appeared today, at regular time; bright red, more abundant, lasting five days.

(8). Case by Dr. Swan.

Sarah S. March 21st. Menses suppressed for six months; pain in sacral region, hard lump in stomach-pit and vomiting. Gave two doses of Ovi gallinae pellicula CM (Swam). Next day all symptoms gone.

April 22nd. Being full moon, she menstruated naturally, and it lasted four days.

April 29th. Vomited a clot of blood.

(9). Dr. Swans case.

Mary McG. March 31st. Menses suppressed for ten months; could elicit no other symptoms. Gave two doses of Ovi gallinae pellicula CM (Swan).

April 22d. Being full moon, menses returned, and lasted one week; flow dark and clotted.

(10). Dr. Swans case.

Lillie P. May 12th. Menses had ceased for four months; no other symptoms obtained. Gave two doses of Ovi gallinae pellicula CM (Swan).

May 23rd. Menses returned, natural in color and quantity. (11). Dr. Swans case.

In a case of apparently malignant disease of uterus, the first dose of Ovi gallinae pellicula caused an aggravation and increase of haemorrhage, followed next day by great improvement lasting three weeks; the haemorrhage ceased, and she was able to leave her bed.

At the end of this time, the curative action seemed to cease; a repetition of the medicine did not good, but Pyrogen improved her greatly and continuously.

(12). In Advance, May 1885, p. 550, Dr. Gilbert publishes a case of diarrhoea cured by the 30th potency of Ovi gallinae pellicula, the keynote being “after stool, so exhausted in bowels that she was obliged to lie down”.

In studying the materia medica, special attention should be paid to what are termed characteristic symptoms. Characteristic symptoms are those which distinguish each drug from all others. Taking two or more drugs, capable of producing nearly the same general effects, you will find among them some dissimilar feature which serves to distinguish each one; this dissimilar feature is its characteristic.

To illustrate, Pulsatilla and Cyclamen bear a close resemblance to each other, except as regards the mental phenomena presented; under Pulsatilla we find a mild,, yielding, weeping disposition, while under Cyclamen we find the patient obstinate, irritable and fault-finding, and these features are the characteristics which should decide us in the choice of either remedy.–A. R. MORGAN, M. D., 1866.

So exact and definite is our system of cure, that the scientific homoeopathician is able, long before the advent of an approaching epidemic, to predict, with almost absolute certainty, the remedies best adapted to meet it. Hahnemann thus anticipated Asiatic cholera while it yet raged with terrible fatality in India. He proclaimed that Camphor and Veratrum album would stay the ravages of that fell destroyer, and the splendid results of homoeopathic treatment in that disease arrested the attention of the civilized world and vindicated the soundness of his philosophy.

If such accuracy was attainable in the infancy of our science, how vastly superior, with our relatively increased knowledge, should be its scope today. and if thus powerful in the growing strength of our stalwart youth, who shall predict or venture to bound its future?–A. R. MORGAN, M. D., 1866.

E W Berridge