May 11th. Since last event, has been feeling exceedingly well, has seemed more a thing of life, taking long walks; is more joyous and happy; seemingly no bad effects from protracted walks; seems to enjoy life more in every way; not so often depressed in spirits.

May 26th. Menses appeared on 18th, bright red, but very scanty indeed; less in quantity than at any previous period; continued about 24 hours. Two days after their cessation, complained of soreness and aching pains in abdomen; she said the suffering was so great that at times she could scarcely stand; the soreness did not seem increased by external pressure; the soreness and pain in abdomen continued for one day, and then ceased altogether. There was no enlargement of abdomen as formerly, nor any return of the former pain in left side, groin or leg. Since then she seems fretful, discontented, and complains of her great disappointment is not having freer menses.

June 1st. Took one dose of Ovi gall. pellic. CMM (Swan) at 5 p. m.

June 11th. No longer cross, irritable, or fretful, and seems more contended and happy.

June 16th. Menses appeared, attended with a severe backache, which she never had before; menses deeper red; stopped at night and returned next day,.

June 11th. No longer cross, irritable, or fretful, and seems more contented and happy.

June 16th. Menses appeared, attended with a severe backache, which she never had before; menses deeper red; stopped at night and returned next day, and so off and on for two or three days; though scanty, were more free than formerly.

July 1st. Took one dose of Ova tosta CM (Swan).

July 9th, 10th, 11th. Suffered much from headache, alternating with her old left-sided pains.

July 12th, 13th. Free from all pains; feels perfectly comfortable.

July 14th. Early this morning, menses came on rather freely for her, attended with almost unendurable uterine pains; this continued all day and evening.

July 15th. Menses continued more or less all day, with now and then some uterine pains.

July 16th. Early morning, menses moderate; no uterine pains. Menses stopped early in forenoon. In evening returned from a picnic, has been rowing on the lake,, and is in fine spirits.

Aug. 8th. For several days past has had symptoms new to her- -at intervals, severe days prickling pains apparently in os uteri. At the same time a pressure downwards attended with intense aching and a desire to keep her thighs wide apart.

Aug. 27th. Has had better health since last menses, though it was then more scanty than before; and now and then her body bloats, then in a few hours the swelling disappears. Her former left-sided pains are scarcely noticed in these days.

(2). (The bane if the physician who cured this case has been unfortunately omitted in my record.).

Mrs. X complained of the following symptoms: Stitching pains constantly in region of heart. Feeling as if the heart was too narrow, especially on left side thereof, which feels smaller than the right. Dull pain from heart to left ovary. Pain extending all over stomach and abdomen. Dragging-down as if prolapsus uteri would occur. Stitches in left ovary day and night, running down into vagina. Menses scanty; before menses, scalding leucorrhoea. Fullness in vagina, hindering walking.

Walking brings on a tired feeling in both groins, especially the left. Often has diarrhoea, frequently mixed with long strips of “corrupted skin”. Often no stool for three days. General debility. Fanciful appetite. Losing flesh. Haggard look; sunken eyes. Skin discolored, dark. Melancholy and downhearted. Has suffered thus from Nov. 10th to the middle of December, 1883. Was cured with seven doses of Ovi gallinae pellicula CMM (Swan).

(3). Proving on a man, by J. C. Boardman, M. D.

1883, July 26th. Mr. F., aged about 30. Had typhoid pneumonia about three years ago; during his convalescence constant pain in renal region. This pain is now worse than ever; he suffers dreadfully at times, worse on stooping or bending forwards; it then not only aches but as he is in the act of stooping, a terrible sharp pain passes through the spine laterally; when sitting or lying for a time he is comparatively comfortable.

I gave him one dose of Ova tosta CM (Swan). He remained in my office for a while, and then noticed some new symptoms, viz., a pain starting from the affected spot (apparently one or more of the lumbar vertebrae) across abdomen, from both sides simultaneously, but most perceptible from the left side; then a soreness seemed to diffuse itself over the whole abdomen, felt most in stomach-pit. He then left my office in this condition.

Aug. 4th. Brings the following report. Feels a great deal worse and has been getting worse all the time. His greatest suffering is the return of sharp pains between two of the lumbar vertebrae, felt laterally, upon rising, and increased by stooping. On July 30th, had increasing pains in small of back and base of spine. On July 31st pain in back, gradually working over to stomach or bowels.

Aug. 1st to 3rd, excessive pain in back and stomach and griping pain and cramps in bowels; slight looseness of bowels. Last night he had diarrhoea and griping pain in epigastrium and particularly in stomach-pit; and griping pain and cramps in bowels attended with diarrhoea. Aug. 8th. Reports all the pains and most of the soreness gone, but his back is the same as before he took the dose.

Aug. 12th. His spinal pain has changed to a severe pain in liver, under short ribs; it is exceedingly severe. I now gave him one dose of Ova tosta CMM (Swan). The pain almost immediately passed down into right knee and afterwards ceased. All he subsequently noticed was a weakness on extra exercise.

Case by J. C. Boardman, M. D.

Dec. 4th, 1883. Mrs. X, a widow of middle age, complains of the heart feeling heavy, dull, numb, just as the foot feels when asleep; this has been so for many years. I gave her one dose of Ovi gallinae pellicula 200 (Swan). Almost immediately she began go get relief, and in ten minutes it had entirely ceased. When seen four weeks later, it had not returned in the least.

(5). Proving under Dr. Swans direction.

Mrs. M. B. took several doses of Ovi gallinae pellicula 30, commencing about April 1st.

2nd day. Sore throat on left side, as if it had been scalded; continued several days only at night. Catarrh with hard clinkers hawked back, which would invariably shoot down the throat; it came at 10 a. m., 3 p. m., and 10 p. m.

2nd and 3rd day. Aching pain in afternoon from back of left ear extending down towards shoulder, halfway from neck.

An ache over left hip seems to extend in deep; this disappeared during menses, and reappeared when menses ceased.

4th day. Pains and aches in uterine region and left ovary as if menses were coming on, though they are not due for 18 days. Itching of right labia extending outwards to the edge.

5th day. A congested suffocative feeling in chest as from wind in the centre of under the sternum; beating it with the hand temporarily relieves, apparently by jarring. (Possibly a cardiac symptom).

April 18th. When riding in the cars sudden bright haemorrhage from rectum; a severe pain across sacrum.

April 19th. Menses appeared; the same day had another haemorrhage from bowels, followed by burning at anus.

April 20th. Awakened at night by great heat in sacral region, rest of body cool; a good deal of aching pain across sacrum and nates. April 21st. Lay awake all night, as is usual before menses. Sleepy all the time and tired; can go to sleep any time day or night. During sleep, immediately on going to sleep, the whole body jerked. Between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. taken suddenly with intense drowsiness, sometimes overcoming the will to keep awake. Especially sleepy during menses. After menses, slight pains in anterior part of left thigh. Sore spot on pressure in left ovary; also mammae sore and sensitive to pressure.

May 17th. Menses commenced at 5 p. m., followed all night, colorless, profuse, saturating the clothing.

May 18th. In morning menses began to be bright red, fluid, profuse, painless, saturating five napkins during day. Menses preceded for 24 hours by depression of spirits, and dull dragging pains in lower abdomen. Between 4 and 5 p. m., after a natural stool, had another haemorrhage from bowels as on April 18th and 19th. Every time she sneezes or coughs the urine spurts out, but only since menses ceased. Urine scalds vulva on right side, which itches intensely. Between menses, left side of abdomen very sore, with sharp pains occasionally darting through it; also a bearing down as if a weight were hanging to uterus.

(6). Case by J. C. Boardman, M. D.

Mrs. P., aged 30, has suffered for years at intervals when under some mental or physical excitement; finally she was troubled more or less when fatigued; the suffering took the form of congestion of heart. In one attack, in addition to the usual dull heavy aching feeling, there was a heavy, numb, cold feeling internally in chest, like a cold stone. She is easily excited to rage, when she is sure to have an attack. The remedies given would relieve, but did not cure.

E W Berridge