It increases sugar metabolism within the organism. Cough and vomiting seems worse at night.

Antimonium Crudum.

Excessive depression and exhaustion.

In children with unhealthy skin-sore crusts behind ears.

Vegetative nutrition decreased. Stomach trouble, eyelids sore.

Lymphatic system engorged, tongue heavily loaded, decreased oxidation, foulness, deterioration of vital fluids, pale ashen gray, urine decreased.

Ill-humored, fretful, peevish, appetite abnormal or disgust for food, bitter taste, craves sour things, thirsty, especially nights. Obesity, but losing weight, post tonsil operations.

Symptoms characteristic-Cough comes from deep in the abdomen.

Evening, no expectoration.

Morning expectoration of tenacious, bloody mucus.

First attacks in morning most severe, subsequent ones grow weaker and weaker.

Whooping cough following measles.

Decreased when becoming over-heated.

Antimonium Tartaricum.

Base-Hereditary, alcoholic base. History of vaccination trouble, lymphatics deteriorated causing engorgement. Agg. hot weather.

When there is associated much gastro-intestinal trouble, and threatened pneumonia.

Whooping cough associated with asthma. Thirst for cold water. Agg. after eating or drinking or getting warm in bed.

Cough preceded by the child crying. Gastric catarrh, craves sour, poor reaction, oedema and impending paresis of lungs.

Compels patient to sit up, moist rattling, no expectoration.

Weakened and exhausted, fall into a sort of coma, can scarcely be awakened, except by new attack.

Crotalus Horridus.

Base-Alcoholic, zymotic, or septic. Yellow, pale, bloodless. Fluid tissues becoming disorganized.

Characteristic symptoms-Great debility, asthenia, cardiac weakness, pallor after an attack, tardy return to normal. Epistaxis, blood fluid, dark or red, liquid, non-coagulable, offensive.

Purple lips, eyes blood-short, frothy, stringy, or bloody expectoration, threatened paralysis or oedema or lungs.

Squilla Maritima.

Anaphylaxis whooping cough following measles, or loss of blood, spleen has become deteriorated, and the system does not react well to a new virus.

Heart often weakened, trophic disturbances. There is usually considerable bronchitis remaining, wheezing, shortness of breath, longing for acids, thirst for cold water.

Ganglia deteriorated, purpuric erythema or haemorrhages appear due to the worn out state of the tissues and the endocrine system. (suprarenals).

Characteristic Symptoms-Bronchitis, tickling i throat, wheezing, eyes water, morning expectoration frequently reddish, evening none, sputum sweetish, offensive odor. Involuntary urination with absolute lack of sweat.


Base-Face pale, sickly, sallow, waxy yellow, swollen, oedematous, brain and ganglionic system deteriorated, weak since child-hood, nervous exhaustion, adynamia.

Acid metabolism. Ammonia increased in the urine. Thirst for cold water, mouth dry, blood dark, even black and fluid.

Venous stagnation, congestion of the portal system, fatty degeneration causing haemorrhages. Blood loses its coagulability, septic states, (wonderful remedy), distaste for meat and fats, bitter taste.

Characteristic Symptoms. After starting, the disease threatens an unfavourable course. The virus is so poisonous that fatty degeneration occurs, severe haemorrhages from nose or lungs take place, frothy blood appears in expectoration.

The cough is caused by tickling at the bifurcation of bronchi.


Anti-sycotic-acid diathesis. Decreased protein nutrition, mouth dry, slimy, putrid, dry as if scalded, taste salt, metallic, putrid, offensive. Tongue dirty yellow, aversion to food.

Dark Complexion-brunettes rigid fiber. Agg. wet, sensitive to cold, snowy, air. Chills easily, lack of vital heat.

Base-Venous congestion of portal system. Great tendency to taking cold. Urine, uric ac., reddish, sediment, offensive, easy dislocation and spraining of limbs, easily fatigued, want of energy.

Symptoms-Cough, both day and night retching. Complete loss of breath, then gagging and vomiting of mucus. Expectoration increased during night. Salty taste, cough seems to come from the stomach.

Spongia Tosta.

Base-Weak, pale, lean, do not thrive, tubercular base, bellows murmur, rheumatic endocarditis, scrofula. Endocrine system becoming exhausted after long chronic ailments or slow convalescence.

Easily exhausted, neurasthenia. The great vegetative system, function decreased, reaction poor, convalescence prolonged.

Symptoms-Special or sporadic cases. Deep, dry, spasmodic bark, caused by tickling sensation in larynx which is very irritable. Agg. talking or lying down.


Base-Following mumps. Typhoid state of nutrition.

Hyosc. Mono. Bromate-Typhoid state of nutrition. Erethism, not a tissue that is quiet or at rest. Agg. talking, exhaustion, debilitating diseases, prolonged convalescence.

Loss of co-ordination between psychic and somatic.

Brom. Base-Decreased protein nutrition. Decrease in alkaline earths. Acid state of tissues, light hair, blue eyes, weakness, exhaustion, scrofulous, endocrine system exhausted. Taste sweet, salty, bitter, sour, mouth dry, scarletenic states.

Symptoms-Spasmodic cough, frequent, rapidly succeeding, excited by tickling, expectoration salty mucus. Agg. lying down, violent thirst.

Cough begins sir or seven A.M., or on waking or just rising. Dry, racking, barking cough, with several minutes remission.

Characteristic Symptoms. Suffocative cough, expectoration tough, ropy, white mucus. Difficult to raise, causing strangulation and vomiting of food.

Agg. going to bed, during night, after remaining long in one position, coming into a heated room from cold air. Cough agg. on first awaking, racks the system all over.

Head pains as if it would split, purple face. Protracted bronchial catarrh, remaining after whooping cough.

Base-Uric acid base. Colitis. Fauces are irritable, spasmodic cough, its cough corresponds to whooping cough type. Agg. in the morning, awakes and is immediately seized with a paroxysm of coughing ending in vomit of clear, ropy mucus, hanging in long strings.

Passes large quantity of uric acid, chronic catarrh of colon, much mucus, great aversion to butchers meat.

S W Lehman