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Are you suffering from Whooping-Cough? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Whooping-Cough….

Antimonium Tartaricum [Ant-t]

      Cough when child gets angry, and after eating. Ends his vomiting.

“Chest full of rattles.” Thirstless: coated tongue.


      “A wonderful whooping-cough remedy.”

Violent tickling cough if child gets angry: Begins to cry before cough (Belladonna): knows it is coming and dreads it.

Belladonna [Bell]

      Weeping and pains in stomach before coughing. Feels head will burst.

Dry spasmodic cough, worse at night; lying.

“Spasms of larynx which cause cough and difficulty of breathing” (Kent).

Kent says, “The Belladonna cough is peculiar. As soon as great violence and great effort have raised a little mucus there is peace, during which larynx and trachea get dryer and dryer and begin to tickle, then comes the spasm and the whoop, and the gagging.” Especially after exposure to cold.

Bromium [Brom]

      With sensation of coldness in throat.

Larynx as if covered with velvet, but feels cold.

“Whooping cough in spring, towards hot weather.” Worse hot weather.

Bryonia Alba [Bry]

      “Child coughs immediately after eating and drinking and vomits,

Then returns to the table, finishes his meal, but coughs and vomits again” (Lilienthal).

“Dry spasmodic cough; whooping cough, shaking the whole body.”

Cough makes him spring up in bed-even Bryonia

Carbo Animals [Carb-an]

      With feeling of coldness in chest.

Severe dry cough, shakes abdomen as if all would fall out; most support belly (Drosera).

Carbo Vegetabilis [Carb-v]

      Cough, mostly hard and dry: or sounds rough: apt to occur after a full meal.

Every violent spell brings up lump of phlegm, or is followed by retching, gagging and waterbrash.

Pain in chest after cough: burning as from a coal of fire.

Craving for salt. (This determined the remedy in a case that promptly recovered.)

“One of the greatest medicines we have in the beginning of whooping-cough. Gagging, vomiting and redness of face” (Kent).

Paroxysms of violent spasmodic coughing: with cold sweat and cold pinched face after attack.

Cina [Cina]

      Becomes rigid, with clucking sound down in oesophagus as paroxysm ends.

Not relieved by eating: stomach bloated, yet hungry. Grits teeth.

Coccus Cacti [Coc-c]

      Worse at night, when hot in bed.

Better lying in cool room without much covering: wants room cold.

If mother can get to it quickly with a drink of cold water she can ward off the paroxysm.

Child holds its breath to prevent coughing.

“Wakes in morning with paroxysms of whooping-cough, which ends in vomiting ropy mucus, which hangs in long strings from mouth- great ropes. Here Coccus c. will cut short the disease.”

(“Kali bichromicum stringy but yellow: Coccus c. clear” or white.).

Corallium Rubrum [Cor-r]

      Smothered sensation before cough. Exhaustion after.

Cuprum Metallicum [Cupr]

      Better by swallowing cold water.

Uninterrupted paroxysms till breath completely exhausted. Gasps with repeated crowing inspirations till black in the face.

Mucus in trachea and spasms in larynx.

Cramps beginning in fingers and toes.

Thumbs tucked in during cough.

Drosera [Dros]

      Impulses to cough follow one another so violently, that he can hardly get his breath.

Oppression of the chest, as if something kept back the air when he coughed and spoke, so that the breath could not be expelled.

When he breathes out a sudden contraction in hypogastrium makes him heave and excites coughing.

Crawling in larynx which provokes coughing.

On coughing the vomits water, mucus and food.

When coughing, contractive pain in the hypochondria. Cannot cough on account of the pain, unless he presses his hand on the pit of the stomach.

The region below the ribs is painful when touched and, when coughing, must press his hand on the spot to mitigate the pain.

Spasmodic cough, with retching and vomiting, caused by tickling or dryness in throat.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

      Stiffens: goes rigid, loses breath: grows pale: then relaxes and vomits phlegm with relief.

Convulsions in whooping-cough, frightful spasms especially of left side.

Kali Carbonicum [Kali-c]

      Convulsive and tickling cough at night.

Cough so violent as to cause vomiting.

Cough at 3 a.m., repeated every half-hour.

Bag-like swellings, between the upper lids and the eyebrows; often puffy face also.

“Dry, hard, racking, hacking cough.”.

Kali Sulphuricum [Kali-s]

      Whooping-cough, with retching, without vomiting. Yellow, slimy expectoration.

Tongue coated with yellow mucus.

Hot and sweating. Hates cough and weeps. (Belladonna)

Looks “fair, fat and forty” even a child.

Lobelia [Lob]

      Cough ends with violent sneezing.

Magnesia Phosphorica [Mag-p]

      Violent spasmodic attacks of cough, with face blue and turgid. Ends in a whoop.

Mephitis [Meph]

      Whooping or any violent cough: very violent, spasmodic, as if each spell would terminate life.

Frequent paroxysms especially at night.

Desire for salt (Carbo veg.).

Worse lying down. Child must be raised.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.