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A remarkable case in which one disease killed another has been reported. The six children of man in an advance tubercular condition contracted chicken pox. The man also caught the complaint, which developed into erysipelas, and this killed the tuberculosis. The man has now recovered and is following his occupation as a farm worker. According to a leading London specialist, such case, though rare, are not so astonishing as they sound.

London. A remarkable case in which one disease killed another has been reported. The six children of man in an advance tubercular condition contracted chicken pox. The man also caught the complaint, which developed into erysipelas, and this killed the tuberculosis. The man has now recovered and is following his occupation as a farm worker. According to a leading London specialist, such case, though rare, are not so astonishing as they sound.

In his opinion what probably happened in this instance was that the mans skin became broken by the chicken pox, and in this way the erysipelas germ entered. This in turn brought about a conflict in the mans system, and this sometimes effects a cure. Notable instances of this have been recorded where patient suffering from general paralysis have been completely cured by contracting malaria. In the case of this man time alone can show how far his recovery from tuberculosis is permanent, but even a partial recovery from that dread disease is undoubtedly of the greatest scientific interest to the medical profession. The Denver Post, August 14, 1927.
