A little experience showing the action and value of the very high potency may be of interest to you.
For several years I have had a very annoying and persistent urinary trouble that has baffled me. I have searched the books and journals hoping to find a clue, but without avail. I have had a very sudden urging to void urine which was imperative, and unless I hurried to the close I would wet my pants in spite of all I could do. Sometimes when trying to finish waiting on patients the flooding would occur, to my chagrin and grief.
It has been very difficult or almost impossible to decide as to the modalities. It seemed psychological, thinking of it, but Oxalic acid, Oxytropsis, etc., failed to do any good. I cured a case of a printer who had about the same trouble when busily occupied, but Calc. C. failed and Kreosote cured. Neither did me any good. My urging would very often come on while washing my hands or taking a bath, but Lyssin, Cantharis, etc., did not bring relief. Thus I tried a number of possible remedies, always with failure.
Finally when studying a new case I saw under Sulphur, “desire to urinate comes suddenly and is imperative; if not gratified, urine passes involuntarily.” Here was my condition without modalities. I had during my trouble taken Sulphur 55 m. and Cm., without relief. I decided to select a very high potency and selected the five-millionth, run up on the Santee potentizer, one dose only. There was a slight general aggravation with a marked change for the better in the urinary trouble within a few days.
Occasionally the old fear or alarm would come on, but I would have time to go to the closet or even postpone the voiding. At present I am in fine shape, much better than in year, and feeling generally improved.
Another dose in time may be needed, and then I will take the 6 mm.