Hpathy Needs Your Help!


In Bengal there are many “Kavirajes” and other doctors who use indigenous systems, but who are not registered law. These men are free to practice and, in fact, there is no restriction upon those who choose to follow the medical profession according to any system=Western, Ayurvedic, unani, or homoeopathic-provided that they do not break the law in their treatment of cases or in the supply of drugs.

It is a pity that homoeopath is compelled to be linked with the other “systems” in hits indictment, and our Indian homoeopaths will be wise if they endeavor to raise the standard of Homoeopathic medical teaching,so that none but qualified men can avail themselves of the title, Doctor of Medicine.

It is with this unsatisfactory state of affairs in mind that we present elsewhere in this issue a clear-cut exposition by Dr.Milton J.Raisbeck, registrar of The New York homoeopathic Medical college and Flower Hospital, of the entrance requirements to the medical schools of the Untied States. We commend his article to our Indian readers more especially.


“Halbersteadter points out that it takes years for Roentgen cancer as well as xeroderma pigmentosum and “sailors skin to develop. The amount of short rays which act upon the skin and the sensitiveness of the skin are determining factors. In all of these conditions we have at first regressive changes,then an abnormal distribution of pigment, regressive changes in the connective tissue, and the very important formation of warts. These processes resemble exceedingly the experimental tumors produced by tar. At last,. even after the original cause that been removed, carcinoma, sarcoma or a mixed rumor may develop”.

Another note concerning cancer, which emphasizes several interesting and instructive thoughts. The Roentgen ray is truly a wonderful power for good, as well as for evil, and should on this account be employed by qualified experts only. The present tendency of so many physicians to dabble in X-ray therapy is to be deprecated. Study, knowledge, experience,e apprenticeship to those who know, are all necessary qualifications for the physician who essays to take up this work.


The government bureau of the census has recently issued its annual mortality table for the continental Untied States and in this compilation of figure we find much interesting food for thought. Thus, heart diseases carried off 130,351 in the year 1921; tuberculosis (all forms) accounted for 88,135; cancer killed 76,274, an increase or 3k,343 over the deaths from the same cause in1920. Nephritis took 75, 696. Automobiles killed 10,168, an increase of 1,065 over 1920; railroads killed 5,297, a decrease of 1,129 over 1920.

Accidental shooting ended the careers of 2,346 while homicides amounted to 7,545. there were 11,136 suicides, an increase of 2,177 over 1920, Diarrhoea and enteritis in subjects under 2 years of age brought about the death of 37, 192 infants. Arterial diseases (atheroma) caused 19,377 to die;diphtheria, 15, 683, diabetes,14, 933. and syphilis, 14, 252. Appendicitis accounted for 12,809 deaths typhoid fever took off 8,007; cirrhosis of the liver, 6,598, and puerperal septicemia, 6,057. Scarlet fever hurried 4,718 to an early grave and measles snuffed out 3,790 lives. Malaria terminated the earthly existence of 3,229 persons, while smallpox hustled off 641.

No doubt these figures can be made to prove all kinds of theories or to point out various morals. So far as a smallpox is concerned, there will be those who will explain the excellent showing relative of this disease on the ground that vaccination has been more thoroughly carried out than formerly was the case. On the other hand, some may serve,that since this disease has killed so few, why make so much fuss about it.

The enormous number of deaths from heart disease (endo-and myocarditis are included) is certainly disquieting and points to the possible causative factors of modern life, with all its competitions, strains and hectic pleasures as well as to the increased consumption of deadly coal-tar and other drugs, which we Americans so thoughtlessly and habitually use.

The increase of cancer goes on pace, with all our research committees and in spite of surgeons, whose insistence upon early operation has thus far not reduced the mortality rate of this disease. Possibly there is a relation between vaccination and the increase of cancer; at all events, this possibility is one which should be investigated in a scientifical and judicial manner, especially so, since vaccine therapy and immunization have come to occupy so permanent a place upon the therapeutic stage. there seems to be excellent reason for the belief that cancer is a constitutional disease fact emphasized by no less a cancer authority than Dr.L. Duncan Bulkley of New York. If so, then surgery must indeed play but a very minor part and that, relative to the removal of the end-product only for after all,is it not true that surgery cannot cure cancer,but can only remove it?.

Deaths by automobiles continue to increase, testifying eloquently to out national vice of recklessness and general disregarded of all laws. The American habit of taking a chance may stamp us as a sport-loving people,but the price we pay seems heavy indeed. the death from accident shooting are likewise far too many; the daily press each fall contains the accounts of such tragedies, occurring in field and forest, where ignorant and would-be hunters killer maim each other, or themselves, in search of our rapidly disappearing game. Mistaking humans for deer is far too common,and the small-town spirit of “Lets go out and kill something” is far too much in evidence. There is great need of nation wide reform in this reject; but education alone will bring it about;legislation cannot do it.

The number of homicides is probably indirect relation to the lust for killing,which,is an aftermath in direct relation to the lust for killing,which is an aftermath the world war. Familiarity with weapons is likely to breed contempt and to furnish a sure and rapid means of redressing supposed or alleged wrongs and grievances. Incidentally, the notorious tardiness of he machinery of justice in bringing criminals to bar, the many legal loopholes open to the guilty,the sinister influence of corrupt politics, all tend to foster to spirit of lawlessness and of crime We might with profit stud to methods if our British cousins, whose criminal procedure is far more certain and speedy in results.

The number of suicides, 11,136 seems enormous; it would be interesting to analyze these as to race,religion, business, nationality, etc. No doubt the terrible economic depression, now happily passing , has been responsible for many self- inflicted deaths. But the there should be any suicides at all, is indeed a sad commentary upon our boasted civilization with its alleged with standards of ethics and social morality. Small wonder that social unrest is becoming increasingly manifest, in the fact of so many social ills which our so-called civilization has thus far failed to cure.

That malaria should kill 3,299 persons is likewise a sad state of affairs. It is fair to assume that most, if not all these cases died under orthodox quinine and arsenic therapy. Pure homoeopathy would make an infinitely better showing, but then, pure homoeopathy lacks the characteristics of spectacular medicine and is therefore not welcome to the ignorant or unthinking, who clamor for quick results, no matter what the cost may be.

To sum up, it seems fair to say that so far as medical skill is concerned, there is still much room for improvement. It is happily true that the average span of life is considerably longer than it was some twenty years ago; the credit for this advance must be given to better hygiene and sanitation. The protection of our water supplies is far greater than formerly contained. The question of sewage disposal is better understood, although in this department of sanitary engineering the ideal has by no means been reached.

Still, we no longer have the typhoid epidemics which thirty years ago were the main source of income of the average doctor. Sanitary science has made great strides,thanks to the altruism of m many jig-minded men and women who have been identified with this important work. Many, then, in the not too distant future, to ;law of similars find more widespread application and thus help to reduce the annual sacrifice we now must witness.


“The case reported by Semon illustrates the danger of prolonged arsenical medication by the mouth. the patient had taken arsenic continuously for seven years for psoriasis. By this time pigmentation of the abdomen and warty growths on the palms and soles developed. Fourteen years after cessation of the a drugs the hyperkeratosis on palms and soles was as obvious as ever, and as small painless ulcer made its appearance in our around one of the warty growths on to outer border of the right sole. The ulcer persisted,and was not regarded as serious until Semon saw the man and recognized the lesion. The right leg was amputated through its lower third and recovery was uneventful.”: J.A.M.A.

Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.