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Valuable Hints For Homoeopaths

Whooping cough immunization for young infants is of doubtful value, and often productive of illness and weakness lasting for some time, interfering with growth and development. Pertussin, Carbo veg and Cuprum met in potency are the big three here, selected according to the type of epidemic and the symptoms present in the individual cases. These remedies afford splendid protection, as well as antidoting the bad effects from the whooping cough vaccine.

Old school prophylactic medicine is fraught with so many ill- effects, together with the doubtful good seemingly resulting from its practice, that it is well for a homoeopath to know homoeopathic antidotes to the bad effects of so-called allopathic immunization against numerous acute disease to which young humanity is subjected.

Also it might be well to remind homoeopaths that they have in their armamentarium far more potent prophylaxis against disease, with no evil effects resulting from its use.

Whooping cough immunization for young infants is of doubtful value, and often productive of illness and weakness lasting for some time, interfering with growth and development. Pertussin, Carbo veg and Cuprum met in potency are the big three here, selected according to the type of epidemic and the symptoms present in the individual cases. These remedies afford splendid protection, as well as antidoting the bad effects from the whooping cough vaccine.

The antidotes to the bad effects of diphtheria antitoxins are Diphtherinum and mercurius cyan. These remedies are highly protective against the disease. They also have the power to remove the germs from the throat of so-called carriers.

Every homoeopath knows of the power in Belladonna to prevent scarlet fever, especially in the smooth type of eruption; but for the bad effects of the Dick serum Ailanthus is a more effective antidote.

Against poliomyelitis, the homoeopathic remedy, Lathyr sat, has, over a period of thirty years, proven protective in many thousands of cases exposed to the infection. The remedy affects the same nerve centers in the spinal cord that the polio virus does. It is a pity that homoeopaths have not exploited the valuable possibilities that the wide application of this remedy would give. It is a real need against crippling and suffering, and would bring recognition and expansion to homoeopathic practice as well.

Against the ravages of malaria, both prophylactic and curative, we will require the study and use of a larger group of remedies. Yet a sufficiently narrow group of the most often indicated will enable the prescriber readily to cure ninety-five per cent of his cases. Starting with Nat mur., Arsenic alb, second, China, Sulph. third: these remedies properly given in a highly malarial district will afford certain protection against the disease. And, if the disease be present in an individual, these same three remedies need to be studied and compared for the selection of the curative agent.

In a case of malaria coming on every spring or late fall especially when the weather is wet and cold, Aranea diad will almost be certain to cure.

In a case where paralysis has resulted form a combination of chronic malaria and quinine, Caust will surely cure both the malaria and the paralysis.

In the acute attacks of malaria where extreme bone pains with nausea and violent headache are present. Eupator perf. will cure. Two other useful and frequently indicated remedies are Rhus tox and Nux vomica, given on the specific indications found in the pathogeneses of these remedies.

For the antidotes against small-pox vaccine we have several very effective remedies, Malandrinum and thuja being most often needed. In those cases where acute and violent symptoms of blood poison come on soon after vaccination, no remedy can compete with Malandrinum in the control and cure of such serious conditions. For the long lasting and chronic results following vaccination.

Thuja is first choice. Since the early history of homoeopathy in the hands of many prescribers, this remedy has been curative in thousands of cases. Variolinum and Vaccininum and Sarracenia are all useful and effective prophylactics, as well as curative agents of great power in small-pox. In certain types and stages of the disease Antim tart and Silica have proven curative and valuable.

For the bad effects following excessive application of all coal tar drug derivatives, including the so called wonder drugs, Carbo veg. and lach. have been very effective antidotes, quickly restoring the patient to a normal status. For the severe skin lesions that come so often after penicillin, the old antipsoric, Sulphur, is an effective antidote.

We are aware that the aforementioned remedies and related disease status is common knowledge to every homoeopathic physician. The object is presenting these known facts to the readers of The Homoeopathic Recorder is to remind the profession as a whole that homoeopathic prophylaxis, as well as cure, is, after one hundred and fifty odd years of continuous practice in the face of prejudice and ridicule, still the most scientific and effective system of medicine known to man.

N C Das
N C Das