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Editorial – General Sources Of Diseases

Beggar is also a great source of diseases. He often receives alms from houses where communicable diseases prevail and the articles which he gets as alms are very often sold in the market. In this way he is responsible for the spread of diseases. Sometimes lepers sit on road-side and passers-by throw coins into their hands. The lepers pass these coins into circulation among the people who thereby get infected with the germs of leprosy.


These are very powerful sources of disease. Many eating houses are usually kept unclean and dirty. The utensils which are used in these hotels and restaurants generally carry germs of diseases which invade healthy individuals who come there to take food. The servants engaged by restauranteurs are often found to be suffering from various diseases of communicable character. In many such places they keep a big tub of water in which all utensils are washed. Many diseased person come to take food there and the utensils used by them are washed in the water of the tub which thus becomes the source of several diseases.


Washerman is a real source of many diseases. He gathers together in his house clothes of many diseased persons. Thus he is carrying germs of diseases from one house to another. Phthisis, Small-pox, Measles etc. travel from one house to other houses through this agency.


Beggar is also a great source of diseases. He often receives alms from houses where communicable diseases prevail and the articles which he gets as alms are very often sold in the market. In this way he is responsible for the spread of diseases. Sometimes lepers sit on road-side and passers-by throw coins into their hands. The lepers pass these coins into circulation among the people who thereby get infected with the germs of leprosy.


Barber with the help of his razor or other instruments transmit syphilis, eczema, leprosy or other serious diseases from one body to another.


Milkman is one of the greatest sources of diseases. He adulterates milk with various injurious substances and thus becomes the transmitter of many diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid, etc. He is certainly responsible for the great mortality among children especially in big cities like Calcutta, Bombay, Kanpur etc. The milkman causes death among children not only by depriving them of their food but also by introducing germs of many diseases into their body.


Public vehicles are a great source of many diseases. Healthy persons sit in these vehicles together with diseased persons. Thus the healthy individuals come in contact with the diseased ones and get infected with germs of diseases.


The part played by domestic servants in the matter of transmission of diseases from one person to another is not negligible. Syphilis, Skin diseases, Phthisis etc. are often conveyed from servants to masters. Wet nurses are usually a great source of several diseases which invade many innocent children.

N C Das
N C Das