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Case Reports

Shri Ramsaran was suffering from a hard tumour in front of the neck just below the Adams apple. His tongue and lips were extremely dry and his eyes were of the Mongolian type. Seeing this, I put him upon Ginseng 30. After taking a few doses, the tumour disappeared. It should be remembered that in case of a hard tumour on the right side of the neck, Nat-mur; and on the left, Conium are to be administered. These two remedies cure such tumours promptly.

The Problem Of Rural Health

The indigenous remedies are comparatively easier to use, but accurately speaking their proper use would depend upon a knowledge of pulse and the basic humours, as we have already noticed. But, Homoeopathy, being based upon symptoms expressed in the common language of the patients, can prove a very valuable asset for the purpose. The Homoeopathic remedies are much easier to apply in ordinary ailments, and are harmless even if incorrectly used.

Editorial – General Sources Of Diseases

Beggar is also a great source of diseases. He often receives alms from houses where communicable diseases prevail and the articles which he gets as alms are very often sold in the market. In this way he is responsible for the spread of diseases. Sometimes lepers sit on road-side and passers-by throw coins into their hands. The lepers pass these coins into circulation among the people who thereby get infected with the germs of leprosy.

Indian Diets And Their Effects On Health

The superiority of northern diets over their South Indian counterparts has markedly decreased during the last decade or more. One change that has been noticeable and which has had a profound influence on the nutritive value of these diets was the decrease in the availability and hence the consumption of protective foodstuffs chiefly milk and milk products. This has caused a general levelling down of the quality of Indian diets.

Homoeopathic Treatment Of Tropical Infections

Amoebic dysentery was often chronic. It is not often seen in this country in its acute stage but many people suffer from the chronic condition. Recently, however, instead of hospitalizing them he had treated them with dihaloquin or savorquin, and found that this cleared away the cysts from the faeces. it did not in all cases give a cure. It was easy to take, could be taken at home and saved the patient having to enter hospital.

The Face Expresses The Remedy

The study of the faces of individuals is really in interesting and profitable. It is interesting in as much as it arises curiosity in the minds of the people who come for treatment and profitable because it enables physician to hit upon the remedies easily and correctly. The suffering humanity who require medical aid fight shy of the Homoeopaths for the simple reason that they put too many questions to their patients and waste their valuable time before arriving at the correct decision.

Place Of Pathology In Homoeopathy

Orthodox homoeopaths, however, say that “symptoms are indications of alteration in function or in the nutrition of a part or parts of the body and that we can know what changes are taking place through symptoms only. Therefore if one begins to talk about an altered tissue, he at once pollutes homoeopathy. It is both true and false. It is true if we take this altered tissue alone.