Editorial – How to Avoid Diseases

Disease is to a considerable degree the product of civilization. Divorce of Nature has made human organism susceptible to inroads of Diseases of diverse names. The world is the residence of man and animal but unfortunately the former is a constant prey to the ravages of numberless Diseases while the latter, when of course in a state of nature, enjoys almost complete immunity from diseases. Man knows that health is wealth and he tries hard to obtain this supreme fountain of joy with the help of his intellectual gifts.

Disease is to a considerable degree the product of civilization. Divorce of Nature has made human organism susceptible to inroads of Diseases of diverse names. The world is the residence of man and animal but unfortunately the former is a constant prey to the ravages of numberless Diseases while the latter, when of course in a state of nature, enjoys almost complete immunity from diseases. Man knows that health is wealth and he tries hard to obtain this supreme fountain of joy with the help of his intellectual gifts.

But he has lamentably failed to secure this heavenly bliss of sound health because he has followed a wrong and disastrous way of achieving his goal of attaining absolute freedom from diseases. Man is bewildered in the whirlwind of innumerable diseases and makes his best efforts to escape from this hell of ill-health. But inspite of all honest endeavours his sufferings are never-ending and ever-increasing. Yet it is quite strange that his neighbour in the forest enjoys remarkable freedom from the dreadful curse which he wants to avoid.

Nature is a mighty healer. Surrender to Nature and the healing process will begin.

Use of medicines: Frequent or daily use of medicine of whatever kind it may be, is injurious to health. It gradually destroys the natural power of resistance leaving the body susceptible to diseases.

Animal food: Animals like goats, sheep, fowls, etc., when in a state of ill-health often cause diseases if they are taken as articles of food. Food from such a source is a danger to health and therefore it is not advisable to have them as our food. Moreover animal diet usually creates constipation which is the source of many diseases. Some people think that animal food is to a certain extent responsible for the growth of cancer. Meat eating creates troubles of teeth and it causes their early decay.

Irregular habits: Late eating, late sleeping, untimely taking of bath, overeating, prolonged fasts or eating of unnatural diet cause many diseases and one should avoid such habits in order to enjoy sound health.

Vexations: Anger, irritability, grief, vexations and other kinds of mental disturbances should be avoided as far as possible so that perfect health can be enjoyed.

Immoderate life: Joy is a natural source of health and one must have ones share of joys on earth. But there should always be moderation in all our efforts to obtain joys. Moderation in life is a great thing which bestows on man health and happiness, Immoderate living is a cause for sickness.

Intemperate life: Intemperance is to be avoided for the sake of health. Persons addicted to drinking seldom enjoy good health.

Living conditions: Residence in healthy surroundings is of prime necessity to live a healthful life. A house fully flooded with free air and light is generally free from invasion of diseases. Life in congested parts of cities and towns cannot escape torture from diseases.

Good food: Good food is of absolute necessity for maintenance of health. Food should be fresh, substantial and free from adulteration, so that human health can flourish with joys and happiness.

In short, unnatural living, unnatural food, residence in unhealthy locality and worries of life are the chief sources of diseases. Avoid them and you will get a return of health.


1. Reddish brown spot on end of nose with desquamation: Taxus Baccata.

2. Testicles painful, tender, prevent walking: Symphytum.

3. Coryza, thin lemon-coloured discharge: Acid Sulph.

4. Itching of skin every spring: ACid sulph.

5. Stricture after gonorrhoea: Sulph-Iod.

6. Paralysis of body, better cold water, cold douches; Sulphonal.

7. Uncontrollable desire to laugh: Strych. Phos.

8. Convulsions on lying, can lie only on back without convulsions: Strychnium.

9. Syphilitic and gonorrhoeal sciatica: Stillingia syp.

10. Headache better walking about in the room: Stachys Betonica.

11. Inspired air feels cold: Spiraea ulsm.

12. Dry cough day and night: Solanum Tub. AEgr.

13. Dropsy from suppression of intermittents: Solanum Nig.

14. Abdomen distended with wind, must loosen clothing: Slag.

15. Vomiting of mucus with blackish streaks: Sinapis Alb.

16. Sleeplessness of infants with cries and tossing: Senna.

17. Headaches of school teachers with frequent urination, worse study, eating, better motion: Scutellaria.

N C Das
N C Das