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Homoeopathic Treatment Of Tropical Infections

The question of hill-diarrhoea had always been interesting because one looked upon it very often as the precusor of sprue. Patients with sprue often said that it began with hill-diarrhoea. It was not know what caused hill-diarrhoea but he was glad to hear Dr. Overmans suggestion about the water supply. Hill- diarrhoea had to be treated symptomatically, but the treatment of sprue had vastly improved.

Clinical Testimony On Diabetes

The patients allopath friends marvelled at the results. “Did you give any medicine to kill the germs?” they asked. My reply was” “My business is only to restore the patients Vital Energy to its normal health and function and the germs have got to quit.” I may mention that Insulin was used in the case in suitable doses during the period of illness and convalescence. I sometimes use it in acute infections to aid the struggling vitality. I however look upon it as an aid only and not as an essential part of the treatment.

Effective Aids In Accidents, Injuries And Surgical Conditions

Arnica is the best remedy for the first 24 hours or so till the effects of shock have passed off. It may be given as frequently as the condition of the patient demands. The fracture should be set by the surgeon and further treatment as outlined below started. Ledum is the best follower and compliment of Arnica to further absorb the extravasation of blood and it may be continued with advantage for about four days.

Editorial – How to Avoid Diseases

Disease is to a considerable degree the product of civilization. Divorce of Nature has made human organism susceptible to inroads of Diseases of diverse names. The world is the residence of man and animal but unfortunately the former is a constant prey to the ravages of numberless Diseases while the latter, when of course in a state of nature, enjoys almost complete immunity from diseases. Man knows that health is wealth and he tries hard to obtain this supreme fountain of joy with the help of his intellectual gifts.

Population, Food And Health Of India

The shortage in food has necessitated rationing on a large scale, and the rations are not plentiful. As a result, malnutrition is common. Poor physique consequent on malnutrition is handicapped by yet inadequate sanitary and medical care, although the record of the two latter services has been considerable in reducing mortality. But the birth rate is not so easily amenable to control. India is now in what demographers call the swarming stage.

Retained Placenta

Rheumatic pains in the hip, knee and foot-joints. Swelling tension and stitches in the knee. Swelling of the feet and upto the knee. Hot swelling of the legs with stinging drawing pain. Pain of the soles of the feet when walking as if bruised. Fine tearing in the toes of the left foot. Podagr. Gout, rheumatic pains in the joints aggravated by heat of bed and in the evening till mid night.

Case Reports

Generally when the vitality is low, no deep acting and long acting remedies should be given. But in this case I took the risk. The first change noticeable was the disappearance of irritability. I was hopeful. After two weeks, the baby allowed me to examine the liver. The blue veins disappeared. There was rapid improvement and after a month he was cured completely.

Clinical Uses Of Calcarea Hypophosphorosa

Incipient phthisis, hacking cough, hectic fever, night sweats, menses scanty and delayed, great nervous prostration, tenderness of outer thorax, rawness in chest, haemorrhage from lungs at the time the menses should appear, cold hands and feet, quick pulse (1st, 2nd or 3rd triturations) scrofulous manifestations (Calc-C) cough, haemoptysis; pulmonary consumption, pain in the chest of consumptive patients.


Movement in the abdomen as if something alive, as if the abdominal muscles were pushed outward by the arm of the foetus, but painless. Swelling of the pit of the stomach. Soreness of the navel. The upper part of abdomen is drawn in. The fluid which he drinks falls with a noise in the stomach. Induration of the stomach. Induration of the abdomen. Taste of putrid eggs in the mouth in the morning.

Angina Pectoris

Angina Pectoris is a disease affecting the heart and sometimes it leads man to sudden death. It is a very dangerous type of disease, man becomes almost insane with pain, cannot explain his symptoms correctly, with short rapid breathing, he leans on the table or on the floor, twisting his body this side and that. Worry seems to be an acting factor in causing it. Rich men, (without physical activity) business men or shopkeepers, leading life of strain and emotion, eating, drinking and smoking, taking butter, sweets, pork to excess, suffer from it.