Angina Pectoris is a disease affecting the heart and sometimes it leads man to sudden death. It is a very dangerous type of disease, man becomes almost insane with pain, cannot explain his symptoms correctly, with short rapid breathing, he leans on the table or on the floor, twisting his body this side and that. Worry seems to be an acting factor in causing it. Rich men, (without physical activity) business men or shopkeepers, leading life of strain and emotion, eating, drinking and smoking, taking butter, sweets, pork to excess, suffer from it. Muscular effort, such as climbing a hill or going upstairs in an exciting cause.
Prince and son of Duke of Ngaphe and son-in-law of late King Thibaw of Burma a resident of Kalimpong was attacked with Angina Pectoris with the following symptoms:-
1. Violent pain in the region of the heart and feeling of tightness.
2. Pains shoot down his left arm.
3. Numbness of the fingers and round about the heart.
4. Face pale and shy, profuse cold sweat.
5. Averse to meeting acquaintances.
6. Intense anxiety with restlessness, worse after midnight.
7. Vertigo, as if he would fall.
8. Sensitive to light.
9. Aversion to butter.
10. Drinks often.
11. Fear of death.
12. The pulse is weak and irregular.
Treatment: During the interval between the paroxysms regulate the patients diet, let him lead a quiet and free life, diet should be simple and nutritious, no tobacco; during the attack place the patient in the horizontal position, apply hot applications to the praecordia and heat the extremities.
During attack apply Arsenicum-30 every fifteen minutes till it brings semi-normal condition. It will act as a magic wand. From my personal experience I can say no medicine will act more satisfactorily than Arsen. It prevents periodical attacks. Before prescribing Arsen. you must notice if the disorder is complicated with structural changes of the heart, then instead of Arsen. give Spigelia.
Note: Arsenicum is the only leading medicine for this disease.