What Can Stop Us From Research And The Use Of The Homoeopathic Remedy

There are many ways to obscure facts or realities. One way is by mass propaganda. Write a false definition of Homoeopathy, publish it in a book and publicize the definition every possible way. Such a definition could be. “Sectarianism and quackery have flourished apace in modern life, often under strange guises.”

“The homoeopath is the only sectarian found at all in Great Britain or on the Continent.” The above quotation has been given on the radio by speakers in different fields of American culture other than the medical profession. It is a question whether such procedure will obscure a truth that Hahnemann perceived and recorded.

Quotation from “Fifty Years of Homoeopathy” by Royal E. Hayes, M.D., “Abuses go space with the growth of group and government monopoly, stultifying fair competition. The future of Homoeopathy, if it can survive the threat of government monopoly, will be much more favorable than it has ever been.”

He further states that the smallest of our teaching institutions is the best yet, the Postgraduate School of the American School of Homoeopathy. This school teaches the principles of philosophy, materia medica and uses of the repertories. It is now sponsored by the American Institute of Homoeopathy, which, I say, is one of the most important steps we have taken to combat the present situation.

Much of the research of today is a study of one phase of illness which takes so much of the students time, that he has no time to study mankind in sickness and in health, but study only a small part of man at one time, which is specialization before generalization. If this specialized study required by the A.M.A. could be delegated to postgraduate research, much time could be saved to the student to study mans sickness as it affects his whole body.

Hahnemann in speaking of his own writings in 1828 says, “I must doubt whether my contemporaries will comprehend the logical sequence of these teachings of mine, and will follow them carefully and thereby the infinite benefits for suffering humanity; or whether, frightened away by the unheard of nature of many of these disclosures, they will not rather leave them untried and, therefore useless.”

Hahnemann not only could translate English into German, but he could read the original Greek, so he did not have to accept hearsay but he could reach the original writer in his own language. Today we have the grapevine propaganda among many other types. It behooves us to go to the original writer for our facts, rather than to a planned program to stop us.

From antiquity to the present day the rise and fall of medicine has been comparative to the rise and fall of the nations. Never, before or since the age of Hippocrates, have so many men of genius appeared within the same narrow limits of space and time.

There is only one scientific way so far discovered of dealing with differences about facts. That method is by the use of experiments. Opinions count for little when man is threatened or frightened enough. He will agree with almost anything.

Hahnemann doubted that his contemporaries would comprehend or heed him. But that a more conscientious and intelligent posterity alone would have the advantages to be obtained by the faithful observance of his teachings.

In college courses today, the graduate student, in his study of subject as chemistry, geology and physics, find some of the facts that Hahnemann perceived and verified in his study of medicine, as energies such as are found in homoeopathic remedies, and vital force. Today it is not unusual for a learned university professor to announce as a topic for discussion. “The Vital Force of Chemistry.”

For the present, the only method at hand to stop us in research is to keep the new medical graduate so busy with all the details of regular and general medicine, that he has no time for homoeopathic research, and after the present active homoeopathic practitioners and sponsors pass to their reward, no one will be equipped or versed to fill their places, and then the discord in their own ranks will grow more intense, and regulation and power as in government will again be diverted to the masses, and truth will prevail.

But you and I are concerned about medicine in our day. As I see it, under existing circumstances, the only alternative we have is post-graduate work with demonstration, and plenty of it. and then, we too are in the field of specialized medicine which is the vogue of today.

H A Neiswander