Rapid prostration.

Great debility and nervous prostration.

Chilliness all day, heat at night.

Chilliness with soreness of the whole body.

Hand tremulous when raised.

Limbs tremulous.

Quivering all over body.

Jaw drops and lies upon back unconscious with mouth wide open.

Slides down toward the foot of the bed.

Prostration and trembling.

Huddles down in bed, feels as if sinking away.

Lies in semiconscious condition.

Excessive drowsiness.

Delirious stupor.

Semi-comatose state.

“Lying upon one side curled like a dog and does not want to be disturbed.”

Intolerance of pressure on lying.

Restless tossing about the bed with the illusion that he is double or that he is scattered about and tires to get himself together again.

Sensation as if his upper or lower extremities were enormously large.

Sensation as if though there were a second self beside the patient in bed.

Great weakness and exhaustion.

Sick all over.

Rheumatic pains and soreness all over body.

Livid spots all over body and limbs.

Limbs feel hot except the feet, which are cold.

Burning in the legs preventing sleep.

Nerves: Restless, uneasy,could confine himself to nothing, wanted to be moving from place to place, evening.

General weak feeling; but worse of lower limbs.

Great languor; wants to lie down.

Slides down in bed, feels as if sinking away.

Indescribable sick feeling all over.

Sleep: Delirious stupor; falls asleep while answering a question or while being talked to. Afraid to go to sleep, fears nightmare and suffocation.

Drowsy, stupid, tired feeling, disposition to half close eyes.

Slept well until about 3 a.m. then restless until morning; tosses about.

Restless, does not sleep quietly.

Cannot sleep, head or body feels scattered about the bed.

Restless with frightful dreams.

Quiet but persistent wakefulness.

Wants to get out of bed.

Cannot sleep, limber seem scattered about so.

Sweat: Fetid, relieves, on forehead and face.

Generalities: Restless; does not sleep quietly; wants to be on the move.

Great languor; wants to lie down.

Tired, bruised, sick feeling in all parts of the body.

Weak and tremulous.

Great weakness, especially in lower limbs.

Prostration, with disposition of fluids to decompose.

Discharges and exhalations fetid.

Sensation all over body as if bruised or beaten.

Feels as if lying on a board; changes position; bed feels so hard makes him feel sore and bruised.

Wandering pains in all the limbs.

Quotations from eminent authors.

Typhoid and cerebral forms of fever; beginning of typhus when so called nervous symptoms predominate.”.

“Typhoid, early stages, white tongue, red edges; or brown or yellow brown down centre; bitter or flat taste; cannot digest food; stools frequent, yellow; gurgling and slight sensitiveness of right iliac region; pulse high; fever tends to increase; parts rested on are sore.”

“Typhoid, sensation as if there was a second self out side of him.”.

“In Typhoid fever, Baptisia is most useful in the first week, during the stage of general hyperaemia, before ulceration of Peyers glands has taken place. If properly indicated and given at this time, it will, undoubtedly, abort the disease. The chief indications are: confusion of mind; muttering delirium; restlessness; dusky-red face; slight sensitiveness in right iliac region; tongue white, with red papillae and red edges; yellow offensive stools, weary bruised feeling all over.

In the second or third week of typhoid fever Baptisia may be indicated when the patient is in a stupor; face besotted; sordes on lips and tongue; tongue dry and brown in center, edges red; stools thin, dark and very offensive, putrid breath, profound breath, profound prostration. Diarrhoea, stools being dark, thin and extremely offensive.”.

“During second on third week prostration profound, stupor, patient falls asleep while answering questions; heavy, dark besotted look of face; aphthae in mouth, all exhalations and discharges exceedingly offensive; stools horribly putrid; urine and sweat offensive.”.

“Great prostration and soreness as if bruised in whatever position the patient lies; the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised. Stupor; falls asleep while being spoken to or in the midst of his answer; face flushed, dusky, dark red, with stupid, besotted, drunken expression. Tongue coated with a well defined streak down the middle, at first white, but very soon turns brown, with red edges.

Sometimes the tongue is large and flabby, with a red dry tip, but not distinctly triangular like Rhus. t. Exhalations and discharge early became fetid and offensive breath, stool, urine, and perspiration, Nervous, cannot get to sleep because she cannot get herself together; feels scattered about, tosses around to get herself together.” (early stage);.

“Congestion of liver during typhoid.”.

“Bap, has gained its greatest reputation as a remedy in typhoid fever, to the symptoms of which its pathogenesis strikingly corresponds. But it is only when it is used strictly in accordance with its symptoms that it will give successful results. When given as a matter of routine there are sure to be failures.”.

“Enteric or typhoid, cerebral form.”.

“Drowsiness, delirium, confusion of ideas.”.

“Involuntary, scanty, stool.”.

“Afternoon exacerbation of fever.”.

“Incipient stage of typhoid.”.

“Decubitus in typhoid.”.

“When Ars. has been improperly given or too often repeated in typhoid.”.

“Great languor, wants to lie-down, general malaise, feels weak, tremulous, sore, bruised, early stage.”.

“Burning, moves to cool part of bed.”.

“Limbs hot, but feel cold to touch.”.

“Marked early prostration.”.

“Fever in hot weather, in autumn.”.

“Typhoids that come on rapidly.”.

“Baptisia will stop the typhoid fever, when it is indicated.”.

“Breath, stool, urine, sweat, all putrid.”.

“Blood oozes from the mouth.”.

“Sordes begin to appear on the teeth much earlier than in the regular typhoid.”.

“Abdomen becomes distended much earlier.”.

“His odors are horrible.”.

“State of stupor.”.

“His countenance is besotted. It is bloated and purple and mottled.”.

“He looks like an old drunkard.”.

“Bapt. has dark, besotted face, drowsiness and stupor, goes to sleep while answering questions; discharges from the bowels dark, fluid and very offensive.”.

“Bapt. is indicated when we have brown or blackish coated tongue and well marked fever. The face presents a dark red, besotted appearance, like that of one intoxicated. The discharges from the bowels are dark, fluid and very offensive. The patient is drowsy, and stupid, he goes to sleep while answering questions, or he is restless, tossing about the bed with the illusion that he is double, or is scattered about, and must try to get himself together again. He complains of the bed feeling too hard. The tongue is often studded with aphthous ulcers.”.

“Baptisia is suitable to all stages of typhoid, early or late.”.

“Drowsy, stupid and languid.”.

Slides down in bed and lower jaw drops (Mur-ac).


“Diarrhoea, horribly offensive, foul, mushy, painless, dark or slaty.

“Sore, Heavy, Aching, muscles.”.

“Bed is too hard, yet is too weak to move.”.

“Dark mucous membranes, exudates, haemorrhage, stool etc.”.

“Foul odor of body.” “Bed sores.”.

“Parts feel numb or too large.”.

“Early in Typhoid: Excitement of the brain, just such as precedes delirium; wild, wandering feeling; the patient cannot confine his mind to any one subject; restlessness; constant desire to move from place to place, disturbed sleep. The patient awakens at two or three oclock in the morning and then is so restless that he tosses about, unable to sleep any longer. During sleep his dreams are of the most extravagant character. He dreams that he is chained to the bed, or that he is swimming on river or undergoing some ordeal which makes a great demand on his strength.

He may suffer from nightmare, from which he awakens with sensation as though the room were insufferably hot making breathing almost impossible. If he still has strength he goes to the open window to get air. The patient makes frequent errors as to his own person, supposing at times that he is double, or that his body is scattered about and that he must toss about the bed to collect the pieces.

Now these evidences of nervous excitement are accompanied by excessive prostration; the back and limbs ache; the back feels stiff; the patient feels tired and bruised all over; he complains of the bed feeling too hard; this makes him restless, and he tosses about the bed to find a softer spot. Weakness develops, progressing so far that he becomes unable to walk: he suffers from an indescribable weak faint feeling with or without vertigo.”.

The face is hot and flushed and has heavy, besotted look, as in the case of one intoxicated. The eyes also are heavy and stupid in appearance. The tongue is at first white, or slightly yellowish; frequently, too, the papillae are raised and project through this whitish or yellow coating. The edges of the tongue are of a deep red colour.

There is dull heavy headache, with sensation as if the head would be pressed in, sometimes the pressure in the forehead seems to go down into the root of the nose. Again the patient complains of a sensation which he describes “as though the skin of the forehead were being pulled back towards the occiput.” As though the skin of the forehead were tense or tight or drawn. Numb tingling feeling in the forehead or scalp.

N C Das
N C Das