Epilepsy, particularly if it results from the constitutional cachexia or brought about by fright or suppression of some chronic eruption: Calc-c.

Epileptiform spasms at puberty: Cauloph.

Epileptic attacks during time of puberty, also worse during new moon (Sil): Caust.

Epilepsy, bloody froth from the mouth, (spasms relieved by touch, jar, or loud noise); consciousness is lost: Cic.

Epilepsy at the time of menses: Cimicif.

Epilepsy with rigidity and full consciousness: Cina.

Falling down unconscious, with convulsions and frothing at mouth, after alternations of palpitations and congestion of head: Glonoine.

Epileptiform spasms, starting, distortion of eyes, twitching of lips, lolling of tongue, stretching and distortion of head and limbs: Sil.

Epilepsy, with well marked aura starting from the solar plexus: Sil.

Epilepsy, nervous tremors precede attack: Absinthinum.

Epilepsy without aura: Artemisia Vul., Zinc. Val.

Epilepsy after fright and other violent emotions: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy after masturbation, several convulsions close together: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy at time of menses: Bufo.

Epilepsy with rush of blood to the head before attack; aura felt in region of heart: flying sensation : Calc-ars.

In epilepsy aura begins at knees, ascends to hypogastrium, then unconsciousness, foaming and falling: Cupr. m.

Epilepsy: Ferrum cyanatum.

Epileptic attacks ending in deep sleep: Hyosc.

Vomiting, epileptiform convulsions with biting of tongue: Illicium.

Epilepsy with great sadness: Indigo.

Epilepsy from blow on head; Melilotus.

Epileptiform convulsions, worse during menstruation, and pregnancy: Oenanthe croc.

Epileptiform spasms; with clenched thumb, red face, eyes turned downwards, pupils fixed, dilated, foam at the mouth, jaws locked, small, hard and quick pulse: Aethusa cyan. (Lippe).

Epilepsy with great exertions of strength: Agar.

Epileptic attacks caused by fright or during menstruation (at night or in the morning when rising): Arg-nit.

Epileptic spasms, renewal of the spasms by the least contact or from the glare of light: Bell.

Epileptic after fright: Bufo. (Lippe).

Epileptic attacks, at night; during the full moon; with hallooing and shouting: Calc-carb.

Epileptic and convulsive attacks, he falls down insensible; Camphor.

Epileptic spasms at night during sleep: Caust.

Epileptic attacks, especially at night, with or without consciousness, lying on the back; violent screams and violent jerks of the hands and feet: Cina.

Epileptic attacks (at night) followed by headache: Cupr. m.

Epileptic attacks, with twitching of limbs; after the attack, haemoptysis and sleep: Drosera Rot.

Epileptic attacks ending with deep, heavy sleep: Hyosc.

Epileptic convulsions, with foam before the tightly closed mouth: Laurocerasus.

Epileptic spasms, with screaming, foam at the mouth, loss of consciousness, throws the arms and limbs about, great anguish about the heart, and imagines he would have to die: Lycop.

Epileptic attacks; while standing or walking he frequently falls down suddenly with consciousness: Mag. carb.

Epilepsy, with swelling of the stomach as from violent spasms of the diaphragm; screaming; red or bluish face; lock-jaw, loss of consciousness and distortion of the limbs; frequent during the night; recurring, first at short, then at long intervals: Cic.

Epilepsy: aura begins in knees and ascends; worse at night during sleep (Bufo); about new moon, at regular intervals; from getting wet; Cupr-m.

Bad effects of unfortunate love, often followed by epilepsy : Hyosc.

Epilepsy: congenital, syphilitic, tubercular; usually a day or two before menses; at new moon; headache follows attack: Kali- Brom.

Epilepsy, comes on during sleep (Bufo); from loss of vital fluids; onanism, jealousy: Lach.

Epileptic spasms from suppressed menstruation: Millefolium.

Epileptic attacks: Nitric acid.

Epileptic convulsions particularly at night or towards morning, with suffocative paroxysms: Op.

Epileptic attacks; convulsions: Plb.

Epileptic attacks (after suppression of menstruation), with violent beating of the limbs; later they become relaxed, with nausea and eructations: Puls.

Epileptic attacks: Ranunculus Bulb.

Epileptic attacks at night, during new moon: Sil.

Epileptic attacks; in the evening, in children during dentition: Stann.

Epilepsy (it comes running from the arms and out of the back like a mouse): Sulph. (Lippe).

Spasms hysterical or epileptic, reflex from uterine disease; worse during menses: Actaea Racemosa (Allen).

Epilepsy from suppressed eruptions: Agar-m. (Psor. Sulph).

Epilepsy, twitching over the whole body four or five days before the attack: Asterias Rub.

Epilepsies from valvular diseases of the heart: Calc-ars.

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N C Das