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Epileptic convulsion when the thumbs are bent inward, face red, eye turned down (which is peculiar, as in epilepsy they are usually turned up), pupils dilated and immovable, white, milky froth before the mouth, teeth set, pulse usually small, temperature of the skin natural. The convulsions are very violent; violence seeming to be characteristic: Aethusa.

Makes grimaces and foams at the mouth in epilepsy. Absinthinum.

Bites his tongue in epilepsy. Absinthinum.

Minor epilepsy where consciousness is not entirely lost. Absinthinum.

The convulsions (epilepsy) are preceded by trembling; the patient makes grimaces; bites tongue; foams, Absinthinum.

Epileptoid attacks of hysterical character and opisthotonos. Absinthinum.

Insensible with the convulsions (epilepsy). Absinthinum.

Epilepsy, falls down, very cold feet, unconscious, distortion of features, spasms of the body and limbs, bloody foam at mouth, biting of tongue, opisthotonos. Absinthinum.

Stupidity and loss of memory after an attack of epilepsy. Absinthinum.

Epilepsy in which the aura was a waving sensation in the brain. Cimicifuga Rase.

Hysterical or epileptical spasms at time of menses. Cimicifuga Race.

Epilepsy, clenched thumbs, red face, eyes turned downwards; dilated, staring, immovable pupils, foams at the mouth, teeth set. Aethusa.

Epilepsy, Cold limbs and body convulsed. Aethusa.

Epilepsy, spasms with stupor and delirium. Aethusa.

Epilepsy with great exertions of strength. Agar. M.

Epilepsy when the aura begins with a fainting or suffocating sensation at epigastrium, rising up both sides of sternum to throat. Ammonium Brom.

Catalepsy with the body bent backwards. Angustura.

Epilepsy with partial unilateral twitching, contraction of muscles, chattering of teeth, jactitation. Antipyrinum.

Epileptic attacks worse at night or in morning on rising: Argen- nit.

Epileptic attacks caused by fright or during menstruation. Arg- n.

Epileptic fits, preceded by burning in the stomach, pressure and heat in the back, extending to the nape of the neck, and to the brain with dizziness: Ars-a.

Patient is excitable and irritable before attack of epilepsy: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy after fright or grief: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy after a blow on head: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy with menstrual disturbances: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy with teething: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy, attacks accompanied or followed by profuse offensive sweat: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy followed or accompanied by seminal ejaculations: Artemisia Vul.

Irregular or deficient menstruation with epileptic convulsions. Artemisia Vul.

Epileptic spasms after cooling off while overheated from dancing: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy from menstrual disturbances: Artemisia Vul.

Nightly epilepsy with violent trismus injuring teeth: Artemisia Vul.

During Epileptic attacks violent sweat of offensive odor: Artemisia Vul.

Long and deep sleep after a fit (epilepsy) : Artemisia Vul.

Bites tongue in spasms: (Epilepsy) Artemisia Vul.

Spasms, passes, faeces and urine, bites tongue, seminal ejaculations, rattling breathing: Artemisia Vul.

Epilepsy when the attacks occur during sleep at night: Bufo.

Epileptic symptoms are worse in warm room, also great sensitiveness to cold air and wind: Bufo.

Epileptic attacks, ushered in by a cry: Bufo.

Face livid in epilepsy : Bufo.

Epilepsy followed by sleep: Bufo.

Epilepsy occurs at midnight: Bufo

Epilepsy at time of menses: Bufo.

Epilepsy result of sexual excitement: Bufo.

Rush of blood to head before an epileptic attacks: Calc-ars.

Epilepsy with heart disease: Calc-ars

Epilepsy, aura of mouse running up arm: Calc-c. (Sulph first, then Calc-c.).

Epileptic convulsions, also at night with cries: Calc-c.

Epilepsy during full moon: Calc-c.

Epilepsy with hallooing and shouting: Calc-c.

Attacks of epilepsy, with rattling in throat: Camphor.

Epilepsy with face red and puffed: Camphor.

Epilepsy, convulsive movements of the limbs, of tongue, eyes, muscles of face, hot and viscid perspiration on scalp and forehead: Camphor.

Epilepsy, comatose drowsiness after the fit: Camphor.

Epilepsy when fit occurs in sleep and urine escapes: Causticum.

Epileptic convulsions with cries; violent movement of limbs, grinding of teeth, smiles or tears, eyes half closed, fixed look, involuntary urine, re-produced by cold water, preceded by pain in abdomen and in head, tears, after fit eyes are closed: Causticum.

Epileptiform convulsions during Catamenia; menstrual epilepsy : Cedron.

Epilepsy, foaming at mouth, loss of memory after attack: Chenopod. Anthe.

Fits of epilepsy, with cries, paleness or yellow colour of the face, pressing together of the jaws, numbness and distortion of the limbs, suspension of respiration, foam at the mouth: Cic.

Epilepsy, after the fit the body remains insensible, and as it were dead: Cic.

Epilepsy, state of insensibility and immobility, with loss of consciousness and of strength: Cic.

Epilepsy, twitching spasmodic jerks bending the head backward, violent spasms, moans and howls, great agitation, makes odd motions, head turned or twisted to one side: Cic.

Epilepsy, utter prostration follows the convulsive attacks: Cic.

Epilepsy, sudden rigidity, then jerks and violent distortions, then prostration: Cic.

Epilepsy, jerking of the left arm all day: Cic.

Epilepsy, tremor when touched: Cic.

Epilepsy, face bluish, froths at mouth, jaws locked, bites tongue: Cic.

Epilepsy, convulsions followed by complete exhaustion: Cic.

Epilepsy, inability to move the tongue: Cic.

Epilepsy, slightest touch renews the spasms: Cic.

Attacks of epilepsy, face red, puffed and hot: Cocculus.

In epilepsy aura begins in knees, ascending till it reaches hypogastric region, when unconsciousness ensues, foaming at the mouth, and falling down convulsed: Cupr. ac.

Epilepsy, position on the back with the head thrown backwards: great agitation and frequent cries: Cupr. ac.

Epilepsy begins suddenly towards morning, with chewing motion of lower jaw, gnashing of teeth, becomes upright and rigid in bed, shrieks, limbs convulsed, anger, arms and legs thrown outwards and trunk arched upwards: Cup. m.

Epilepsy, pressive headache preceded the attacks, ascending from nape to forehead; then profuse salivation, head turned to left, eyes closed, tongue in active motion in open mouth, trunk arched upwards, after attack dullness of head and feeling in body as if beaten: Cupr. m.

Epileptic attacks, at night, followed by headache: Cupr-m.

Epilepsy, loss of consciousness, turning of the head backwards, redness of the eyes, salivation, frequent emission of urine: Cupr. m.

Epilepsy, convulsions with piercing cries: Cupr. m.

Epilepsy, convulsions on weeping with want of breath and retraction of the thighs: Cupr. m.

Epilepsy involuntary movements of the limbs, redness of the face, distortion of the eyes, of face, of body, tears and anxiety, desire to hide oneself: Cupr. m.

Epilepsy, convulsions begin mostly in the fingers and toes: Cupr.


Epilepsy, violent convulsions with great display of strength: Cupr. m.

Epileptiform convulsions at menstrual period: Gels.

Epilepsy, head sweats before the fits: sleepy: Helleb. Vir.

Epileptic fits sometimes with bluish colour and puffing of the face, involuntary emission of urine, foaming at the mouth, drawing back of the thumbs, sensation of hunger and of gnawing at the pit of the stomach, eyes prominent, cries, grinding of teeth: Hyosc.

Epilepsy, convulsions with cries, great anguish, oppression of chest and loss of consciousness: Hyosc.

Epilepsy, after the attacks profound sleep with snoring: Hyosc.

Epileptic convulsions, with foam at the mouth, frequent yawning, convulsed eyes, retraction of the thumbs, face red, or alternately red and pale. Ignatia.

Epilepsy, convulsive twitchings, especially after fright and grief. Ignatia.

Epilepsy, after the convulsions profound sighs or drowsy sleep. Ignatia.

Epilepsy, throwing of the head backwards during spasms. Ignatia.

Epilepsy, oppressed breathing, alternating with convulsion: Ign.

Epilepsy arising from the presence of worms. Indigo.

Epilepsy, great melancholy which the patient has sought to hide, spending many nights crying alone. Indigo.

Epilepsy, furious excitable disposition before the attacks and mild and timid after. Indigo.

Epilepsy, induced by cold or fright: Indigo.

Epilepsy, sudden attacks, apparently originating in the solar plexus, from which flushes of heat arise to the head. Indigo.

Epilepsy with an undulating sensation in the brain and obscured vision: Indigo (Act. r.).

Epilepsy with a flow of tough, stringy fluid from the mouth during the attacks: Kali-Bich.

Epilepsy, associated with sexual excesses or abuse in men: Kali Brom.

Epilepsy in women, fits occurring during or near the menstrual period: Kali-Brom.

Epilepsy occurring at the new moon: Kali-Brom.

Epilepsy when headache follows the fit: Kali Brom.

Spasms (Epilepsy ?) from fright, anger or emotional disturbances: Kali Brom.

Epilepsy from ovarian irritation: Kali – Brom.

Menstrual epilepsy : Kali-Brom.

Epileptic attacks at or near menstrual periods: Kali-Brom.

Epilepsy : Kali Cyanatum.

Epilepsy, fingers stretched out and spasmodically contracted, deep inspirations, slow breathing, loss of consciousness and vision. Strong tetanic convulsions. Head drawn backwards. Eyes fixed. Eyelids open and shut alternately. Eyelids closed with convulsive motion of eyeballs. Double vision when sight returns. Blue face, white lips. Reddish froth covered mouth and nose. Jaws tightly closed, it is impossible to open mouth, face distorted. Convulsion after swallowing. LImbs rigid and convulsed. Kali Cyanatum.

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