Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Thirst was insatiable, dizziness as if intoxicated, copious sweat, pain confines him to lying on the back, hardly tolerated lying on sides for examination. Temperature 103.8, pulse 112. This man had been exhausted several months with hard work, domestic and economic stress. Emaciation was marked. I expected a large accumulation of fluid.


[ Read before Bureau of Clinical Medicine, I.H.A., June 22, 1149.].

Little Ralph B., 4 years old. History of pneumonia a year previous. The sulfas had made a “wonder” cure but the boy had remained anemic, pale, and his development had been retarded. The onset this time was by a sudden fever, 103.6. He had vomited large sour curds and was seen to be quite exhausted. There was high pitched respiration in the upper right lobe with dullness, Dullness was still more pronounced in the right infra-axillary region. Aethusa 1M was given. Improvement was notable the next day although the temperature continued at 104.

Next day 99. and in a week from the start the lung was clear. It is my opinion that the boy worked out his original pneumonia through this attack. I think his vitality had been lifted up to the level of severe acute reaction by two prescriptions of Ferrum phos. over the telephone for colds. Anyhow the debility had continued a year after the first attack: whereas when acute conditions are cleared up with dynamic treatment, we always expect a distinct and prolonged increase of vitality. As to Aethusa, it is not the first time it has done the trick in pneumonia.


Woman of 77 years. Unfortunately for reporting, the physical findings were not recorded, but I remember that the process began and continued in the left lung. The start was a cough which began suddenly in the latter part of the afternoon, was relieved by hot drinks, worse lying on the right side and caused considerable wheezing. Lyc. 200. was given and improvement continued two days.

Then severe coughing spells came on, beginning at 4 A.M., exhausting, better on lying on the left side, had to cough a long time, finally bringing up cherry red blood with albuminous mucus. Kali c. 1M was given. Same symptoms next day but general improvement, very comfortable except for the cough and temperature 99. Four days from the start the temperature was normal.

The only interesting thing about the case is a bit of professional history, if it may be permitted. After the second prescription, a daughter from a distant city phoned and asked if her mother should not have sulfa, penicillin “or something.” I said, “If they say anything to me about sulfa or penicillin, I shall walk right out of the house,” slightly exaggerating. I said, “Do you want your mother to make a half recovery and drag about the house with weakness for six or eight weeks?

Your mothers temperature is going to be down tomorrow morning and she will be better instead of worse. Please do not talk wonder drugs to me!” And of course she was better. Now this daughter had always been a straight homoeopathic patient, but advertising pays!.


A boy, 6 years old, in the morning was found with a temperature of 101.8, pulse 120. Flushed face, hot head, photophobia, lachrymation, intense external heat, intense headache, pain in the stomach and abdomen. Bellad. 1M, a poor prescription. That afternoon he became delirious, running around the house, hiding in closets, “the Germans are coming,” wants food but full after a bit, temperature 106, crepitation in the lower left lung. Lyc. 1M. Next morning temperature 99.4, pulse 104, nothing more needed. Lyc. has cleared up several left-sided pneumonias as well as left-sided renal colics. Why not sore throat?.


A woman of 38 had been much upset in family quarrel with relatives about a will. Four days after exposure to a cold wind, temperature 105, pulse 120. No sweat, nose and face burning, thinking and excitement over the contest prevented sleep, pale on rising, trembling constantly, thirst. Kali iod. 1M. Next day phone report better; S. L. Third day, morning temperature 102, evening 104.8 and pulse 112.

Pain below right breast, crepitation right lower lobe, nose bleed of dark gushes followed by clots but expectorating bright clear blood from chest. Coated tongue with clean sides. Dizzy rising, trembling lips and tongue, relief by frequent change of position, mind almost a blank, confused, little response when spoken to, Lycopodium 1M. Next day, pulse 96, temperature 98.

The day following, delirious, wanted to be pushed off a precipice, but says she feels all right. Lies still, silent, except occasionally giving her face a slap as if trying to collects thoughts. Temperature low S.L. Four days later another prescription of the 1 M. Fine recovery.


Man, 42. Shaking chill with sweat the day before the call. Cutting pain in the left infra-axillary region. Extensive and loud friction sounds in left side and posterior chest on left, never heard anything so pronounced and extensive. This later subsided as fluid accumulated and extension in the lung progressed.

Thirst was insatiable, dizziness as if intoxicated, copious sweat, pain confines him to lying on the back, hardly tolerated lying on sides for examination. Temperature 103.8, pulse 112. This man had been exhausted several months with hard work, domestic and economic stress. Emaciation was marked. I expected a large accumulation of fluid. Kali c. 1 M.

Next day felt much better, temperature 101, pulse 112, both decreasing through the day. By 7 P. M. was delirious, active, reaching, making gestures, scaling the wall with his feet, “too hot,” “the cot too hard,” no one in the house could keep him in bed. Temperature 102, pulse 90. This situation was evidently the effect of previous exhaustion. Hyos. 1M. Next day better, temperature 101 to 102, pulse 88.

Fourth day from chill, percussion of left side flat. S. L. Fifth day very restless, uncovers, persists in getting up and changing beds, craves air, Tub. av 1M. Sixth day severe cough, racking, worse midnight to morning, hurts lower right chest, sees things, a baby, things on the wall, “see that woman bathing over there.” Pulse 92, temperature 103. Thirst for cold, milk white tongue, coarse rales, weakness, Phos 1M. In the evening called in haste, said to be dying. Loose cough torments, countenance sunken but pulse 82, of excellent quality, and temperature 102. The usual Phosphorus aggravation. S. L. Ninth day chest signs negative. Where, oh where, was Bryonia?.

Binapani Ghose 25.

Thin, emaciated married lady suffering from Diarrhoea & Flatulent Dyspepsia. The patients brother being an allopathic practitioner sulph-agnanidine, Hewlett tinctures enter inform, etc were taken for some time but with very little success. When the case came under my treatment the patient was having 8 to 10 watery, pale yellow stools in 24 hours containing undigested food particles, great prostration due to diarrhoea and nursing her child at the same time.

China 3x– 6 doses 3cc. daily was given.

On the 3rd day much improvement reported. Number of stools came down to 4. semisolid, flatulence almost disappeared. Another 6 doses of the same medicine was given. On the 7th day reported much improvement, gained strength, partly formed liquid stool, no flatulence. Number of stools some day three, some day four, very bad odour is still present. Passes stool twice in rapid succession in the morning. One dose of sulphur 200 was given on the 14th day.

3 days after her husband reported all here troubles gone. She is having normal appetite, normal stool No flatulence.

Royal E S Hayes
Dr Royal Elmore Swift HAYES (1871-1952)
Born in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA on 20 Oct 1871 to Royal Edmund Hayes and Harriet E Merriman. He had at least 4 sons and 1 daughter with Miriam Martha Phillips. He lived in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States in 1880. He died on 20 July 1952, in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, at the age of 80, and was buried in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.