Amelioration: Motion. Lying. Sitting. Sitting up erect. Thinking of pain. When thinking as to its exact nature. Rising. Passing flatus.

Attending Symptoms: Anxiety in cardiac region. Vomiting. Weakness of sight.

Description: Pressure deep in the brain. Heaviness in front and back of head. Headache in the morning on waking as if the brain were loose and were shaking on walking. It disappears when thinking as to its exact nature. Semi-lateral headache like pressure as from congestion of blood to the head with sunken features. Anxiety in cardiac region. Vomiting and weakness of sight with contracted pupils at first becoming dilated after a time. Stupefying headache above orbits increasing when at rest. Sometimes going off when sitting erect. Diminution of pain in the head on rising and on passing flatus. Headache in occiput like a dull pressure.


Type: Catarrhal. Gastric. Nervous. Anaemic.

Location: Root of nose. Eyelids. Eyes. Zygoma. Face. Forehead. Occiput. Brain. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. One side of head. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples.

Pain: Dull. Pressing. Stitching. Stunning. Stupefying. Tearing.

Aggravation: Day time. Morning. Loss of animal fluids. After epileptic attack. Coughing. Eating. Jar. Looking fixedly at anything. Mental exertion. External pressure. Reading. After sleep. Straining eyes. Walking in open air. Before epileptic attacks. After intermittent fever. Meditation. When using eyes.

Amelioration: Motion. Stooping. Walking in open air. Moving the head. Winking the eyes.

Description: Headache before or after epileptic attacks. After intermittent fever. Stupefying headache in forehead and then in occiput. Head jerked backward. Worse in open air. Better stooping and moving the head. Anaemic headache better by stooping worse from mental exertion. Pains chiefly in frontal and temporal regions externally and internally. Screwing together.

Pressure from above downward and tearing. Dull headache affecting eyelids and eyes. Root of nose. Zygoma and face. Indistinct vision. Colour blindness specially when looking steadily at only one thing as when reading. Better by winking the eyes. Tearing. Drawing. Headache worse by reading and meditation. Numbing pressure as from a load which weighs upon the headache alternating with pain in abdomen. Better stooping. Pain in head when using eyes.

N C Das
N C Das