Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Pressive headache in right side and occiput. Pain in lowest part of occiput when yawning often preventing its completion. Headache in fresh air as if brain were held in a vise from ear to ear. Transient dizziness from occiput forward, when head is bent forward, when writing. Brainfag. Dull frontal headache which vanished at sunset. Followed by mental exhilaration.


Location: Forehead. Right side of forehead. Over eyes. Over right eye. Occiput. One side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Pain: Cutting. Darting. Stabbing. Pressing. Sore bruised. Stunning. Stupefying. Tearing. Beating. Throbbing. Pulsating.

Aggravation: Forenoon. night on waking. Hot applications. Lying on back. Before menses. Mental exertion Motion. External pressure. Raising head, Reading. Lying. After sleep. Touch. Lying on left side.

Amelioration: After breakfast. Cold application. External pressure. Cold water. Heat. Turning on the right side. After rising.

Attending Symptoms: Increase of saliva. Great flow of urine. Face purple. Red.

Description: Intense headache. He cannot raise his head from the pillow. Better external pressure. Sensitiveness of the head to the touch even the hair are sore. Dull pain in forehead which is cold, Better by heat. Shooting pain in left side of head with increase of saliva and great flow of urine. In the morning after waking pain in the forehead and top of head worse when lying on the left side and back.

Better when turning on the right side and after rising. Shooting pain in left side of head with increase of saliva and great flow of urine. violent and frightful attack of headache in the sinciput and in temples;. better by compression of hand.


Location: Forehead. Left side of forehead. Occiput. One side of head. Temples.

Pain: Boring. Digging. bursting. dull. Pressing. piercing. Hammering. Tensive.

Aggravation: Morning. Forenoon. 3-4 P.M. Night From becoming cold. Lying. Mercury. Moving head. Reading. After sleep. Smoking tobacco. Urinating. Worry. Walking. Bending head backward.

Amelioration: Open air. External pressure.

Description: Headache worse worry and walking. Better by pressure. Pressive tensive pain in forehead. Shocks in brain from behind forward. Worse by bending head backward. Boring pain in temples. Confused feeling. Better in open air. Digging pressure in brain. Piercing in temples. Boring pain in the temple. Hammering and shocks in head backward.

Location: Forehead. Occiput. Temples. Vertex.

Pain: Bursting. Pressing outward. Sore. Bruised. Pulsating. Throbbing. Beating.

Aggravation: Day time. Morning. Morning on rising. Morning on waking. Forenoon Noon. After noon. 6 P.M. bending head backward. After unpleasant dreams. Jar. Motion. Excessive pollutions. False step. Pressing at stool. Stooping. Walking. Warm room. Wrapping up head. bending head forward. Stepping.

Amelioration: Open air.

Attending Symptoms: Severe pain in small of back. Vertigo. Weakness. Head feels too large. Sense of fullness in stomach.

Description: Dullness and fullness of the head with bruised sensation especially in forehead and temples. Feeling as if the head enlarged during stool. With vertigo and weakness. Severe pain in forehead soon after rising worse from stooping. When stepping. Sensation as if the brain moved up and down. Pain in forehead with sense of fullness in stomach as if filled with air. Fullness of head, feels too large.

Worse from stooping. Bending forward. Pain in forehead soon after rising. Bruised pain in the head. Headache as if it would burst. Had to lie down with sour stomach after supper. As if top of head would come off when stepping. Sensation as if brain open air. Headache with severe pain in small of back. Headache worse bending head forward.


Type: Nervous.

Location: Forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Over right eye. Occiput. Right side of head. Vertex. Over eyebrows.

Pain: Pressing. Dull. Tensive. Band-like. Sore bruised.

Aggravation: Daytime. Morning. After noon. 1 P.M. in high altitude. Raising head. Bending. Coughing. Lying Warm room. Yawning. Fresh air. Turning eyes.

Amelioration: After eating. During eating. While walking.

Attending Symptoms: dizziness. Brainfag. Chilliness. Dryness in throat. Noises in ear.

Description: Pressive headache in right side and occiput. Pain in lowest part of occiput when yawning often preventing its completion. Headache in fresh air as if brain were held in a vise from ear to ear. Transient dizziness from occiput forward, when head is bent forward, when writing. Brainfag. Dull frontal headache which vanished at sunset. Followed by mental exhilaration.

Shock in head with vertigo. Worse by lying down, better after eating. Tension over forehead as from a rubber band. Headache just over eyebrows. Not constant. Worse raising head, turning eyes. Occiput painful, tender to touch. Pains worse on coughing. Better after eating at sunset. Headaches of high altitudes. Headache with vertigo. Preceded by flashing of light. Pain like a band across forehead. Shocks coming from occiput with vertigo.


type: Nervous. Gastric. Hysterical.

Location: Bones. Forehead. Right side of forehead. Left side of forehead. Over right eye. Occiput. One side of head. Vertex.

Pain. Burning. Crushing. Cutting, darting, stabbing. Drawing. Dull. Pressing. Stitching. Tearing. Pulsating. Throbbing. Beating. Hammering.

Aggravation: Afternoon. Night. Cold air. Open air. Loss of animal fluids. Riding in a boat. Concussion. During dentition. During eating. Excitement of emissions. Depressing or sad news. Intoxication. Jr. Laughing. Lifting. Light. Lying on back. During menses. Mental exertion. Motion. Violent motion. Moving head. Noise. During pregnancy. Reading. Riding in Cars, Train, in a carriage. After sleep. Loss of sleep. Late hours. Night watching. On being roused from sleep. Heavily stepping. Stooping. Exposure to sun. Talking. Smoking tobacco. Turning head. Vexation. Walking. Cold weather.

Amelioration: Lying on side. Sitting. Warm room. Bending head backward.

Description: Nervous and gastric headaches with nausea, as if at sea, violent vomiting and cramps. Sick headaches from riding in a carriage, Boat, train or cars.


Type: Neuralgic. Nervous. Gastric. Hysterical. Migraines.

Location: One side of head. Right side of head Temple. Vertex. Brain.

Pain: Burning. Bursting. Crushing. Drawing. Dull. Nail-like. Pressing. Pressing inward. Pulsating.

Aggravation: Morning. Morning in bed. Morning on waking. cold air. Open air. Anger. Taking cold. contradiction. During dentition. After eating. Excitement of emotions. After fright. Intoxication. Excessive joy. Light. During menses. Mental exertion. Motion. Moving eyelids. Music, Abuse of narcotics. Noise. Noise of footsteps. Strong odors. Reading. sitting. After sleep. Late hours. Loss of sleep. Spirituous liquors. After siesta. Talking. Walking in open air. Warm room. wine. Eating too much. thinking in open air. Warm room. wine. Eating too much. Thinking of pain. Catching cold. Chill. Contradiction. Foul air.

Amelioration: Open air. Closing eyes. Motion. Sitting. Walking in open air.

Attending Symptoms: Dread of cold air. chilly. Head feels small Nosebleed. Wakefulness at night. Flushed face. Cold hands. Buzzing in ears. Sensitive hearing. Runs wildly about the room with intense pain. Feet cold. Loathe all food and drink on account of continual sickness at the stomach. Vomiting of mucus. Dread noise.

Description: Neuralgic headaches from slightest cause. From thinking. Excessive joy. Contradiction. Vexation. Catching cold. Chill. Eating too much. with aversion to coffee. Sensitive to least noise and music. Pain seems unbearable. Making the patient tearful. Head feels small, as if it would burst or fly to pieces if she moved. One sided headache as from a mail driven in the side of the head or as if brain were crushed or torn.

Worse in open air, also in heated rooms and foul air and better in open air. After intoxication. Wakefulness in night. Heat in head. Flushed face, and cold hands. Buzzing in ears. Nosebleed. Tight pain, worse from noise, smell narcotics. Seems as if brain torn to pieces. Sensitive hearing. When the pain drives to despair the patient runs wildly wildly about the room.


Type: Arthritic.

Location: Forehead. Right side of forehead. Over eyes. Over left eye. Occiput. One side of head, Temples. Vertex.

Pain: Boring. Digging. Drawing. Pressing. Pressing outward. Shooting. Pinching. Tearing. Pulsating. Throbbing. Beating.

Aggravation: Morning on waking. Afternoon. Afternoon lasting all night. Night. Open air, bending head backward. Becoming cold, fat food. Hot applications. Looking upward, mental exertion. Motion. Moving head. Moving eyes. Noise. Strong odors. Shaking head. During sleep. Night watching, late hours. Loss of sleep. In a small spot, warm room. Cold weather. Getting wet. While sweating. Intellectual exertion. Entering a room from cold air.

Amelioration: Lying. After sleep. Wrapping up head. After supper. Warmth. Lying quiet in bed. Physical rest.

Attending Symptoms: Nausea. Bitter taste. Irritable. Frequent ineffectual effort to sneeze in the morning on waking.

Description; Gout in vigorous constitutions. Grinding. Boring. Arthritic. Headache usually parietal or occipital. Tearing drawing pressing headache often semi-lateral. Severe pressing pain. Deep in the substance of the cerebellum from the slightest intellectual exertion. Especially in over-taxed brains. As soon as he loses any rest by night watching he becomes mentally tired and suffers with headache.

N C Das
N C Das