Nausea. Bitter taste. Painful drawing. Tearing beginning in one eye ball extending to occiput worse by motion or jar. Better by Physical rest. From warmth. After supper. Frequent ineffectual effort to sneeze in the morning on waking. Pulsations in the head. The headache better after supper. Warmth. Lying quiet in bed. Pressure on the occiput during intellectual exertion. Cramp-like pains in head. Especially over eyes. Semi-lateral tearing in the head. Headache chiefly frontal and temporal, but also occipital and in nape of neck. worse afternoon, evening.


Type: Nervous. Periodical. Rheumatic. Gouty. Neuralgic.

Location. One side of forehead. Left of forehead. occiput. One side of forehead. Occiput. One side of head. Left side of head. Temples. Right temple.

Pain: boring. Digging. Burning. Cramping. Cutting. Darting. Stabbing. Drawing. Pressing. Pressing outward. Tearing. Intermittent.

Aggravation: Morning. Afternoon. Evening. Night on waking. Draft of air. Anger. Beer. Taking cold. Coughing. Hot application. Lying. during menses. Mental exertion. Motion. Moving eyes. Moving eyelids. Every day. Riding on cars. Shaking head. Spirituous liquors. Stepping heavily. Stooping. Turning head. During urination. Walking. Lying on back. Chagrin and indignation.

Amelioration: Open air. Coffee. Motion. Pressure. Touch. Walking Walking in open air. Lying on affected side. Heat.

Attending Symptoms: Suffocation, (Followed by) cries and weeps. Nausea. Vomiting. Little urine is passed or very foul smelling during the interval and copiously and clear during the pain. Great restlessness and anguish.

Description: Bilious headache. Gouty or nervous headache of excruciating severity. Violent tearing pains digging through the whole brain increased particularly when moving the upper eyelid. Frontal neuralgia. Intermittent headache. Severe boring. Burning pains in one or both temples. Compressive sensation pains in one or both temples. Compressive sensation in forehead. Worse when stooping, lying on backs. Afternoon. Evening with great restlessness and anguish especially when the sweat smells urinous.

Little urine is passed. Or very foul smelling during the interval, and copious and clear during the pain, better by firm pressure. Lying on effected side. Lateral cutting headache with nausea. Vomiting. Pains better by pressure, heat. Pains with soreness of scalp. Burning pains. Digging. Reading and tearing. Frontal headache. Worse stooping. Lying on back and moving eyelids. Pain tearing and screwing together.

Headache after chagrin or indignation. Compressive pain in sinciput. Worse stooping. Lying on back. Pressing pain in forehead and root of nose. Attacks of Semi lateral headache, drawing and cramplike or pressive, With nausea. vomiting. Towards 5 p.m. Pain in the forehead and in the eyes. Headache with violent pains, which do not permit a recumbent posture and occasion cries and weeping. Attacks of headache followed by suffocation.

Type: Chronic.

Location: Brain. Forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Pain: Bursting. Sticking. Crushing. Cutting. Darting. Stabbing. Drawing. Pressing. Pressing asunder. Pressing outward. Shooting. Sore, Bruised. Stitching. Tearing. Pulsating. Throbbing. Beating. Lancinating. Stupefying. Pulling.

Cause: Insufficient evacuation.

Aggravation: Morning. Morning in bed. Morning on waking. Forenoon. Afternoon. Night. Open air. Loss of animal fluids. From becoming cold. While constipated. Coughing. After dinner. Cold drinks. During eating. After eating. Excitement of emotions from becoming heated. Mechanical injuries. Jar. Lying. Mental exertion. Motion. Moving head. Moving eyes. Noise every day. Lying. Entering a room from cold air. Repression of sexual desire. Excessive pollution. Onanisms. shaking head. Sitting. After sleep. Spirituous liquors. Stepping heavily. Pressing at stool. Stooping. Talking. Thinking of pain Touch. Walking. Walking in open air. Cold weather. Wine.

Amelioration: Open air. Closing eyes. After eating. Leaning against some thing. Lying. Motion. Pressure. Standing, sitting. Stooping. Wrapping up head. Moving head.

Attending symptoms: Nausea. Vomiting of mucus Insufficient evacuation. Falling off of hair. Pain in abdomen.

Description; Brain sensitive no noise. Sensation as if brain were too full and would burst. Pain in occiput with every pulse as if pierced with a knife. Pain in occiput with every pulse as if pierced with a knife. Sensation of a large heavy lump in brain. Spells of tearing headache with nauseas. Headache from forehead to occiput as if some thing were loose when shaking head, worse moving when fasting. Sitting bent. During motion, any sudden jar. Shock. Sitting erect. Headache. Stupefying with nausea.

Vomiting of mucus, with a feeling of a foreign body under the skull. Tightness as if both temples were compressed. Worse after a meal. Bruised Semi lateral pain. Dull occipital on rising in morning. Attacks of headache with nausea and vomiting of mucus. Lancinating pain especially in vertex. Stupefying pains in the head especially when walking in the open air. First in forepart of the head. Later in the back part; Better on stooping. Moving the head. Excessive sensibility of the brain even to talking and to any other noise.

Quotidian headache on account of insufficient evacuation. Semi lateral pains in the head as if it were bruised. Tearing in temples and sides of the head with sensation as if the brain were gone to sleep. Worse from contact. Motion after eating. Better in recumbent position. While stooping.

Headache as if the head were beaten to pieces or would be pressed asunder. Downward pressure. As from a stone on top of frontal bone. Sticking in head while coughing. Pulling in the head with numbness of brain. Attack of tearing headache which force the patient to lie down. Obstinate shooting pain in sinciput which seems coming from forehead. Headache accompanied by pain in abdomen.


Pain: Dull Aching. Pulsating. Shooting. Throbbing.

Location: Temple. Over left eyebrow. Over eyeballs. Occiput. Vertex. Whole head.

Aggravation: Moving head. Stooping. Walking.

Amelioration: Coffee. By a copious stool.

Attending Symptoms: Nausea. Sweat. Drowsiness. Lassitude.

Description: Dullness and weight in head.

Temples, better by coffee.

Heaviness of head with nausea.

Aching and throbbing pain over left eyebrow.

Dull pains over eye-balls, un-usual pulsations extending to back of head.

Pulsating headache in temples.

Headaches with drowsiness and confusion of ideas.

Semi-lateral headaches.

Deep-seated pains under vertex.

Dull heavy pains over whole head with drowsiness lassitude, nausea, and general sweat.

Headache worse by coffee, sense of fullness of head relieved by a copious stool.

Sense of fullness in head with shooting aching, throbbing in head, preventing sound sleep.


Location: Brain. Forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Left side of head.

Pain: Cutting. Stabbing. Darting. Drawing. Dull. Pressing: Stitching. Tearing. Pulsating. Beating. Throbbing.

Aggravation: Morning. Morning on waking. During climaxis. Motion. After sleep. During menses. At that time when menses used to appear.

Amelioration: Open air. After breakfast. Walking in open air.

Attending Symptoms: Vertigo. Slow pulse. Distention of vessels all over the body; all symptoms are more violent at that time when menses used to appear.

Must wink and wipe the eyes frequently.

Epistaxis of tenacious thick black blood with cold sweat on forehead. Prostration and sleeplessness.

Description: Vertigo and headache with slow pulse.

Beating, throbbing headache of frequent occurrence, at the critical age, now on one, then on the other, side of head with distension of vessels all over the body, with pressure on eyes.

All symptoms more violent at that time when menses used the appear.

Must wink and wipe the eyes frequently as though a film of mucus were over them.

Epistaxis of tenacious, thick, black blood with cold sweat on forehead.

Pulsation and sleepiness.

Sensation of looseness of the brain during movement as if it were tottering to and fro.

Drawing pain in the forehead with nausea.

Semi-lateral pulsation in the head and in the face.

Headache above the eyes.

Throbs, pulsates, during climacteric; worse during menses.


Type: Congestive.

Location: Forehead. Right side of forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Pain. Dull. Pressing. Pulsating. Throbbing.

Aggravation: Morning on waking. Ascending steps. While constipated. Jar. Mental exertion. Motion. After sleep. Turning body in bed. Lying down. Rising.

Amelioration: Walking in open air. Morning on rising. Walking on tip toe.

Attending Symptoms: Abdominal ailments. Bilious vomiting.

Constipation. zymotic or septic diseases.

Fainting on assuming upright position.

Must walk on tip toe.

Pain in heart on lying on left side.

Description: Congestive headaches especially on right side with abdominal ailments, bilious vomiting, constipation worse by lying down, again after rising, accompanying zymotic or septic diseases.

N C Das
N C Das