DR. Bellokossy: I had a case of pregnancy nausea. I gave all kinds of remedies and they would not help I gave Sepia as Dr. Sutherland says. It did not faze her at all. I studied more and found her similimum, and her similimum was Veratrum viride, and it worked wonderfully.

DR. HUBBARD: You mean the constitutional similimum or the remedy?.

DR. Bellokossy: The whole system. You have to study the whole system.

CHAIRMAN SMITH: I think we are all willing to accept that (Laughter) It has to fit the case or it wont do any good.

DR. NEISWANDER (closing): I want to thank you for your discussion, and for what Dr. Wright Hubbard has said regarding the use of Syphilinum. I use it in cases where it is indicated that it is needed, and it is very effective. I also use the combination where I think it is indicated-combined Tuberculinum and Syphilinum. Probably a 50M or a CM potency. It depends on the case. I thank you again.

H A Neiswander