COMPLAINTS OF PREGNANCY. The story of Creation in Biblical history tells us that child-birth shall be associated with pain and so down through the years, depending on the resistance, physique, anatomical formation and anatomical adjustments of the mother and her foetus, the mother has given birth to her children through discomfort and misery.

Perpetuation of the human race is only through pregnancy. From the beginning there has been distress, discomfort and pain, and the annoying symptoms of the child-bearing woman.

The story of Creation in Biblical history tells us that child-birth shall be associated with pain and so down through the years, depending on the resistance, physique, anatomical formation and anatomical adjustments of the mother and her foetus, the mother has given birth to her children through discomfort and misery.

The normally robust, well developed mother during the age when she has pliable muscles with an adjustable pelvis, rarely has a great deal of difficulty, providing the foetus is normal in size and holds a normal position. But a pregnant woman must always be closely observed and checked symptomatically and physically for any deviation from the normal; for the abnormal conditions which are many are our concern.

The discomforts and complaints may be classified as physical, neurological or pathological. After all, a normal pregnancy is only a physiological state.

1. Under the physical status we have a malposition of the uterus which may cause severe backache, headache and a marked increase in gastric distress, all of which may be completely, or at least very much, alleviated by correction of the malposition together with the indicated remedy such as Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, etc. The longer these physical conditions are permitted to continue without correction, the more prone they are to develop into a pathological state.

2. A neurological state may become a very annoying condition or situation, not only for the patient, but for the physician as well. The pregnant woman may have the idea that she does not want her babe. Then her physician will necessarily use all the psychiatric persuasion and power at his command, repeatedly, together with her indicated remedy such as Pulsatilla or Ignatia which, if properly selected, will make her accept her situation which she thought she could not endure.

Either the physical or neurological states will become pathological in the later months of the pregnant term if not corrected.

3. Pathological states may begin with an increase of blood pressure, increased pulse rate, slight albuminuria or glycosuria, or obesity. These conditions, if found and corrected in the beginning, may mean little to the patient, but if unobserved and not corrected may be very grave.

CASE 1.–Mrs. S.T., aged 27, white, had large varicosities about the vulva, cold hands, pale face, metallic taste and dry mouth which indicated Hydrocyanic acid which relieved her condition. She was subject to colds with weakness and prostration. Influenzin took care of the acute condition; later the restlessness, the desire for open air and the weepy emotional state indicated Pulsatilla, with the expected benefit to the patient. CASE 2.–Mrs. S., aged 40, white, had a cholecystectomy the last of October, 1947; about 21/2 mo. later aborted a 2 mo. pregnancy and about 7 mo. later became pregnant again.

Previous to her pregnancy she had a 2nd degree retroversion, slight endocervicitis, and severe pain at menstruation. After pregnancy developed her complaints were pain in right upper abdomen with much gas, eats little at a time, can’t eat sweets, tomatoes or cooked potatoes. Can eat sauerkraut, raw potatoes and lettuce. Has numbness of the hands, great prostration, fixed ideas. Thuja relieved her distress.

A cold developed, was better moving about in open air, profuse yellowish-green discharges, discouraged. Pulsatilla cleared the obstinate cold. She became worried over a death in the family. She had a general pulsation over the body. Was better when busy with her work but impatient because she hadn’t the strength to work as fast as she wished. Iodine relieved this type of distress and her fourth daughter arrived in due time.

CASE 3.–Mrs. G. C., aged 35, white, married about 7 years, complained of sterility. Examination revealed right ovarian cyst and moderate endocervicitis. She had frequent colds, changeable symptoms, much tiredness. Tuberculinum was given. The general health improved but she would get sudden violent influenzal attacks. She wanted cool surroundings, was anxious when quiet, had constant motion of eyeballs. Iodine gave satisfactory relief. At the end of a year she became pregnant, had a normal pregnancy and delivery and had a fine baby boy.

CASE 4.–Mrs. H. Z., aged 36, white, was the mother of twins and had had 3 other single births. Blood pressure was 170/110. Complains of headache in back of head, vertigo if hurried, bursting feeling in head, has pus cells in urine, a trace of albumin. Vipera in ascending potencies relieved symptoms. Later, for her nervousness, nausea and heart burn Pulsatilla was given, and gave the needed relief.

CASE 5.–Mrs. C. C., aged 35, white, 1 child. Seemed headed for a rapid breakdown. Well selected remedies did not hold. Tuberculinum was prescribed with benefit. She became pregnant and threatened abortion at 3 months. Lycopodium was indicated. She recovered from the attack of cramps and later Tuberculinum was administered. The last month of pregnancy the patient was restless and uncomfortable. Uric acid was given and patient said she felt better than at any time during pregnancy. She had a fine boy and made a good recovery.

CASE 6.–Mrs. B. P., aged 30, had had one normal delivery and three miscarriages. Except for colds and a slight anteflexion of uterus the patient seemed to be in good health. There were few symptoms on which to prescribe. At the time of her miscarriages she would complain of a cramp-like pain when she would rise from sitting, which would extend into the hypogastrium. While sitting she would have pain like a pressure and contraction. Thuja was prescribed and she again became pregnant. She had a normal pregnancy. For the colds she developed during this period, Thuja would be indicated. She would be worse at night, from the warmth of the bed and from cold, damp air. For the headaches and backaches she acquired when she went shopping Bryonia would be clearly indicated and quickly relieved her. She went to full term and had a normal delivery. Mother and babe are in good health.

With the exception of an occasionally added deficient hormone, in my judgement the homoeopathic remedies will do more for the complaints of pregnancy than anything else that can be given.

H A Neiswander