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Paralysis – 7

Nightly pains cause dyspnoea and one sided paralysis. Bad results from anger; acid food and bread; Quinine; excessive use of salts; grief; fright; vexation; mortification or reserved displeasure. All symptoms are renewed or aggravated chiefly when lying down, must sit up to get relief, Malaria, (10 to 11 A.M.) with hammering headache, with sores on lips, cannot bear to eat or even think of bread; Greasy skin of face, salivation, craving for salt; frothy tongue. Sweat relieves all pains. Eruptions at the margins of the hair. Spine sensitive to touch, relieved by hard pressure. Eczema, raw, inflamed, at the edges of the hair. Tetters at bends of joints, crack, crust over, ooze an acrid fluid.


TYPE: Hysterical.

LOCATION: Lower limbs.

CAUSES: Hysteria. Mental emotion. Night watching in the sick-chamber.

AGGRAVATION: By cold. By stooping. Walking. Standing. From slight touch. Tobacco. From emotion. From sweets. From coffee. From strong smells. From ascarides. When yawning. Contact. Motion. Grief. Bad news. Vexation with reserved displeasure. From suppressed mental sufferings. Shame. Mortification. Disappointed love. From anxiety. Anxiety with sorrow Unhappy love. Over exertion of mind. Between swallowings. After dinner. Evening. After lying down. Morning. Brandy. Open air. External warmth. Noise. Just after a meal.

AMELIORATION: While eating, change of position. From eructations. Near a warm stove. From swallowing. When taking an inspiration. Warmth. Hard pressure. Walking. Rest. Lying down. Sitting.

LOCAL SYMPTOMS: Sudden loss of function in any organ. Functional paralysis coming after fatigue or mental emotions. Paralytic weakness; after great mental emotion, nursing, night watching. Paralysis which passes off in a few hours; a hysterical paralysis.

ATTENDING SYMPTOMS: Dreams continue after waking. Sad. Hopeless. Hysterical variableness of mind. Sighing and sobbing from suppressed or deep grief. Absorbed in grief. Recent grief. Sensitiveness of feeling. Fearful. Timid. Irresolute slightest contradiction irritates. Cannot bear noise. Grieves without saying anything about it. Great tenderness. Tendency to start. Changeable disposition. Rapid alternation of moods. Impatience. Strong disposition to be frightened. Weak memory. Love of solitude. Lachrymation especially in the brightness of the sun.

Face changes colour very often when at rest. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Perspiration only in the face. Lips dry, cracked, bleeding. Ulceration of one of the corners of mouth. Sour saliva and sour taste of mouth. Desire for a variety of things but when they are offered the appetite fails,. Aversion to meat, brandy, warm food and tobacco. Rectum falls with stool. Stitches in haemorrhoids during cough. Coughing increase desire to cough. Warm sweat of palms. Heavy feet. Cold feet and legs.


TYPE: Descending. Agitans (Rhus t. Zinc.)

LOCATION: Upper limbs. Wrist. Hand. Lower limbs. Face.

CHARACTER: Painless. Twitching of muscles of paralyzed parts. (Arg-n. Phos. Stram. See). Jerking and quivering of parts.

AGGRAVATION: At night. Wet damp weather. In autumn. Warm days and cold damp nights. Lying on right side. Perspiring. From cold air From lamp light. Before stool. While urinating. On getting warm in bed. During stool. After having urinated. Warm room. Warm bed. When exercising. Touch. Pressure. Motion. Touching anything cold. Bending forward. After eating. By cold. Extremes of temperature. From both heat and cold.

AMELIORATION: Rest Coitus. Weeping. Morning. When lying down.

LOCAL SYMPTOMS: Trembling all over. Paralysis agitans. Tremor of hands, cannot lift anything, or eat or write. Trembling, weakness, fetor, aggravation at night and from heat and cold. Tremulous condition of the extremities, like paralysis agitans. Trembling of the hands with great weakness.

Paralysis of the lower limbs, and twitching jerking and quivering of the paralyzed parts “Facial paralysis from cold, right or left side; almost specific” clarke. Paralysis of several of limbs. Paralysis agitans tremor of head, of hands, of tongue; tremors commencing in the fingers. Trembling of limbs and body; paralysis agitans. Legs paralyzed in spinal meningitis.

Paralysis commences in the upper extremities and runs downwards, descending paralysis, (Bar-c.)

ATTENDING SYMPTOMS: Great indifference to everything. Very restless, is constantly changing from place to place. Great anxiety of mind and dread. Dissatisfied; ill-humored. Weakness of memory. Weary of life. Thinks of lossing reason. Homesickness. Hurried and rapid speech. Vertigo when lying on back. Oily sweat on head. Vertigo as if one were on a swing. Falling off of the hair, mostly on the sides of the head and on the temples. Ear discharge suppressed. Greenish fetid pus is discharged from nose. Blackish nose. Face pale, yellow, earthy colour of the face with dull eyes without lustre. Lips rough, black dry. Cracks and rhagades in the lips and corners of mouth. Spongy easily bleeding gums which recede from the teeth.

Fetid odour from mouth. Fetid and tenacious saliva. Saliva runs out of mouth during sleep at night. Tongue large, flabby, shows imprint of teeth. Tongue red or white; dry hard coated black. The gums look indented. Complete loss of speech and voice. Bitter, sweet or putrid taste of mouth. Saltish taste of lips. The bread tastes sweet, whole mouth moist. Crown of teeth decay. Furrow in upper surface of tongue lengthwise. Great thirst with moist mouth. Very fetid breath. Rigidity, insensibility and immobility of tongue. Aversion to butter, meat, sweets. Dysentery or diarrhoea with never-get-done feeling. Rectum black, discharging blood. Nightly emissions of semen mixed with blood. Sterility with too profuse menstruation easy conception.

Twitching of arms and finger. Exfoliation of the finger-nails. Cold sweat of feet. Oily sweat affords no relief. Great tendency of limbs to become numb. Sensation of coldness in outer parts. Sallow-coloured face. Blackness of outer parts. Wasting away of soft parts. Emaciation and atrophy of whole body. Cannot lie on right side. Parts which are usually white turn red. Throat gets sore whenever a cold is taken. Lachrymose disposition.


TYPE: Descending. Agitans. Rheumatic. Hemiplegia. In old men.

LOCATION: Optic nerve Face. One side of face. Tongue (old men)

Lung. (old man). Upper limbs. Forearm. Hand. Lower limbs.

CAUSES: Apoplexy. Rheumatism. After diphtheria.

CHARACTER: Painless.

AGGRAVATION: Lying on painful side. From pressure from without. While thinking of symptoms. From washing. While sitting. After meals. Washing affected parts. Cold air. Cold washing. Damp weather. Warm food. From raising arms. From mental emotion. In company. Left side. From cold. Hot weather. In drunkards.

AMELIORATION: When alone. Cold food. When walking in open air. Cool air (Headache).

LOCAL SYMPTOMS: General paralysis of old age with loss of memory and trembling of limbs. Paralysis after apoplexy in old age. Paralysis of tongue with loss of speech. Facial paralysis, mouth partly open and saliva runs out. Paralysis and palsy of aged persons. Paralysis of tongue in old people. Paralytic weakness and trembling and numbness of the feet.

Trembling of the feet while standing and tottering while walking. In paralysis of tongue Causticum (imperfect control of tongue) may require to be followed by Baryta carb. Old people suffering from paralysis, particularly paralysis following apoplexy. Paralysis of old people with childishness and loss of memory. Trembling of limbs. Positive paralysis of the tongue where mouth is kept partly open with running out of saliva.

ATTENDING SYMPTOMS: Dwarfishness in body and mind. Mental dwarfishness. Dwarfishness of organs. Childish manner of doing things. Childish behaviour. Dwarfish in size and in mind, cannot grasp ordinary ideas. Backward children. Great aversion to strangers, the sight of them makes the symptoms worse or causes a recurrence of feeble-mindedness. Loss of memory. Irresolute. Lost confidence in himself. Confusion. Bashful. Grief over trifles. Childish old people.

At night everything rocks with him as on a ship. Scalp very sensitive to touch. Losing hair from crown of head. Baldness. Eye-pains relieved by looking downward. Hardness of hearing. Very acute sense of smell. Smells pine smoke. Face deep red with purple lips. Cracking in ears when swallowing, sneezing and when walking fast.

Tension on the face as if it were covered by spider webs. (cobwebs) Lips dry and cracked. Toothache when thinking of it. Frequent and considerable bleeding of gums. Awakes with dry mouth. Can only swallow liquids. Feeling of a plug in in throat. Sensation of smoke in throat. Buccal cavity feel numb. Cold tongue somewhat black. Cracks on tongue. Sour taste before a meal. Cough from warm food, better from cold diet. Hungry but refuses food. Haemorrhoids protrude on urinating.

Falling asleep during coition without the emission having taken place. Relaxed penis. Palpitation when lying on left side or when thinking of it. Fatty tumours about the neck. Fetid foot sweats. Numbness of limbs. Numb feeling from knees to scrotum. Feels too hot in sleep. Twitching during sleep. Heaviness of body. Left side is most affected. After eating so weak, cannot raise his hands. Too weak to masticate. Tendency to catch cold. Peeling off of skin of back of hand and top of fingers.


TYPE: Ascending. In old people. Post-diphtheritic. Agitans. Spinal. Laundrys.

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