“I am glad to report that I am still feeling better in myself. My appetite is better and I begin to want every meal. The bone pain has been about the same, and is still troublesome at night, and the back is sore to lie on, but I can walk better. I still have two Turkish baths each week, and feel that they help much.”.

I had inspired her to such an extent with hope and confidence that tool philosophically and cheerfully every set-back and every pain. She wrote to me on June 16th:.

“I do not seem to have made much progress this week. The ache in the bottom of my back has been worse than for several weeks, and I am having a yellow discharge from the front passage (this was a disturbing symptoms). The ache is only relieved by lying down and it makes me feel very limp and listless. The hips are not so sore to lie on as when I wrote last. I hope to give a better report next week. You have done so much for me already, and I am grateful.”.

On June 28th she complained again about the pain in the back:.

“I am pleased to report that the pain in the back is less than last week, but still gets bad if I am on my feet for long. The discharge is about the same. My general health is much better, and the ache in the pelvis is much better, so that I can sit more comfortably.”.

On July 26th she complained that she had not been so well, and that the discharge was worse, a very ominous symptoms, but I was gratified to hear that Colocynthis 3x had relieved the pain. She also told me that she had headaches starting from the back of the head, for which, of course, I sent her Silica, choosing the 12x potency. As Colocynthis, helped the poor woman, I sent that Medicine in various potencies, 3x and 30. Before she came under my care she had been given morphia in large doses, which upset her. On August 26th, after seven months treatment she wrote to me:.

“I am glad to say the acute stage in my black seems to have passed, but the ache is still bad. I feel a little troubled about the left groin and just above it, where I had the deep X-ray treatment. It seems to be drawn in and tightened, as if the muscles were contracting. It does not seem to affect the intestine or bowel movements, as I am again taking the usual diet, and have two evacuations each day. The digestion is a bit upset, causing flatulence, and the yellow discharge is as bad as ever.

The nerve pain pills, Colocynthis 30, seemed to help most. I come over with sweats very frequently without any movement to come it. Perhaps this is helpful, as my bones crick and grate from my neck to my ankles. I was very thankful not to need the morphia. I have somewhat lost faith in the medical man, and hope now to go ahead as before, when this turn has passed.”.

Obviously she thought the aggravation only a temporary one. On September 4th, while telling me of pain and the undiminished discharge, she concluded her letter with the words:.

“I am very hopeful, especially when I remember what I was like two years ago, and also when I first came to you. Before this last attack came on, I had begun to walk quite nicely, and hope to do so again very soon.”.

As her pain was relieved by heat I gave her Arsenicum 200 and Tarantula 200, and Hypericum in various potencies because it was largely nerve pain. Her pain became more severe in the course of time. The husband called in the local doctor, and wrote to me on October 25th:.

“My wife has been under the local doctor for three weeks and he has treated her on the usual lines, with tablets, draughts, and twice morphia injections. Her spirit has been maintained meanwhile wonderfully.”.

The next thing I heart from the husband was a letter sent on January 19th, 1937, informing me of this wifes death. He wrote:.

“You will doubtless not be surprised to heart from me that my wife passed away after lying unconscious for a week, and for the past month she was almost continuously under morphia. The doctor who attended her remarked what strength she had to resist the insidious disease, although taking no solid food for twenty days. All this point to the fact that your diet, etc., must have given her an amazing vitality, and for your interest and attention to her case, we offer our many tanks, and regret that it was not possible to retain her.”.

Mrs. W.J.S. was a woman of wonderful character, and a model patient, very strong willed, and determined to play her part. She was splendid. I am gratified to know that I gave her more than six months of happiness and relative comfort.

I describe this case in order to show that even the most hopeless cases, such as this one, can be relieved greatly, by common sense treatment, homoeopathic medicines, and a suitable diet. Happily she did not know that she suffered from cancer, but thought it was osteo-arthritis. Whether the disease was of natural origin, or whether it was caused by the incredible methods of violent interference practised on the poor woman for years, is a moot point. With the increase of operations and injections, the cancer death rate has increased tremendously. Whether the latter is caused by the former is not clear, but it is possible.

1. Many operations are unnecessary, and even such things as new growths and tumours can be removed without the aid of knife. This is not an exaggeration or an idle statement.

Dr. Dorothy Shepherd.

2. During pregnancy longing for unusual articles of food: Chelid. Gentry.

3. During Pregnancy belching after every meal: Arg.n, Gentry.

4. During pregnancy distention of stomach after every meal:Borax. Gentry.

5. During pregnancy very sleepy during a meal: Kali.c.


6. Scirrhus of right breast. Tumor very hard, knobby, immovable, with lancinating pains; nipples retracted, skin purple in spots and wrinkled: Cund.


7. During pregnancy threatened miscarriage from traumatism, falls and shocks: Arn. Gentry.

8. During pregnancy grinding of teeth and restless sleep:Cina.


9. Menses return with new moon: Nux.vom.


10. Swelling of labia during pregnancy: Podo.


11. Swelling of feet at climacteric: Lach.


12. Castoreum is a very useful medicine for patients, especially women, who are nervous and do not react after typhoid fever, if, after the fever has spend its force, the patient remains irritable, with weak and exhausting sweat, castoreum helps her at once.


13. Asthma of consumptives when Drosera fails: Mephitis:


14. Sore nipples when they are cracked and ragged, almost handing in fact: Castor equi.


15. Artemisia Vulgaris is an excellent remedy in epilepsy, especially when it has been caused by fright or some exciting mental emotion. The attacks are repeated one after the other and are followed by profound sleep.


16. Corallium rubrum is useful in a combination of Syphilis and Psora.


17. Nitrite of amyl, is indicated in flushes of heat at change of life.


18. Cold saliva: Petiveria.


19. In my experience no remedy corresponds to more case of chlorosis in young girls, with or without ulceration of stomach: Petroleum.


20. “Falling out of the hair” is a characteristic symptom of Petroleum.


21. Throat affections go right to left. Headache back to front: Petroleum.


22. Skin worse in winter, better in summer: Alm.


23. Child suddenly seized with desire to urinate; if not gratified immediately, jumps up and down with pain. So much pain when he passes urine as to cause him to shiver and dance round room in agony: Petroselinum.


24. The breast and chest symptoms have led to the use of Phellandrium in Phthisis and other chest affections and it is in right side affections that Phelland, has done its best work.


25. Coldness of head with headache: Phelland.


26. Last stage of Phthisis, sputa terribly offensive: Sil.


27. Coryza, with obstruction of nose, can only breathe through mouth: Phelland.


28. Inability to urinate the day after ague attack: Phelland.


29. Cough with expectoration of fetid pus: Guaiacum.


30. Palpitation and dyspnoea in organic heart disease, worse when thinking of it, a very peculiar modality, but genuine.


31. And it is notable that Teucrium is one of the best remedies for polypus of the nose; will cure it, and that never to return.


32. I have used it with much satisfaction in women who complained of great soreness in the uterine region and sympathetic palpitation of the heart. It has also served me well in dropsies of cardiac origin especially in women who have at the same time the above mentioned soreness in uterine region: Convallaria Majalis. Nash.

33. Oleander is one of our best remedies for diarrhoea of undigested food and the best indication for it is involuntary stool when emitting flatus.


34. One very peculiar characteristic which should never be forgotten is “Dry heat” while asleep and “refuse sweat when wake”: Sambucus Nig.


35. Chronic rheumatism with valvular heart troubles should call our attention to this remedy, for it has done good service in such cases. Pain in heart when urinating or at menstrual period: Lithium carb.

J. Ellis Barker
James Ellis Barker 1870 – 1948 was a Jewish German lay homeopath, born in Cologne in Germany. He settled in Britain to become the editor of The Homeopathic World in 1931 (which he later renamed as Heal Thyself) for sixteen years, and he wrote a great deal about homeopathy during this time.

James Ellis Barker wrote a very large number of books, both under the name James Ellis Barker and under his real German name Otto Julius Eltzbacher, The Truth about Homœopathy; Rough Notes on Remedies with William Murray; Chronic Constipation; The Story of My Eyes; Miracles Of Healing and How They are Done; Good Health and Happiness; New Lives for Old: How to Cure the Incurable; My Testament of Healing; Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher; Cancer, how it is Caused, how it Can be Prevented with a foreward by William Arbuthnot Lane; Cancer and the Black Man etc.