Amelioration: Open air; cold application; during eating; excitement of emotion; lying; external pressure; wrapping up head; heat; belching up wind; lying down after eating; appearance of discharges.

Attending Symptoms: Yellow face.

Flushed cheeks.

Sparkling before eyes.



Inclination to lie down.



Stiffness of neck.

Flickering before eyes.

Heat in head especially in vertex.

Dreads to go to sleep as it aggravated headaches.

Burning in vertex.

Very pale face.

Confused mind.

Dark redness of face.

Puffed face.

Blurred vision.



Excessive nausea with repeated vomiting of mucus and bile.

Pulse weak and irregular.

Scalp very sensitive.

Vertigo with paleness of face.

Suppressed coryza.

Menstrual irregularities.

Women at the climacteric period.

Cannot bear anything tight around the waist.

Pain in left ovarian region.

Larynx and throat very sensitive to touch.

Despondent mood.

Tongue paralysed.

Symptoms: Headache; extending into root of nose pressive with nausea; in left frontal eminence; over eyes and in occiput; every morning on rising; intense pain on one side, extending to neck and shoulders; in pain on one side, extending neuralgic, with darting pains above left side, better from warm applications; pressing, bursting pain in pimples, better when lying down; more on vertex and left side and over eyes.

Headache pressing, a bursting pain in temple, aggravation from motion, pressure, stooping, lying, after sleep; dreads to go sleep because she wakes with such a headache.

It is one of our best remedies for sun-headaches, remote effect of sun-stroke (after Glon).

The patient is troubled with headache every time he is exposed to the sun heat and the trouble has become chronic (Nat.C.).

Weight or pressure on the vertex is another characteristic.

This is found mostly in women suffering at the menopause; and coupled with it in such cases there is sometimes burning on he vertex.

With the headache very pale face and the patient sleeps into the headache, dreads to sleep because she awakens with such a distressing headache.

Headache extending into nose, comes mostly in acute catarrh, especially when the discharge has been suppressed or stops after sleep.

Headache at climaxis.

Headache, aggravation in and over left eye, throbbing with sharp pains, very severe coryza, dysmenorrhoea with such a headache; all pains relieved with the appearance of the discharge.

Headache from disorder stomach or bowels and of zymotic diseases with throbbing pains in head, confused mind, dark redness of face, puffed face, blurred vision, palpitation and fainting.

Sharp sticking pains concentrating at the root of nose, or pains go from zygoma to ear; or shooting from head down through the eyes.

Intense headache going down into the shoulders and neck of the affected side with slight stiffness of neck.

Burning pressure from within outward, from top of head into the eye etc., excessive nausea, with repeated vomiting of mucus and bile.

Headache in sun; from mental or bodily exhaustion with tendency to faint, from depressing emotions, especially loud grief.

Pulse weak and irregular, general sensation of stiffness and pain in left side.

Scalp very sensitive.

Pains relieved as soon as menses flow, boring in vertex, during climaxis; frontal headache, faint on rising, mental and bodily exhaustion.

Temporal nerves of one side, painful with throbbing in the temples; heat in head; vertigo with paleness of face, frontal headache with suppressed coryza.

A pulsating headache usually in left temple and over the eyes with mental confusion, before the development of coryza, relieved as soon as the coryza appears; headache is relieved as soon as the discharge is established.

The headache may also arise from disorders of stomach or bowels or may be an accompaniments of fevers and of diseases of zymotic origin.

The patient has an upward tendency of the blood, with throbbing in the head, dark redness of the face, puffed face, confession of mind, all the way from simple confusion to absolute stupor, often accompanied too, by partial blindness, palpitation of heart and fainting.

Pains go from zygoma to ear.

Pains from the head going down through and into the eyes.

Pains of rheumatic origin in head going down into the shoulder and neck of the affected side and often accompanied by slight stiffness of the neck.

Violent pain in head with yellow face and flushed cheeks.

Headache with congestion of blood, sparkling before the eyes, drowsiness, shivering and inclination to lie down or with nausea and vomiting.

Headache preceding coryza.

Cephalgic from heat of sun.

Pains deeply seated in brain or in the sockets of the eyes or above the eyes or in occiput with stiffness in nape of neck.

Pain as from a bruise in crown of head or sensation of boring with jerks and throbbing on moving the head.

Heaviness or pressure in head as if it were going to burst or tension as from threads drawn for occiput towards the eyes or shooting as from knives in different parts of the head and as far as the eyes.

Pressing headaches in temples as if brain were pressing out, in the morning after rising, from stooping and from motion agg. from pressure and when ascending, amelioration from lying down after eating.

Cutting headache as if a part of the right side of the head were cut off, aggravation after rising or ascending, amelioration from heat and after belching up wind.

Pains which spread from the interior of head to ears, nose, and neck.

Headache every morning on awaking or after dinner of else on every change of weather.

Pulsating, beating headache with heat on head, especially on vertex, or on right side or over eyes preceding a cold in head with stiffness in neck.

Unilateral headache, creeping, gradually toward left side, until it makes a complete journey around head.

Unilateral temporal pain with palpitation.


Type: Catarrhal. Gastric. Menstrual. Rheumatic. Uterine. Neuralgic.

Location: Brain. forehead. Left side of forehead. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples. Vertex. Over eyes. Over right eye.

Character of pain: Aching, throbbing, beating, pulsating, hammering, tearing, pressing, nail-like, tensive, stitching, jerking, stupefying, shooting, boring, bursting, cutting, drawing, sore bruised.

Cause: Brain work; vexation; fasting; anger; contradiction; chill; abuse of coffee; malaria.

Extension: Back, face, neck, nose, teeth, occiput, vertex.

Aggravation: Day time; morning in bed; morning on rising; morning on waking; noon; afternoon; 1 P.M. 4-8 P.M. evening; evening in bed; 7 P.M. night; from cold air; open air; anger; on ascending steps; on going to bed; bending head backward; after breakfast; coffee; coition; from becoming cold; suppressed coryza, coughing; after eating; excitement of emotion; fasting if hunger is not appeased at once; pressure of hat; from becoming heated; limbs becoming heated; jar; lifting; light; lying down; before menses; during menses; after menses; mental exertion; mortification; motion; moving head; noise; strong odors; every day; every seven days; suppressed perspiration, external pressure; reading; riding in a carriage; stooping; upright erect position; in a crowded room; excessive pollutions; after onanism; shaking head; sitting; after sleep; spirituous liquor; heavily stepping; pressing at stool; after stool; stooping; straining eyes; summer season; touch; turning body; turning head; vexation; while walking; walking in open air; warm room; washing head; cold weather; damp cold weather; getting wet; wine; wrapping up head; writing.

Amelioration: Cold air: open air; during eating; lying down; motion; external pressure; walking; walking in open air; weeping; uncovering head.


Type: Catarrhal. Rheumatic. Neuralgic. Syphilitics. Periodical. Traumatic. Menstrual.

Location: Forehead. Vertex. Occiput. all parts of head. Bones of head. Left side of head. Brain. Over eyes. Over left eye. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples.

Character of pain: Jerking, drawing, cutting,m bursting, burning, boring, tearing, pressing, lancinating, throbbing, beating, pulsating, band-like, hammering, stitching, sore, bruised, stunning, stupefying.

Causes: Mercury; syphilis; constipation; pressure of hat; riding in a car.

Extension: Back, eyes.

Aggravation: Morning in bed; morning on waking; afternoon; evening; at night; cold air; after bathing; binding up the hair; blowing nose; from becoming cold; coughing; during dinner; after dinner; pressure of hat; jar; lying; before menses; at commencement of menses; during menses; mental exertion; mercury; motion; noise; rattling of vehicles; riding in a carriage; noise and jarring of a carriage; rubbing; shaking head; after sleep; sneezing; spirituous liquors; stepping; touch; walking; washing head; wrapping up head.

Amelioration: Morning on rising; lying; mental exertion; riding in car; wrapping up head; cold air; breakfast.

Attending Symptoms: Hair falls out.

Nausea, vomiting.

Symptoms: Pressing headache from without to within with nausea.

N C Das
N C Das