Paralysis – 1

Facial paralysis or Bells Palsy, one half of the face is mobile the other half is set. The eye on affected side does not close. Saliva trickles down from the mouth. Difficult speech. Cannot whistle. Tongue goes to one side when put out.

Paralysis of eye may be produced by injury or by pressure from growths or by rheumatism. Eye prominent ptosis, pupils unequal, inability to move the affected eye, sees double.

Paralysis of the muscles of mastication, does not allow the patient to chew his food. In paralysis of shoulder the patient cannot move the arm. Paralysis of diaphragm disturbs respiration. In paralysis of lower extremities the patient cannot walk or if he does, the affected limb drags.


The affected part may be rubbed and massaged and kept warm. Absolute rest is necessary. Warm baths and packs may also meet.

N C Das
N C Das