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Having observed, in the provings of X-ray upon myself and others, the remarkable power of that agent to delve into the recesses of the organism, thereby bringing hidden things to light, I gave X-ray 6 (Fincke) with marked and immediate aggravation of all the existing symptoms, and with certain additions, such as a copious and acrid nasal as well as aural discharge.


E.S., aged 28, had offensive otorrhoea from both ears, with impaired hearing, for many years. His condition was aggravated by a gonorrhoea, and was further complicated by the cauterization of co-existing venereal excrescences. He received Thuja which ameliorated the condition perceptibly, but the urethral discharge returned, as did also the verrucae in size and number. Medorrhinum C.M., Sulph and Merc. sol. 200, which were given at different times, seemed not to affect the case at all.

Having observed, in the provings of X-ray upon myself and others, the remarkable power of that agent to delve into the recesses of the organism, thereby bringing hidden things to light, I gave X-ray 6 (Fincke) with marked and immediate aggravation of all the existing symptoms, and with certain additions, such as a copious and acrid nasal as well as aural discharge.

The sphere for applications of Merc. cor. became sharply defined, and its administration was followed by rapid disappearance of the venereal excrescences, and by the later complete disappearance of the older symptoms of otorrhoea and deafness.


A boy, aged 3 years, had the left leg amputated at lower third of femur for what the diagnostician said was tubercular disease of the knee joint. The stump did not heal, but for eight or nine months discharged a greenish, glutinous pus. Meanwhile nightly aggravations of pain in the remaining leg, extending from hip to knee, gave evidence that the constitutional dyscrasia was in no wise subdued. The pain, which was excruciating, extorted screams and prevented continuous sleep.

This child was conceived under sycotic influence. Father and mother had gonorrhoea at time he was born. Evidence of the systemic inroads, of the miasm was seen in the temporary teeth, which when erupted appeared almost as black as tar.

Treatment began with Bacil. 200 which was repeated every fifth or eighth day for about six weeks. Sil. 200 was then given four times daily and, save for occasional intercurrent doses of Sul. C.M., was continued over a period of two years. The boy is now 11 years old, and is as well as most children. There is not the least doubt that under the conditions of pain, tenderness and systemic disturbances at the beginning of the renewed aggravation, the surgeon who amputated the first time would have performed a second operation on the other leg.

H.K. 21/2 years. Given up by old school physicians. Weakly, irritable and whining. Sweat about head, which he was unable to lift from pillow. Face preternaturally senile. Complete anorexia. Emaciation extreme. Abdomen greatly enlarged, and hard as a board. Calc. 45 M. one dose dry and S.L. for one month. First improvement was manifested by desire of cake, which I allowed.

For one month improvement was general, though gradual. At the end of a month case seemed to stagnate, and one more dose of Calc. C.M. was all the medicine he received. In two months from the first visit he was down playing on the door step with the other children. This was many years ago, but I have never done better work since.


John H. aged 44, single. Ten months before, while lifting a heavy log, suddenly felt a sensation as if something had given away in his abdomen.

The next time he urinated he passed some thick blood, and there was a feeling of lameness all through the lower abdomen. Getting rapidly worse he was taken to a hospital at Lincoln and examined. The diagnosis was that a prostatic abscess had ruptured into the bladder during the strain of lifting, and that the best chance of recovery was in an operation. Patient did not consent to an operation and was then told to go to South for his health.

He then come to me for treatment. I found him weak, unable to work, and only capable of walking a few blocks. Frequent urination; urine contained pus and blood. Had to urinate every hour during night hours; not quite so often during the day. Cutting pain in the bladder after urination. Unless the bowels moved every day the pain was greatly increased; probably from the close proximity of the rectum to the prostate. Arnica, C.M., three powders.

Seven days later he reported better; had to get up but twice during the night at the time of this visit. Placebo.

Seven days later report slow but continuous improvement. Feels stronger; does not pass much blood now.

Fourteen days later reports not quite so well; thinks that he has exercised too much. He says that he hates to wash, and always did. Urination more frequent, and some burning. Sulphur, 1m.

Seven days later weakness better, but much burning in the urethra after urination. No blood, but still a little pus. Has to urinate three times in the night. Cantharis, 1m.

Seven days later reports all symptoms better. Placebo.

Three weeks later he reports that he is feeling quite well, and able to do light work for the first time since injured.

J B Campbell