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Random Notes On Materia Medica

While orthodox medicine is utterly helpless in the case of cancer, and is unable to relieve sufferers except by poisonous dopes which naturally weaken the power of resistance of the body. homoeopathy can in practically all cases relieve the cancerous. Besides, and this is most important, homoeopathy has a large number of actual and unchallengeable cancer cures to its credit.

There is nothing particularly new in these notes, but they may be of some use to the younger men.

Aconite is the first remedy I will list, and one most frequently used in spasmodic croup. It is the remedy generally indicated in the first stage of a cold, and if given immediately will clear up the case in a short period, I give my patients with small children sets of Boenninghausens croup powders, and they have saved me many a night call. These are composed of:

2 powders of Aconite cc. (1 and 2)

2 powders of Spongia cc. (3 and 4)

1 powder of Hepar cc. (No. 5).

These are given by number, every one or two hours.

Aconite when taken in the start of a cold preceded by chilliness and sneezing, will frequently abort it.

Bryonia. The most frequently used remedy in my section of the country, Virginia, is by far the clearest indicated remedy in treatment of influenza. It covers probably about 70 to 80 p.c. of the cases. We had here in Richmond, as near as I could find out, a mortality of about 3/4 of one percent among cases homoeopathically treated, which numbered about two or three thousand. We did not have as severe a type of the disease as in northern and western sections of the country, and there were comparatively few pneumonia cases.

Capsicum. Where a case of middle ear infection threatens mastoid complications, this remedy will frequently prevent need of operating. I generally use the cc.

Gun Powder. This drug resembles Sulphur which it contains. I have never been able to get results with anything above 3x. In sinus infection, particularly the frontals, Gun powder is indicated, and usually gets good results. There are very few provings of Gun powder and it has to be prescribed largely empirically.

Iodine is very useful in cases of pneumonia where the patient, though apparently very sick, continues to have a good appetite. I have met with this condition infrequently, but where I did the remedy worked well.

Spigelia is another remedy very useful in malarial fever and in cases of left-sided supraorbital neuralgia I have found usually an old malarial history.

Natrum muriaticum is one of the most used remedies in the treatment of malaria, both acute and chronic. The ten oclock aggravation is most suggestive. I have used it in all potencies, from the 30th to CM.

One year about thirty-five years back, when chills and fever were so very prevalent, Nat. mur. was the genus epidemicus, and took care of all cases. I used it in the 60M. for most cases, and even prescribed for some cases without seeing them, with good results. Unfortunately we are not usually so lucky.

Sepia is another remedy used in malaria. “When the case is mixed up,” it will straighten out the case and the true remedy can be more clearly seen.

Medorrhinum. This drugs has one very peculiar symptom: the patient sleeps on the knees with face buried in the pillow. This is put in plain type in Dr. Kents Repertory. I have found it very reliable in many cases. I remember one case, a child of five years, enterocolitis, for whom I prescribed twice, with no result. On my third visit I found the patient sleeping in position cited. I gave Med. CM., one dose. Next day the patient was improved and I cleared up the case. I did not know history in this case and prescribed on symptoms given, alone.

Medorrhinum is also very useful in gonorrhoeal rheumatism. There is one marked symptom: the patient walks as though treading on egg shells. I had a case with this symptom. I prescribed Med.CM. and it cleared up the case.


1. “While orthodox medicine is utterly helpless in the case of cancer, and is unable to relieve sufferers except by poisonous dopes which naturally weaken the power of resistance of the body. homoeopathy can in practically all cases relieve the cancerous. Besides, and this is most important, homoeopathy has a large number of actual and unchallengeable cancer cures to its credit.”


Heal Thyself, July 1934

Vol. LXIX. No. 823.

2. “Homoeopathy has been treated with disparagement and contempt by orthodox medicine even since the time of Hahnemann, and those who have belittled it have done so without any knowledge whatever of the new art of healing.”


Heal Thyself, July 1934

Vol. LXIX. No. 823.

3. Changed mentality due to disease is the most important pointer, we can get, to the remedy. (Homoeopathy, 38, p.97)

H.R. April, 1947.

4. “In ailments from spirituous liquors or from charcoal vapors, Arnica is often indicated (Am-c. Bov.).” ALLEN.

5. Baptisia Tinctoria:-when Arsenic has been improperly given or too often repeated in Typhoid or Typhus. ALLEN

6. Benzoic Acid is useful after colchicum fails in gout; after abuse of cop. in suppression of gonorrhoea. ALLEN.

7. In the aged people Calcarea carb. should not be repeated; especially if the first dose benefited, it will usually do harm. ALLEN.

8. After Lachesis, Lycopodium often follows well. LIPPE.

9. Flouric acid follows well after Silicea and antidotes the bad results from too frequent repetition of Silicea. LIPPE

10. Laryngeal phthisis following whooping cough: Drosera. ALLEN.

11. “The author has used it (Diphtherinum) for twenty-five years as a prophylactic and has never known a second case of diphtheria to occur in a family after it had been administered.” ALLEN

12. Sulphuric acid, one part, with three parts of alcohol 10 to 15 drops, three times daily for three or four weeks, has been successfully used to subdue the craving for liquor. HERING.

13. Ailments from abuse of metals generally. _Sulphur: ALLEN.

14. Relieves ailments from abuse of Arsenic -Sambucus Nig. ALLEN.

15. Phos. removes the bad effects of Iodine and excessive use of Table Salt. ALLEN

16.Bad effects of repeated doses: of Digitalis -Nitric acid: ALLEN.

17. Natrum Mur. should never be given during fever paroxysm: ALLEN.

18. Muriatic Acid cures the muscular weakness following excessive use of Opium and Tobacco. ALLEN.

19. Epidemics occuring in January and February often call for Mezereum: ALLEN.

20. Disease occuring in winter-Merc. ALLEN

21. Ailments from Sugar-Merc.: ALLEN

22. Kalmia follow Spigelia well in heart disease: ALLEN

23. In wounds where formerly Aconite and Arnica were given alternately, Hypericum cures: ALLEN

24. Deafness after apoplexy-Hyoscyamus, after Bell. ALLEN

25. Convulsions from suppressed exanthems (Cup. m. Apis. Zinc.). ALLEN

26. “A death rate of more than five per cent in Pneumonia is absolutely inexcusable. Under careful homoeopathic prescribing plus sane and sensible case management the death rate falls to definitely less than one-per cent and many of the cases are aborted. The patient is well so soon that nearly every one comes to the conclusion “he didnt have it.”



27. High potencies are two-edged swords and must be handled with care. T. K. MOORE.

28. In advanced disease, malignant or Tubercular the most terrible things you can do is to give the indicated remedy in high potency. Give anything but that. T. K. MOORE.

29. If after giving a remedy there is itching of the soles, it is a good indication. T. K. MOORE

30. In organic disease, where there is much pathology, use the lower potencies. T. K. MOORE.

31. In nine cases out of ten, when appendicitis comes on with a rush, I have found it calls for Bell. T. K. MOORE.

32. Post partum fever: Sulph. C. M. one dose, has never failed in my experience: T.K. MOORE

33. Thuja is the antidote to massive doses of Arsenic T.K. MOORE.

34. Colocynth cures colic again and again. Then Kali-c. steps in to end the trouble.


35. Thuja is in the first rank of remedies for precancerous State. Dr. FORTIER-BERNOVILLE

36. There can be no sound nor logical defence for the pernicious habit of alternation…, alternation is emperical unsound and not in accordance with the philosophy of homoeopathy. A.R. MORGAN.

37. Chronic cases (Sinus) having s profuse purulent discharge from the nose and accessory cavities should be cautioned against too liberal use of the heavy or concentrated proteins including especially meat, eggs and fish. J.M. GREEN, M.D.

harry B. Baker