“Sometimes useful in early stages of locomotor ataxia.”.


Peculiar, almost convulsive motions in upper extremities, while the lower were nearly paralyzed. Motions, worse hands. Extremities thrown to and fro, with screams and cries. TREMBLING of hands and feet; as in chill, yet, heat of skin; worse hands, with movements, as if she were afraid of falling, body bent backward.

TWITCHING, OF TENDONS; OF HANDS AND FEET; alternating with opisthotonos. Convulsions, alternating with stiffness; the convulsions sometimes caused by external impressions, such as touching skin.

Immobility; a kind of catalepsy. Numbness of hands and feet. Paralysis.

Upper Extremities:

Trembling of arm when eating; choreic trembling. Sticking in forearm. with rheumatic constrictive pain in deltoid. Hands could not be closed to make fist. Finger-nails purple, limbs cold. Grasped a glass convulsively after drinking though she wished to set it down.

Lower Extremities:

Waking difficult; impossible. Stumbles against a door whenever he goes through it. Staggering; and falling to the right. Convulsive gait.


Redness and heat of right thigh, worse anterior part of thighs. Paroxysmal jerking and drawing upward and inward of anterior muscles. Drawing pain.


gave way and feet staggered. Pain in right leg, worse patella. Feet and legs swollen, hard, skin tight. Feet weak. He cannot stand on his feet.

Skin :

Redness, first on upper part of body; in patches of irregular shape on face; worse face and trunk, with roughness; scarlet spots, SCARLATINOUS SKIN (Bell.). Skin pale and cold.

RED RASH; AS IN SCARLET FEVER, BUT MORE SHINING; better pressure, but returning immediately, on hands, arms, face, neck and back. SCARLET EFFLORESCENCE, brighter than in scarlatina. Spots like fleabites on arms. Vesications after the violent symptoms had subsided. Boil in groin. Formication. Itching, worse face.

“Erysipelas of the head and face. Occasionally called for during the cure of abscesses, especially of left hip; in this disease there may be most violent pain, which we do not often find in the Stram. patient. Scarlet fever, quite frequently indicated before the eruption appears, sometimes after wards, particularly in the malignant type. Suppressed eruptions, with delirium etc.”.

In suppressed eruption we must not forget that suppression of urine would be an important and additional indication for the remedy (Apis; Colch.; Phyto.).

Sleep :

Sleepiness, after excitement, with depression of pulse and prostration; then coma. Deep sleep, with snoring. Stupefied half slumber. Starting up in sleep. Dreams of different kinds.

Fever :

HEAT OF FACE. HEAT OF HEAD. Skin HOT, AND DRY, SCARLET COLOR. Dry heat, in remittent typhoid; on trunk, with sweat. It has less fever than Bell., but more than Hyosc. SWEAT : cold on whole body; on paralyzed limbs.

Modalities :.

Aggravation :

Looking at bright and shining objects; in the dark, and when alone; when attempting to swallow; after sleep; reflected light; mirror.

Amelioration :

From bright light; company; warmth.

Similar :

Agar.; Ars.; Bell.; Bry.; Hyosc.; Merc.; Sec. c.; Cham,; Ign.; Lyc.; Nux v.; Op.; Puls.; Sulph.; Verat. alb.

Follows well after : Bell.; Cup.; Hyosc.; Lyss.

Remedies that follow well : Acon.; Bell.; Bry.; Cup.; Hyosc.; Nux v.;.

Inimical : Coff.

Antidotes :

Acet. ac.; Bell.; Hyosc.; Nux v.; Op.; Puls.; Tabac. TO LARGE DOSES : Lemon juice, vinegar, tobacco.

Stram antidotes : Merc.; Plumb.

Dose : Sixth to thirtieth potencies.

N O Solanaceae