“It has been prescribed for congestive headache, with fear of going mad from the violent pain. Boring frontal headache, preceded by obscure vision; it has been noticed that when the sight of one eye is blurred the pain is on the opposite side of the head. Hydrocephalus. Cerebro-spinal meningitis.” It causes more functional excitement of the brain, but never approaches the true inflammatory condition of Bellad.

Eye :

STARING; WILD, alternating with unsteadiness, Eyes PROMINENT; AND WIDE OPEN, PUPILS DILATED, INSENSIBLE, WITH INJECTED CONJUNCTIVA, AS IF VESSELS WERE FILLED WITH DIRTY FLUID (Bell.; Hyosc.). Eyes glistening; and restless, wide open, staring, with a peculiar intoxicated look. Redness. Inflammation, worse right eye, with lachrymation. Rolling.

Cornea bright red. Conjunctiva injected; and bluish. Lids, closed and swollen; half closed and eyes listless. Swollen and inflamed. Drooping, as from cramp of orbicularis. Agglutination at night. Paralysis of lids.


COMPLAINED THAT IT WAS DARK AND CALLED FOR A LIGHT. Lost. Dim; in afternoon when reading print. Amblyopia. Presbyopia. Impaired. Weak, with pressure in eyes. Things appear smaller and at a greater distance, as if dazzled. All things appear oblique. Things look blue and smoky, and at times he can see only half an object, dazzled by rays of sun. Objects appear multiplied. Diversified and variously colored. “Strabismus.”.

Ear :

Shooting. Tearing in right, with shooting through forehead and vertex. Pain in left, pressing down to cheek. Deafness. Hallucination of hearing. Hearing obtuse at times; very acute. Ringing in left. Roaring.

Nose :

Stopped; feels stooped, but can get air enough through it. Dryness; and redness, with loss of smell. Itching. Sneezing, from dryness of nostrils. Coryza, from 10 A.M. till noon, nostrils stuffed, but not much flow. Blowing out offensive yellow mucus, becoming fluent. Black haemorrhage, (Arn.; Crocus; Crot. h.; Hamam.; Lach.; Thlaspi.; Trill.) then warm sweat and general relief.

Face :

REDNESS : of cheeks; of forehead; and of eyes; with heat; and swelling. Face swollen and hot. EXPRESSION OF TERROR (Atropine). Anxious (Sec. c.) Wild (Bell) Vacant, bewildered. Idiotic. Besotted appearance. Drawn. Sunken. Risus sardonicus. Distorted as by anxiety, with furrowed and wrinkled forehead. JAWS : hanging down; clenched; tetanic spasms. Lips and teeth separated. Swelling of lower lip; deep redness; bright red (afterwards almost black), feeling stiff, hard and trembling. Lips stick together and have a yellow streak along their red part. Dry and sticky; sore, parched, chapped, then peeling.

“Neuralgia of the face, with twitches, delirium. etc.”.

Mouth :

Teeth grinding; throbbing in lower teeth, in lower left molars and in submaxillary glands of same side; as if some teeth would fall out. Chewing motion of mouth.


Swollen and stiff. Protruded, and swollen; and flabby. Red on edges and thin, but white in centre. Whitish, with red dots, and tip redder than usual. Papillae enlarged and projecting through white fur. Furred; white, with dryness, burning and scraping in mouth and fauces; yellowish with disgusting bitter taste. Felt blistered. Boys scratch them with their finger-nails. Dryness on tongue, and on palate; redness and white colour. Paralyzed and trembled if she put it out.

SPEECH DIFFICULT AND UNINTELLIGIBLE (Merc.); faltering; indistinct. STAMMERING. Foaming; thick; bloody, Drooling (Merc.). DRIBBLING OF GLAIRY SALIVA (Merc.). Salivation. Bitter taste to food.

Taste :

Pasty; like sand to food. Food balls up in oesophagus and threatens to suffocate her. Water tastes like leather. Taste like sulphur to eggs.

Throat :


DRYNESS OF FAUCES, WITH REDNESS and DIFFICULT SWALLOWING, NOT AMELIORATED BY WATER; worse swallowing saliva. Dryness of fauces, but he would not swallow when water was forced into his mouth. Paralysis of pharynx.

Oesophagus :

Seems drawn together. Constriction and spasm (Merc.). SWALLOWING DIFFICULT, particularly of water. Swallowed drink hastily (Merc.).

Stomach :

Hunger, with tearing in abdomen, but inability to take food. Appetite increased. Appetite poor at breakfast; diminished; lost, with oppression at pit of stomach. Great desire for acids (Verat. a.). THIRST, not ameliorated by water. Thirst for sour drinks; for lemonade. Eructation : offensive bilious, in evening. Hiccough.

Nausea, with retching causing pain in stomach, and vomiting of whitish fluid; with discomfort in middle line of chest; with inability to vomit and then dizziness, faintness and difficulty in swallowing and breathing. Ineffectual retching.

Vomiting :

of mucus at night; of sour smelling mucus; bilious, after, least motion; of green bile; difficult, of food mixed with nearly black clotted blood, soon after eating and causing shooting at pit of the stomach, retching before and after the vomiting.

Tenderness of epigastric region. Sourness. Irritation. Anxiety in pit, with difficult breathing.

Abdomen :

distention, worse region of pit of stomach. Meteorism. Tympanitic; hard; tense. Rumbling and growling. Rolling in abdomen during micturition, with rigors. Gurgling. Emission of flatus. Spasmodic retraction.

Tearing, better after broth-like stools. Griping; with shooting and looseness. Sensitiveness. Sensation as if expanded to the extremest degree. Tearing as if umbilicus would be torn out, the pain then goes into the chest. Pain in hepatic region; during stool; in centre of hypogastrium.

Rectum and Anus :

Haemorrhoidal flux. Discharge of coagulated blood. Ineffectual desire.

“She seemed to have motion to stool and passed a living lumbricus teres, fourteen inches long, with a little water, but without faeces or relief of symptoms.”.

Stools :

“Diarrhoea during typhoid, black, putrid, with loquacious delirium, desire for light, fright, etc.”.

Constipation. Hard. Difficult, painful, the last part could not be evacuated by straining, but came easily after the straining ceased. STOOL AND URINE SUPPRESSION.

Diarrhoea :

with flatulence, borborygmus, and occasional sharp pains; with and followed by shooting downward in rectum; chocolate-brown. Watery; preceded by cramps in abdomen; frequent; brown; several times from 3 till 7 P.M.

“Black fluid. Putrid; cadaverous; painless. aggravated during typhoid fever; in child-bed. Before stool, writhing pain in abdomen. Amelioration after profuse perspiration.”–(BELL). This author further says that the stool of Stramonium is characteristic when the accompanying symptoms are present.

Urinary Organs :

“Suppression of urine, especially in typhoid.” Bladder empty. Paralysis of bladder. Retention of urine, with muscular paralysis. Micturition only after twelve hours. Micturition dribbling; by drops, urine warm and sensation as if a cylinder were pushed through urethra; after vinegar a thin stream and less frequent desire.

Micturition frequent at night; frequent by drops, the emission delayed for a minute before it came, though much was discharged in the forenoon. Micturition painful and urine alkaline. Micturition difficult and urine high-coloured. Urine dark and of strong odor. Urine thick and turbid.

Urine increased, and almost watery; and clear like spring water. “Violent thirst, with copious secretion of burning urine.”


Male Sexual Organs :

Constant uncovering (Hyosc.). Priapism. Testicles retracted, penis erect as in chordee. Scrotum oedematous. Energy lost. Excitement.

Female Sexual Organs:

Excitement, insatiable in women. “Nymphomania, either puerperal or menstrual, with great violence.” Menses increased and large clots. Menorrhagia, with drawing pains in abdomen, thighs and other limbs. Discharge of black blood from uterus.

“Dysmenorrhoea. Puerperal convulsions. Puerperal mania.” With suppressed menses she may be PRAYING, BESEECHING, ENTREATING. Disposed to talk continually (Cic.; Lach.). In metrorrhagia from retained placenta with characteristic delirium. Secale often acts promptly when Stram. has failed. (With fever and septic tendency, Pyrogen).

Respiratory Organs :

Suffocative spasms of glottis from vomiting. Pain in region of larynx. VOICE; hoarse croaking; high; SQUEAKING AND OUT OF TONE; SPEECH UNINTELLIGIBLE; lost; she could only utter a hoarse croaking sound that alternated with a sonorous, croupy, barking cough and inability to swallow from spasm of muscles of deglutition.


Suffocation. Difficult and rapid. Stertorous; slow; deep; with blowing at each expiration. Oppressed, with tightness across chest; oppressed, with desire for the open air. Unable to inspire a sufficient amount. Gasps and sobs. Sighs. Moans.


Spasmodic, worse evening and next morning. Cough, with palpitation, anxiety, constriction of chest and convulsions. “Spasmodic suffocative cough, with jerking of the extremities. Asthma, desire for open air. Spasmodic asthma (very important) worse talking, hardly able to inspire. Most violent paroxysms of whooping cough, with suffocation almost convulsive, the child starts up in fright. Occasionally useful in pneumonia, with (the peculiar) delirium.”.

Chest :

Cutting in sternum in evening after lying down better emission of flatus, but returning. Tightness at night, obliging him to take frequent deep, forcible inspirations. Violent stricture across the chest. Oppressed breathing. “Spasms of the chest, particularly in hysteric females.”–(JAHR).

Heart :

Uneasiness in the region of heart, with faintness. Palpitation, in afternoon on slight exertion. Violent beating, waking from deep sleep. Feeble; intermittent.

Pulse :

Rapid, full and strong; soft and feeble. Febrile. Strong, tumultuous; and tremulous, unequal, sometimes intermittent. At times imperceptible.

Neck :

Swelling. Stiffness. “Drawing (rheumatic) pain, extending from the side of the neck into the limbs.”–(JAHR).

Back :

Spine sensitive, the slightest pressure caused outcries and ravings. Burning pain in the back and abdomen, excited by motion. Pain in back as if beaten, and in shoulder. Drawing pain in middle of spine; and opposite in posterior part of stomach. “Drawing pain in the small of the back.”–(JAHR). Rheumatic pains in lumbar region. Drawing pain in sacrum.

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