Nux vomica 200 one dose was given on 19-10-40. Headache was better the next day. For these catarrhal headaches I have found that either Nux or Pulsatilla comes very prominently after repertorizing. The differentiation between the two is easy as the mental symptoms of the two drugs vary entirely. On 22-10-40 the patient began to complain of pain along the right upper extremity and stiff neck.
Pain was better by hot application, worse by lying on painful side and cold. Nux vomica, 200, was repeated and the next day the pain disappeared but she began to complain of pain in the right side of throat extending to ear on the evening of 23-10-40. Then I referred to Boger- Boenninghausens Repertory, page 451, whether Nux covered this symptom or not. Nux vomica got 3 marks. So I waited, the symptom vanished in about two days time. I think I made a mistake in repeating Nux vomica 200 on 22-10-40, as I had given it on 19- 10-40. i.e., so very early, otherwise even that pain also would have disappeared by giving Placebo and waiting.
I should have observed the rule *(As long as old ailments reappear or are worse, without the appearance of essentially new symptoms which lie outside of its sphere of action, we should guard against a repetition of the remedy, or changing to a new one.”– Boenninghausen) that if the symptoms for which a remedy is given are removed and new symptoms appear, withhold the hand if you wish the cure to go on to recovery (Lippe)–Homoeopathy, Oct. 1940, P. XI.
Patient, male Hindu, aged about 34, came to me on 11-9-40 for cough and cold. Previous history: had acute lobar pneumonia twice, once in 1932 and again in 1935 in December. That time I had treated him homoeopathically and the indicated remedy was Bryonia, because of the excessive thirst for large quantities of cold water and affection at the right base of lung, pain in the right side of chest, better on lying on painful side. He came out of those attacks fairly well but the cough troubled him off and on severely. Then he took good many injections of Catarrhal Vaccines which only relieved him temporarily. At last he was tired of being injected and then he submitted himself again to Homoeopathic treatment.
From his history the following rubrics were chosen. (1) Cough aggravated by drinking cold water, (2) Bathing in cold water, aggravates, (3) Water and washing, aggravate, (4) Aggravated by draft of air, (5) Cough, aggravated after midnight, (6) Cough, aggravated by tickling in throat, (7) Constipation and sneezing, (8) Fretful and irritable. After repertorizing Nux vomica stood high and was given in 200 potency, single dose, on 11-9-40., The cough became gradually less from the next day and the cold also disappeared after a week. He again got cough and cold on 30-9-40., with same symptoms. Nux vomica 200 was again given and since that time on he is free from cold and cough.
A female, aged about 33 years, came to me on 18-6-40 for persistent nasal cold and early menses. She was very chilly, was worse by drafts, violent thirst, cold was worse before menses. It was also worse during menses. Nausea and vomiting, during menses; appetite poor; feeling extremely weak although she looked fat and plump. Body was aching and profusely sweating.
Previous history: 7th para with three abortions, menstrual troubles had started after the last abortion i.e., April 1940. Has become highly irritable now.
The following rubrics were chosen:–
(1) Menses early (2) Coryza before menses, (3) Nausea and vomiting during menses, (4) Appetite affected, (5) Weakness, (6) Bodily pains (7) Easy sweatiness, profuse, (8) Violent thirst, and (9) Aggravated by draft of air. Nux vomica got the highest number of marks i.e., 28. The other two drugs which I was considering were Calcarea carb-25 and Graphites-23 on account of the fatty condition of the patient. But Graphites did not cover violent thirst and hence was left out. Calcarea carb, did not cover coryza, before and during menses which was her chief complaint and hence was omitted.
On 20-6-40, Nux vomica 200, single dose, was given in the evening and placebo for days. On 24-6-40, she was much better, the irritability of temper had disappeared, the cold was much less; she informed me that leucorrhoea from which she had been suffering for the last year had become watery and that she was feeling much better now. Her next menstrual period appeared after 24 days; otherwise it used to come after three weeks; there was no nausea or vomiting, and now today the menses appear after 28 days.
It is better to present a drug in the form of “Generals” and Particulars,” as generals are the characteristics of the remedy. It helps to remember the characteristics and the sphere of action of the remedy much more readily than otherwise. Kents Lectures on Materia Medica are by far the best presentations of the remedy from this point of view. Todays presentation reminds one of Farringtons Materia Medica, wherein the remedies are differentiated from each other more from the point of view of “Particulars”.
“Sensitiveness” is one of the most important “characteristics” or “general” of the remedy under consideration. Sensitiveness–both mental and physical. Irritability, easily angered. Sensitive to cold, to draft, to light, to odours, to noise. Irritable stomach and bowels.
Before proceeding further, I would like you to remember that “constitution” and “temperament” are not identical and should not be missed for each other.
Another “Characteristic” of the remedy is that it sets in with spasms, very readily; spasms of voluntary as well as involuntary muscles; cramps in legs while stretching; irregular contraction of the involuntary muscles of bowels, ureters, biliary passages, etc., leading to intestinal, renal, biliary, etc. colic.
The aggravation “at 3 A. M.” of the remedy is not only with reference to sleep as described in todays presentation. One gets also that aggravation with reference to asthma. Thus “aggravation at 3 A.M.” is “general” for the remedy.
Dr. Patwardhan has drawn your attention to the fact that when “cold” travel downwards Phosphorus would follow it well. It would be worth white to remember in contrast to this that when colds settle in throat and instead of travelling downwards, they travel upwards in the nose, Sepia will be indicated. Other remedies–Mercurius, Lac. c., Bromium will also come in for comparison for this condition.
Before closing my remarks, I would like you to remember that Nux vomica has also opposite condition as regards coryza. It tops the list of the remedies given in Boger–Boenninghausens Repertory under the rubric “Coryza, overheated, after being.” Pulsatilla and Bryonia come in next to the remedy, as you know, both have aggravation from heat and in summer. Pulsatilla feels chilly for the time being, till covered, after that a desire for uncovering comes in; while Nux vomica is worse after the least uncovering. I thank Dr. Patwardhan for having given us a comprehensive presentation of Nux vomica.