The Bryonia constipation results from dryness of the alimentary tract. The stools are large dry and hard, and small hard stools with ineffectual efforts indicate Lycopodium and Sulphur. Marked inactivity of the rectum characterises Alumina, the evacuation of even a soft stool requires great effort. Nux vomica is one of the best remedies to counteract the effect of allopathic dosing.

Nux vomica is a drug very frequently used in Homoeopathy. The fruit of the tree is about the size of an orange and contains a bitter, gelatinous pulp. This pulp contains Strychnine. The Nux itself is the seed deprived of the pulp and shell. The smallest fatal dose of Nux vomica is said to be 3grs.

The temperament of Nux is as follows:

By this I dont mean that you should not use Nux if the constitution which I would shortly describe does not confirm to Nux vomica but that it acts better if the nux constitution is present. The question of constitutions has been well described by Dr. ROBERTS recently in which he says you can safely prescribed any drug provided the symptoms agree even though the constitution1 of the patient does not correspond to the remedy.

It is best adapted to thin, irritable, careful zealous persons with dark hair and bilious or sanguine temperament. It does not seem to act so well on the fleshy. The person is extremely susceptible to external impressions and hence cannot tolerate noise, odours or light. Disposed to be quarrelsome spiteful, malicious; nervous and melancholic. You will find Nux of great value for those who deprive themselves of sleep and exercise in pursuance of their studies. Hahnemann says that Nux is chiefly successful with persons of an ardent character; of an irritable, impatient temperament, disposed to anger, spite or deception.

It is useful in those overdrugged by tea, coffee or wine. Old coffee drinkers become sensitive, oversensitive to noise, their symptoms are fitting. Such patients will do well for a few days on Nux. Some of their symptoms will drop out and they will settle down (KENT). Also good many physicians almost invariably prescribe Nux vomica the first thing in cases coming from allopathic hands because the use of patent medicines, tonics, aromatics has brought about a condition that stimulates the symptoms produced in the provings of Nux vomica.

Constantine Hering has given the following as some of the characteristic symptoms of Nux vomica: after aromatics in food or as medicine, particularly ginger, pepper etc. and after almost any kind of so-called vegetables pills.” The Nux patient frequently lies awake at night, the mind is so wrought up that he cannot sleep. He does not fall to sleep until long after midnight and then awakes in the early morning, perhaps at 4 or 5 Oclock. Falling asleep again, he awakes once more late in the morning, tired and weak (reverse of Pulsatilla).

He has a bitter taste in the mouth and dull headache, and in fact every symptom that points to wearing out of the system from overwork. This is the kind of patient in which you will find Nux vomica most effective. What I have described above is the nervous temperament, but there is another type of Nux vomica (cf. CHAMO, IGN., STAPHYSAGRIA, etc.). But Chamomilla does not know the bad temper but Nux does. Kind of condition belonging to this nervous group of Nux vomica that has not so much of the excitable in it. “Hypochondriasis, with studious men, sitting too much at home with abdominal complaints and costiveness.”

But the first, i.e. the nervous temperament proves to be the predominent one. If the gloomy or hypochondriac condition of mind persists then certain other remedies are to be thought of, viz., Aurum, Nat-mur. The Nux vomica patient is inclined to commit suicide but is afraid to die. Nat. sulph. has a strong impulse to destroy himself. Argent. nitras, also particularly by jumping from a height but he avoids placing himself in such a position. Nux is oversensitive to open air, to a draft of air; always chilly, always taking cold and it settles in the nose and extends to chest. The Nux patient has a great deal of trouble with the digestive organs.

He suffers from headache situated either in the occiput or over one eyes, usually left. Then, he has sour taste in the mouth and sometimes associated with this is the vomiting. But the prominent feature of the vomiting is the violent retching, often more or less ineffectual, showing the irritated condition of the stomach. The bowels are constipated and this constipation consists, characteristically, in ineffectual urging to stool. Thus, it is not due to atony of rectum but irregular fitful action.

He suffers from gastralgia which is usually worse by eating (reverse of Anacardium) also pressure in the stomach an hour or two after eating as from a stone (c.f. Ars., Bry., Merc., and Puls.); immediately after, Kali bichrom and Nux moschat; also tightness about waist; must loosen clothing (c.f. Lachesis, Calcarea and Lycopodium.) says if I could only vomit I would be so much better. Nux will relieve very quickly the nausea after a meal (c.f. Ars. Bry and Puls.). Nausea after drinking indicates Puls. or Rhus tox. In this gastric irritability we have to compare Nux with Bismuth, Arsenicum and Kreosote.

(1) In Bismuth there is much burning in the stomach with violent ejection of food. Patient vomits at intervals when the stomach becomes full and then the amount of vomited matter is enormous. Water is vomited as soon as it reaches stomach. But unlike Nux, the pains are usually relieved by cold drinks, and though the patient is greatly prostrated, the surface of the body is warm.

(2) Arsenic:– Indicated when in addition to the burning pains we have the intolerable restlessness and anxiety, thirst, etc. It produces a perfect picture of sub-acute gastritis.

(3) Kreosote:– Here though the stomach retains of food several hours it finally ejects it undigested. Pains do not begin until 3 hours after eating.

In gastric symptoms following debauchery when Nux fails Carbo vegetabilis is a good remedy, although Sulphur may be required (FARRINGTON). Pulsatilla is preferable to Nux vomica, when the symptoms have resulted from a mixed diet such as meats, pastry, nuts, ice-cream, etc., especially if the temperament agrees. In constipation Nux vomica is similar to various other remedies.

(1) Lycopodium: has constipation with ineffectual urging to stool but under this remedy the ineffectual urging is caused by constriction of the rectum and anus.

(2) Carbo-vegetabilis:–has an urging to stool similar to that of Nux but it is relieved by the passage of flatus, showing at once the cause of urging.

(3) In Opium, Bryonia and Alumina the constipation is unattended by urging to stool; Opium has constipation from inactivity of the bowels; stool consists of hard, round, black balls.

The Bryonia constipation results from dryness of the alimentary tract. The stools are large dry and hard, and small hard stools with ineffectual efforts indicate Lycopodium and Sulphur. Marked inactivity of the rectum characterises Alumina, the evacuation of even a soft stool requires great effort. Nux vomica is one of the best remedies to counteract the effect of allopathic dosing. Immensely useful also in flatulent colic, causing embarrassment to breathing or urging to stool and urinate or from sudden stoppage of haemorrhoidal flow. In enlargement of liver Nux should be given in repeated doses and the liver will resume its natural proportions.

If it does not, then you must fall back on Sulphur, Sepia or Magnesium mur. Nux may also be indicated in the enlarged liver of drunkards (c.f. Sulphur, Lachesis, Fluoric acid, Arsenic and Amm. mur.) Nux is useful in jaundice provoked by violent anger, by abuse of quinine or by too high living. Chamomilla may be employed in jaundice resulting from a fit of anger, as also may Bryonia, Nat. sulph. and Aconite. Bryonia is especially useful in jaundice when the case has been spoiled by the abuse of calomel or Blue- mass. In jaundice form the effects of of quinine you should compare Hepar sulph., Mercurius, Puls. and Arsenicum.

In haemorrhoids Nux may be useful when there is itching keeping the patient awake at night and frequently so severe as to compel him to sit in a tub of cold water for relief. The analogues of Nux in haemorrhoids are as follows:—

(1) Aesculus:–Indicated in throbbing of the hypogastrium and dryness in the rectum as though little sticks or splinters were pricking the folds of mucous membranes, and weak feeling at the sacroiliac symphysis. (2) Aloes:–Has abdominal plethora and flatulence, like Nux and Sulphur, and haemorrhoids like Nux, Sulphur and Aesculus. But it differs from them in that it acts almost entirely on the rectum, producing catarrh of its mucous lining. The stools are accompanied by an expulsion of copious flatus, and feeling of insecurity in the rectum.

(3) Collinsonia:–Indicated in haemorrhoids *Haemorrhoids alternating with heart, chest, or rheumatic symptoms–L. D. D. when there is a sensation of sticks in rectum. Constipation is usual.

(4) Hamamelis:–Is called for when there is considerable haemorrhage with marked SORENESS of the affected parts; the back feels as if it would break.

Nux vomica may be used in diarrhoea coming on after a debauch. In dysentery when there is frequent ineffectual urging to stool, ceasing as soon as the bowels move, Nux is the remedy. (c.f. Merc. sol., Mer. cor., and Aloes).

R. P. Patwardhan