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(1) Merc. sol.:–There is the constant urging even after the stool is passed.

(2) Merc. cor.:–Tenesmus with great desire to urinate.

(3) Aloes:–Griping before stool and an extraordinary amount of mucus must be expelled.

Nux is suited to initial stages of the ordinary coryza particularly when caused by dry cold air or by sitting in cold places especially cold steps……….coryza is worse in a warm room. The trouble is associated with sneezing, with fluent coryza, in a warm room and during day. There is body-ache and chilliness even when covered up warmly in bed. FARRINGTON says: if despite the use of Nux the cold travels downwards and involves the chest, Phosphorus follows it well. Useful in eustachian tube catarrh when there is itching along the eustachian tube, inducing a frequent desire to swallow. In stomatitis Nux is useful when the trouble is of gastric origin.

In asthma from gastric disturbance Nux is a grand remedy (c.f. Zingerberis). Carbo-vegetabilis and Lycopodium are similar to Nux in asthma from abdominal irritation with marked flatulence. In haemoptysis Nux is indicated when the trouble results from debauchery. In renal colic Nux is a useful remedy especially of the right kidney. In gonorrhoea Nux is useful after the abuse of Cubebs or Copaiba when the discharge is thin.

Nux is useful in sexual excesses, especially for the bad effects of early masturbation. It is one of the group of remedies indicated for this condition ever since the the days of Hahnemann. This group consists of Nux vomica, Sulphur, Calcarea carb., Lycopodium and Cobalt. Nux is indicated when the patient has headache, frequent involuntary emissions at night, especially towards morning; he complains of backache and difficulty in walking. Do not repeat your medicine too often.

(1) When improvement ceases under Nux, Sulphur will almost always be the next remedy indicated.

(2) Calcarea carb. usually follows Nux, and Sulphur particularly, when night sweats follow every emission or after marriage, every coitus is followed by weakness of mind and body.

(3) Lycopodium is indicated still later when the case has gone on to complete impotency. The erections are either absent or imperfect. The genitals are cold and somewhat shrivelled.

(4) Staphysagria is called for in bad effects of masturbation, particularly if there is great emaciation, with dark rings about eyes, sallow face and well marked peevishness and shyness.

(5) Cobalt:–an excellent remedy for backache in the lumbar region, following seminal emissions, whether voluntary or involuntary; the backache is particularly worse while sitting.

Nux is closely related to Sulphur and often antidotes the action of Sulphur. It seldom goes to the bottom and antidotes the constitutional action of Sulphur, but will remove its exaggerated action, its superficial action.

Menses under Nux are generally profuse, dark in colour (c.f. Calcarea carb. and Graphites.) too early, too long and are accompanied by retching and cramps in abdomen. Labour pains with soreness like Arnica; but sometimes menses are irregular, never at the right time c.f. Iod., Nux m., Rhus tox and Sep).

In pregnancy Nux is a useful remedy for the morning sickness, the more retching predominates over vomiting the more cure we expect of Nux. The backache cured by Nux is located in the lumbar region and the patient cannot turn over without sitting up. It is thus useful in lumbago. Nux is indicated in torticollis arising from cold or due to spinal trouble.


In intermittent fevers when the chill is preceded or accompanied by blueness of the finger nails; gaping or yawning is well marked. There is always aching of the limbs and in the back; this is followed by fever and that by sweat. During apyrexia we have prominent gastric and bilious symptoms. Patient is chilly even during high fever. Sweat after midnight, hot sweat like Opii but Opii wants covers off, while Nux does not dare raise covers; the patient is very chilly and the last uncovering aggravates (c.f. Rhus tox. and Silicia.)

In Ignatia the chills are better uncovering. While in Nux they are not better from any amount of covers. Patient must be covered in every stage of fever: chill, heat or sweat; Fever, great heat, whole body burning hot (c.f. Aconite), face red hot (c.f. Bell.) yet patient cannot move or uncover without being chilly. Chilliness not relieved by external heat (c.f. Bell., and Phos.; and heat relieves in Ars., Ign., and Kali carb.). Fever and ague with much gastric disturbance (c.f. Ip., Puls.).

Great heat and yet wants to be covered (c.f. Hepar. Wants to be uncovered in Hyoscyamus and Secale). A peculiarity of Nux, well worthy of mention, is that it seems to intensify the action of Sepia. The Nux patient is always better after an uninterrupted sleep. Farrington says that Dr. P. P. Wells cured his friend Dr. Dunham of Diphtheria with Nux, a characteristic symptom of the case being marked relief from a nap. When the sleep is disturbed the Nux patient is always worse.


Complementary: Sulphur, in nearly all diseases. Nux is one of the leading dry air remedies, other dry remedies are Bryonia, Causticum, Hepar and Aconite. As against these are some prominent wet weather remedies such as Dulcamara, Nux m., Nat. s., and Rhus tox. It is better to remember such things for one positive indication is worth two or three vague ones.

Inimical to Zinc:–Must not be used before or after.

Follows well after: Ars., Ip., Phos., Sep., and Sulphur.

Is well followed by: Bry., Puls., and Sulphur.

Aggravated: Morning; waking at 4 A. M.; mental exertion; after eating; touch, noise, anger, spices, narcotics, dry weather and in cold air.

Ameliorated: In evening; while at rest; lying down; by heat except head (like Ars.), and in damp wet weather.

Nux acts best when given in the evening, several hours before going to bed. According to Hahnemann sensitive persons should not take it fasting in the morning or on first awaking because its most powerful symptoms are then called out. Neither should it be taken just before or after a meal or when the mind is on a strain. Therefore acts best during repose of mind or body.

Now I will describe a few cases treated with Nux vomica. CASE No. 1.:–

Last year a young man aged 30 came to me for persistent attacks of sneezing and nasal cold. Sneezing was worse in the morning. Also he had no energy to do any work during the attack; cold bath aggravated his cold; he was chilly; worse by a draft of air; worse in cold weather; extremes of temperature were unsuitable to him ; waking at night made him worse; also he could not drink ice-water or water which was very cold; was constipated and hence had to take liquid paraffin, one ounce, every alternate day; had to change his food continually ; mentally very excitable; stimulants made him worse; constitution thin and lean; odours made him worse. The prescription was based on the following rubrics:–

(1) Aggravated by draft of air.

(2) Aggravated by cold in any from, e.g. bath, cold water.

(3) Irritability of temper.

(4) Sneezing.

(5) Agg., morning.

(6) Stimulants, as tea, coffee, made him worse.

(7) Constipation.

(8) Worse by odours.

Nux vom was given in the 200th. potency, a single dose in the evening. The next day he was better in every way; and he was free from the trouble in three days time. After 15 days the nasal cold appeared again and Nux vomica 200 was repeated; and after 24 hours Sepia 200 was given as a deep acting remedy. Since that time he is practically free from attacks of sneezing and cold. He had forgotten to tell me in the beginning that marital connection was a dread to him as it made him dispirited and very weak, i.e. coitus agg.; Sepia covered this symptom.*Nux vom. also has aggravation after coition,–L.D,D.


Attacks of cold in Hindu male, aged about 40 years persistently throughout the year. History was as follows: Greenish discharge from nose, always chilly so that he had always to shut the doors and windows of his room. History of Tubercular affection of left lung about twenty years back, also Tubercular rib excised about 10 years ago. Severely constipated and hence was taking some kind of purgatives every day. Highly excitable. Sneezing; appetite poor; could not exert himself physically or mentally; cold in any from made him worse.

Nux vomica, 200, was given as it corresponded to the case. It relieved him completely of the cold and after 48 hours, Bacillinum, 200, was given and now I am glad to say that his weight had increased by 7 lbs, he does not take purgatives, and eats well. Bacillinum, 200, was repeated every 6 weeks for three four times [*If Tuberculinum bovinum be given in 10 m.. 50m., cm., and mm., potencies, two doses of each potency at long intervals (of approximately six or eight weeks-L. D, D.), all children and young people who have inherited tuberculosis may be immuned from their inheritance and their resistance will be restored. Kents Materia Medica, P. 967, 2nd edition.*] and now he is getting Bacillinum 1000 every 6 weeks.


A female patient aged about 35 years; chief complaint: persistent nasal cold and headache, on 18-10-40. There was also fever, extreme chilliness; she said that the nasal discharge had diminished and the headache had started since that time. The discharge was yellow; on examination the left frontal sinus was found to be inflammed. Light in general aggravated the headache. Pressure, external, ameliorated headache; sense to smell was poor. Patient was excitable; pain in left frontal sinus was rather severe. She was worse by cold; could not walk on stone- pavement with bare feet.

R. P. Patwardhan