
Nose: Catarrh > open air. Coryza with discharge in open air, in warm room. Discharge bland; burning; yellow mornings. Obstruction evenings. Sneezing in warm room. Ulcers on wings.


Face: Discolored spots. Inflammed periosteum. Necrosis of lower jaw. Pain > rubbing; > sleep. Swelling of lower jaw.


Face: Erysipelas erratic. Inflammed parotids metastatizing to mammae or testes. Pain wandering; > warm room; extending to ears; tearing > cold applications, extending to ear. Perspiration; heat; on one side.


Mouth: Bleeding; easily; of gums, easily, on touch. Tongue black, center; brown; red. Dry palate. Inflammed gums. Pain sore. Saliva bloody. Ulcers on gums.


Mouth: Tongue seems too broad; white mornings. Dry mornings; thirstless; tongue without thirst. Mucus mornings; like cotton. Odor offensive, morning. Saliva cotton-like. Taste bad morning; bitter a. swallowing food, d. or a. smoking; empyreumatic; nauseous, morning, from smoking; putrid to meat; sticky after taste; food tasteless, in coryza.


Teeth: Sordes.


Teeth: Pain > cold air; a. abuse of quinine; > walking in open air; from warm drinks; < warm room; drawing as if nerves were stretched, in warm room ; jerking as if nerves were put on a stretch and let loose; stitching with suppressed menses. Tension in.


Throat: Elongated uvula. Disposition to hawk. Membrane. Pain on sneezing. Swallowing impossible from constriction of esophagus, cardiac opening. Swelling of uvula. Torticollis, drawn to left.


Throat: Choking on swallowing, solids. Dry mornings. Mucous tenacious, mornings. Pain stitching.


Stomach: Appetite increased nights; a. eating; d. fever; with headache; ravenous nights, soon a. eating. Cancer. Desires ice cream; salt things. Emptiness not > eating; d. nausea. Eructations paroxysmal; of food by mouthfuls. Gurgling a. drinking. Nausea when putting hands in warm water. Pain sore, bruised, beaten mornings. Thirst for large quantities; un quenchable. Ulcers. Vomiting a. the smallest quantity of fluid drink; violent; like coffee grounds; of liquids as soon as warm in stomach; yellow. Pulsatilla

Stomach; Aversion to butter. Desires: Knows not what. Disordered a. fat food; ice cream. Eructations a. eating butter; a. fats; a. rich food: bitter nights; fats; a. rich food: bitter nights; fluid; tasting of bad meat; nauseous; tasting of rancid tallow. Indigestion; from ice cream; a. pork. Nausea d. cough; from rich food; a. ice cream; a. pork. Pain d. chill; a. fat food. Retching with cough. Thirst 2 P. M. ; a. chill.


Abdomen: Anxiety in, a. stool. Inflammed spots. Distension tympanitic. Emptiness with burning between shoulders. Hard liver. Appendicitis. Pain in ileo-caecal region; burning; sore on jarring, on motion. Sense of weakness. Pulsatilla

Abdomen: Coldness a. eating. Constriction extending to bladder. Emptiness > pressure. Heaviness b. menses. Pain, must bend double which > ; extending to genitals, to testes; in hypogastrium paroxysmal: cutting in hypogastrium; dragging d. menses, through spermatic cords; pressing d. menses, in hypogastrium downward, toward. Rumbling evenings. Sensation of a stone in.


Rectum: Diarrhea d. typhoid; > cold. Polypi. Stool copious; like a dogs; gray; lienteric; thin, liquid.


Rectum: Diarrhea > open air; a. fruit; a. opium; a. being overheated; a. abuse of quinine; < warm room. Tenesmus a. stool. Stool changeable; like chopped eggs.


Urinary: Addisons disease. Urine: Casts with fat drops; white as if mixed with chalk; copious with perspiration; sediment cheesy; white; yellow; sugar. Pulsatilla

Urinary: Inflammed bladder. Pain in bladder paroxysmal. Urging frequent with suppressed menses. Urination frequent from exposure to cold; spurts, in swelled prostate, with each spurt a cutting pain; involuntary d. pregnancy, while sitting. Pain sore, bruised in kidney. Inflammed prostate. Pain in prostate a. urination, pressing. Contraction of urethra from suppressed gonorrhoea. Discharge from urethra greenish yellow, thick, with priapism, yellow, chronic. Hemorrhage from urethra a. suppressed gonorrhea. Pain in urethra a urination. Stricture.


Genitalia, Male: Erections troublesome nights; violent. Sexual passion excessive; excitement easy; violent, sexual mania.


Genitalia, Male: Hydrocele of boys. Inflammed spermatic cords; testes; l., from suppressed gonorrhea, epididymis. Pain in testes; burning in testes, without swelling; pressing in testes, evenings, while sitting; tearing in testes. Relaxed scrotum. Ailments from suppressing the sexual passion. Swelling of testes,



Female: Cancer of Uterus. Metrorrhagia, active; bright red; from fibroids. Pain stitching. Pulsatilla

Female: Atony of uterus. Congestion of uterus, d. menses. Sexual desire increased d. menses. Leucorrhea cream-like; gonorrheal; while lying; from masturbation. Lochia scanty; suppressed. Menses daytime only; black; changeable in appearance; clotted; dark; suppressed from getting the feet wet; thick. Metrorrhagia in paroxysms. Pain in uterus, d. menses, compels her to cry out, with suppressed menses, paroxysmal, wandering; after-pains; bearing down in uterus d. menses; cutting in uterus; labor pains ceasing, false, irregular, spasmodic, weak; sore in uterus d. coition. Prolapsus uteri. d. menses. Subinvolution. Uterine fibroids.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.
Pulford T.