Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Arsenicum and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….



      Anaemia, chlorosis. Degenerative changes in the aged with shortness of breath, asthma, and oedema of the limbs. Patient pale and weak. Chronic ulcer of the stomach will general degenerative changes. Irritative dyspepsia. Desire for stool immediately after taking food or water. Vomiting of cold water. Passage of undigested food. Watery, cadaverous-smelling stools., Burning, neuralgic pains that return periodically, dry, scaly eczema. Psoriasis. Chorea.


      Gradual loss of weight through impairment of nutrition. Loss of gastro-intestinal vigor. Face and body become pale and swollen. Great anxiety and restlessness at night with dreaming and increase of fever. anguish.1. Edema and itching of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis, suffusion and smarting of the eyes. frontal headache. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, dryness of the mouth, itching, dryness and roughness of the throat.2. Laryngo-bronchial catarrh. Oppressed breathing. Dyspnoea. Cough with bloody expectoration.3. Action of the heart irritable and feeble, palpitation cough.4. Great irritability of the stomach with intolerance to food and drink. Tongue red and dry. Violent retching and vomiting. Vomiting of glairy mucus, very epigastric pain usually of a burning character.5.

Diarrhoea, tenesmus and dysenteric stools. Intense thirst, restlessness, shrunken features, cramps in abdomen and legs, collapse, cold breath, rice-water discharges, strangury, suppression of urine.6. Great irritability of the nervous system. Neuralgic pains, trembling, stiffness, flexed joints, herpes zoster, paralysis.7. skin dry and dirty looking. Eczema, urticaria, lichen, pityriasis, psoriasis. Shedding of the hair and nails.8. General oedema and albuminuria.9.


      Acidum arsenosum, 30/1-15/1 gr.

Liquor acidi arsenosi, 2-10 m.

Liquor potassii arsenitis, (Fowler’s solution),1/2-10 m.

Arsenic is usually administered in the form of Fowler’s solution.

The second and third decimal triturations are often more effective.


      Degenerative changes in the cerebral vessels in old people causing local venous congestion, melancholia, sluggishness, and bloating of the face.1. (Minute doses). Melancholia and hypochondriasis of the aged.1.

Great anguish, tossing to fro, must get out of bed and move about at night.1. (second or third decimal trituration).

Persistent sneezing, profuse discharge from the nose and eyes, frontal headache with itching and roughness of the throat and soft palate.2.

Ulceration of the cornea recurring first in one eye, then in the other. Worse at night. Patient emaciated and exhibits great nervous excitability.1-2.

Chronic conjunctivitis; thin secretion irritating the edges of the lids, tears acrid burn like fire.

Lids oedematous and inflamed.2.

Malignant sore throat; fauces and tongue very much swollen; foetid breath. Disorganization of tissues and great prostration are the leading features.

Bronchitis which with profuse burning, corroding discharge from the nose, accompanied by extreme lassitude and aching of the muscles.

Chronic bronchitis the lower lobes of both lungs.

Asthma associated with chronic bronchitis, usually worse at night. Weakness puffiness of the face and body.

Feebleness of the heart in. old people due to impaired nutrition, causing shortness of breath upon exertion and oedema of the limbs.

Angina pectoris from degenerative changes in the heart due to an impairment of nutrition.1-4.

Dilatation and valvular diseases of the heart, with anasarca. 1-4.

Irritative dyspepsia with pain and heartburn. Desire for stool immediately after taking food or water, with colic and passage of undigested food. Cold always disagrees.5. (Minute doses)

Chronic ulcer of the stomach, pain and vomiting, accompanied by anaemia, chronic gastritis and, occasionally cirrhosis of the liver. 5. (Very small doses).

Dyspepsia; red and pointed tongue, poor appetite, distress after meals. Presence of food or water in the stomach causes pain and vomiting or desire to go stool. 5. (Very small doses)

Vomiting reflex or from gastro intestinal irritation. Great straining and retching, the vomited matter consists of glairy mucus and blood, or blood alone. 5.(Not more than two drop-doses of Fowler’s solution)

Chronic gastritis resulting from anaemia or from daily use of alcoholic stimulants. 5. (Minute doses)

Nausea and vomiting after eating ice cream or drinking ice water. Stomach distended. 5.

Gastralgia, enteralgia and chronic ulcer of the stomach dependent upon impaired nutrition. 5.

Chronic diarrhoea. Pale very weak, passes undigested food soon after it is swallowed. 1-6 (Use the second or third decimal trituration).

Watery, cadaverous smelling stools; cramps in the bowels and lets. Acrid, corroding, rice-water stools with great prostration. 6 (Second or third decimal trituration)

Typho-malarial fever Dry, red tongue, dry skin, delirium, tender abdomen, diarrhoea.6 (In doses not greater than one drop of Fowler’s solution)

Cirrhosis of the liver. (Toxic doses causative minute doses curative)

Membranous diarrhoea and dysmenorrhoea.1.

Neuralgia especially of the fifth and intercostal nerves.7,

Hemicrania from depraved condition of the system.1

Neuralgia, gastralgia, enteralgia; pains are burn in and agonizing, accompanied with great restlessness and anguish. Inclined to be intermittent, and to return periodically. Made worse by cold and when at rest. Found in persons debilitated by malaria, influenza or other diseases. 1-7.

Local chorea histrionic spasm.7 (Inject two five drops of Fowler’s solution, diluted with equal quantity of water into the muscle.)

Paralysis agitans.7 (Use fowler’s solution hypodermically in equal amount of water, and internally)

Chorea in poorly nourished children who have been placed under too great nervous strain. 1-7. (Slowly increase to full doses. Must be given in water after meals.)

Chronic arthritis dependent upon systemic degenerative changes. The joint structures are swollen, stiff and the flexors contracted. 7. (Large doses on full stomach. Must be persisted


Malarial cachexia, chronic state, where there is impaired nutrition and lack of gastro-intestinal vigor.1.

Chronic intermittent fever burning heat; rapid prostration, torpid weakness, dropsical swellings cachexia abuse of quinine.


Tuberculosis; loss of appetite, vomiting, wasting, diarrhoea, etc. 1 (Two to four drops of Fowler’s solution every two two to four hours)

All forms of menstrual derangements due to impaired nutrition.

All forms of anaemia. Skin waxy, face puffy, muscular weakness, loss of appetite, irritability of the nervous system.1.

Chlorosis, with symptoms similar to those of anaemia.1.

Enlarges lymphatic glands. Patient pale and weak.1. (Internally in full doses, and injected directly into glands).

Obesity due to defective assimilation.1.

Diabetes of the hepatic origin, in which general debility is accompanied by a comparatively small secretion of urine.

Albuminuria dependent upon debility and impaired nutrition.9.

Psoriasis.3 (May inflame patches at first).

Pemphigus, when there is present an irritative or paralytic nerve disease. or an accompanying neuritis.7-8.

Eczema.8. (Dry and scaly).

Lichen ruber.8. (Three to five drops of Flower’s solution daily for many weeks).

Urticaria.8 (Minute doses).

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.